Sonni Choi Williams - Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Sonni Choi Williams - Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority Springfield Region met May 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
PRESENT: James Bakunas, Abdush Shakoor, Javed Irshad, Lisa Beam, Karen Osgood, Diana Braun and Jimmie Miller.
STAFF: Jon Burnet Guests:
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Human Rights Authority, Springfield Region was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by the Springfield Region Chair James Bakunas.
It was determined that a quorum was present and that appropriate business could be conducted. Jimmie read the confidentiality statement.
Minutes: Karen moved to approve the March 26, 2024 open and closed session minutes. Lisa seconded and the motion carried.
Welcome new member Jimmie.
Ratifications for case acceptance:
Ratifications for report approval/issuance:
Ratifications for case closures:
New complaints:
24-050-9008 A patient was abruptly moved to another unit and his abundance of legal documents were confiscated; he is allowed to keep only one box. The pt. contends that this is not reasonable storage as is his right, and he would like more than one box. The HRA would like Jon to explore the situation further. Tabled at last meeting for more information. Jon met with administrative staff and patient. Patient will have access to papers but will have to ask staff to retrieve them from a storage room; he is ok with this. Jay moved to not accept this complaint for investigation. Shakoor seconded and the motion carried.
24-050-9009 A patient is prohibited from doing legal work in the gym. Gym doors are now being locked on both sides; patients will have to ring a bell and wait for staff to exit. A staff person reached Jon to complain it is a hazard. HRA would like Jon to gather more information on what standard the facility relies on to keep the ability to exit limited. Diana moved to table acceptance of the complaint pending more information. Karen seconded and the motion carried.
24-050-9010 A patient’s communication with certain peers is restricted without adequate cause mainly by one staff person. He yells at specific peers and gets in their faces when they attempt to talk to the patient; this is a restriction of their rights as well. Lisa moved to accept the complaint for investigation. Shakoor seconded and the motion carried.
At 6:27 pm, Lisa moved to enter Executive/Closed Session pursuant to the Guardianship and Advocacy Act (20 ILCS 3955/21) and the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2). Karen seconded and the motion carried. The purpose of the closed session was for discussion on any case assignments, case progress, draft reports, responses and case closures (24-050-9001, 24-050-9006). The HRA returned to the open session at 6:41 pm having taken no votes in the closed session.
Case progress:
24-050-9006 Adams Co jail. Lisa, Jay and Jon gave a summary of their meeting with the jail. They reported their satisfaction with most of the care given to the detainee with disabilities.
Reports for acceptance:
24-050-9006 Adams Co Jail. The HRA agreed to change one finding to a substantiated violation in a delay to provide a mental health referral. Diana moved to accept and issue the report with the change. Jimmie seconded and the motion carried.
Accept responses, close and publish:
24-050-9001 Packard MHC. A response was not required. Diana moved to close and publish the case. Lisa seconded and the motion carried.
Other unfinished business, announcements and comments:
The next meeting is on June 25, 2024.
Diana moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 p.m. Karen seconded, and the motion carried.