
Prairie State Wire

Friday, March 28, 2025

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority East Central Region met March 16

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority East Central Region met March 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular stated meeting of the East Central Regional Human Rights Authority (HRA) was called to order at 2:58pm on Thursday, March 16th, 2023, at the State Office Building Conference Room A, 2125 South First Street, Champaign, IL 61820.


Physically Present: Adam Casario, Jim Jones, Dan McCarthy, Sandra Dixon, LaVeda Weidner-Cravens, Ingrid Wheeler, and Paulette Brock

Absent: Janet Manning and MaCaylynn Gant

Staff: Lara Davis

Guests: None

Adam Casario stated that there was a quorum present.

Adam Casario read the confidentiality statement reminded everyone that personally identifiable information should not be presented in public meetings to protect the privacy of those persons with disabilities on whose behalf the HRA conducts investigations.




2023 mandatory trainings are available on OneNet and due by September 2023.


The January 2023 HRA Board Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Jim Jones motioned that the minutes be approved. LaVeda Weidner-Cravens seconded, and the motion carried.

New Business:

A. Ratifications:


B. New Complaints:

23-060-9006 (Psychiatric Unit): The complaint alleges the individual was not allowed to be involved in his treatment planning or treatment decisions. Allegedly, the individual was not allowed to be involved in the treatment planning process. Allegedly, the individual requested a copy of his treatment plan and was told he would have to wait to speak with his case manager on another day to request a copy. The complaint alleges the individual was clinically cleared for discharge but was not discharged. Allegedly, the individual was not involved in discharge planning. Paulette Brock made a motion to not accept the case due to lack of release. The motion was properly seconded by Sandra Dixon. Motion carried.

23-060-9009 (Hospital) The complaint alleges the individual was admitted to the hospital for three days and the physician refused to discharge the individual upon request. Allegedly, the doctor told the individual he could hold the individual and that he would be transferred to a psychiatric hospital in Chicago. Additionally, the complaint alleges the individual had 1 on 1 supervision and was not allowed to leave his room. The complaint alleges the individual requested the phone number for advocacy agencies and the hospital staff refused to provide any information or phone numbers. LaVeda Weidner-Cravens made a motion to table the complaint and wait for a release. The motion was properly seconded by Dan McCarthy. Motion carried.

23-060-9010 (Hospital Psychiatric Unit): The complaint alleges the individual was in the hospital emergency department in 2017 for a medical illness, when a doctor informed the patient, he needed to sign papers in order to be treated. Allegedly, the form the patient signed was for voluntary admission into the behavioral health unit. The complaint alleges the individual did not have mental illness or history of mental illness. Allegedly, the patient was not explained the admission process or that he was signing in voluntary for mental health treatment. In 2018 the hospital was sold and changed hands to a different Health Care System. Paulette Brock made a motion to not accept the complaint due the allegations occurring over 5 years ago and the hospital changing hands. The motion was properly seconded by LaVeda Weidner-Cravens. Motion carried.

23-060-9011 (Hospital): The complaint alleges the individual was transferred to the behavioral unit of the hospital without an explanation of what was occurring. Allegedly, the individual was not explained his rights and staff attempted to get the individual to sign voluntary admission papers. The complaint alleges the day after admission, the individual was handed the involuntary petition filled out by a physician that never met with or treated the individual. Additionally, the complaint alleges the hospital gave the individual 6 shots of medication without the consent of the individual. Adam Casario made a motion to table the complaint and wait for a release. The motion was properly seconded by Dan McCarthy. Motion carried.

23-060-9012 (CILA): The complaint states the facility failed to notify or include the guardian in the decision or plan for the individual to start a work program. Allegedly, the facility made arrangements over several months for the individual to enter into a work program, but the guardian was not involved in the arrangements. Allegedly, the guardian was only notified once the individual was accepted into the program. LaVeda Weidner-Cravens made a motion to accept the complaint. The motion was properly seconded by Sandra Dixon. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

Adam Casario made a motion to enter executive session at 3:11 pm. Pursuant to Section 120/2 (c) (4) and (10) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 20), Section 3955/10 of the Guardianship and Advocacy Act (20 ILCS 3955) and Section 110/5 of the Mental Health Development Disabilities Confidentiality Act (740 ILCS 110) the motion was seconded by Jim Jones and earned. The purpose of the closed session was to discuss confidential aspects of cases. The HRA returned to open session at 3:41pm having taken no action in closed session. Executive minutes were recorded.

A. Draft Report:

23-060-9007 - OSF Heat of Mary Hospital - Sandra Dixon motioned to approve the draft report. The motion was properly seconded by Adam Casario. Motion carried.

B. Case Closures:

22-060-9003 - OSF - Jim Jones moved to close the report and make the report apart of the public record. The Motion was properly seconded by LaVeda Weidner

Cravens. Motion carried.

C. Other Business



Paulette Brock motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was properly second by La Veda Weidner-Cravens. Motion carried

Adam Casario adjourned the meeting at 3:43pm
