Business | Pexels by fauxels
Business | Pexels by fauxels
Portable Creative
Name: Portable Creative
Date: April 4, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Living Well Downtown
Contact Information:
Rachel at WCPL
Event Description:
Portable Creative is a fun, multigenerational crafting club that EVERYONE is welcome to attend! On the first and third Tuesday of every month, beginning February 7, we'll be meeting at Living Well Downtown, 35 East Market Street, at 4 pm. Bring your own supplies and your own project and get creative with us! All ages and ability levels are WELCOME to make all kinds of portable art - whether you're in middle school, high school, beyond or well beyond, you're welcome to create with us! Knitting, Cross Stitch, coloring, digital art - whatever you love to do, you are invited to bring! Coffee will be provided - childcare will not. Kids are welcome to create with us, but they MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult guardian and they'll need to bring their own project.
Original source can be found here.