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Ameren Illinois
Most recent 09/10/23 - Who contributed the most in Illinois during week ending Sept.9?
Associated Fire Fighters Of Illinois
Most recent 11/15/18 - Pritzker Budget and Government Innovation Working Committee a who's who of Madigan cronies
Catholic Conference Of Illinois
Most recent 05/16/19 - Smart Approaches to Marijuana, NAACP, other groups speak out against marijuana legalization
Cato Institute
Most recent 06/20/23 - McCluskey on the Invest in Kids Act: 'Illinois should greatly expand it, not kill it'
Center for Tax and Budget Accountability
Most recent 10/01/18 - Dabrowski: School funding formula fails to reform, will lead to tax increases
Concerned Christian Americans
Most recent 05/07/18 - School board group says LGBT education diversity bill is unnecessary