
Prairie State Wire

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Illinois State Board of Education Assessment and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee met Sept. 17 & 18

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Roger Eddy, Board Member | Olney Central College

Roger Eddy, Board Member | Olney Central College

Illinois State Board of Education Assessment and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee met Sept. 17 & 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

8:15 Coffee and light breakfast available

8:30 - 8:45 1. Welcome, June Meeting Recap, and Agenda for Current Meeting

Following welcome and introductions, we will review the June meeting summary and agenda for the current meeting.


• 01. ISBE TAC Agenda September 2024 (this document)

• 02. ISBE TAC Meeting Notes June 2024 Candidate Final

8:45 – 9:15 2. ISBE Updates

ISBE will provide relevant updates that affect TAC work.

9:15 - 10:15 3. IAR Review (closed session to ISBE, TAC, and Pearson)

Pearson will provide an overview of preliminary, uncorrected assessment results from 2024, reviewing patterns of performance by grade, content area, and student group. We will also discuss Pearson’s efforts to ensure a representative sample of students encounter embedded field test (EFT) items in light of the influence of text-to-speech availability on form-taking patterns. Pearson will provide an update on item and form development for 2025.

Focus Questions for the TAC

• What guidance and safeguards do we need to put into place to ensure that a representative sample of students are taking all EFT items?

• What do the 2024 assessment results suggest about focus areas for ISBE to explore further?

• What additional analyses should ISBE prioritize for 2024 assessment results?

• What advice does TAC have for including test to speech forms in calibration, linking, and equating?

• What recommendations does TAC have for item and form development in 2025 and beyond?


• 03. [Confidential] IL TAC Sep. 2024 - Pearson Topics. 9.17.24

10:15 - 10:30 BREAK

10:30 – 12:00 3. IAR Continued (closed session to ISBE, TAC, and Pearson)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 – 2:15 4. Unified Standard Setting

The Center will provide an update on the process and results from the Unified Standard Setting workshops.

Focus Questions for the TAC:

• What feedback does TAC have about the recommendations from the workshop, especially as they inform PLD development?

• What next steps should ISBE plan to ensure the success and technical quality of the standard-setting process?


• 04. Policy Definition Workshop - Summary of Recommendations

2:15- 2:30 Public Comment

2:30 – 2:45 Break

2:45 - 4:30 5. Standard Setting Plan (closed session to ISBE, TAC, and Pearson) Pearson will provide an overview of the standard setting plan for summer 2025. Focus Questions for the TAC

• Are the proposed plans technically defensible and consistent with established professional practice?

• How can ISBE ensure that the priorities elicited from the unified standard setting workshop are promoted in standard setting?

• What suggestions does the TAC have to prepare for and implement a successful event?


• 05. [Confidential] IAR.ISA.ACT.SS.Plan Presentation

• 06. [Confidential] Standard Setting Plan

4:30 Adjourn Day 1

Wednesday, September 18, 8:30-11:30 CDT

8:15 Coffee and light breakfast available

8:30 - 10:15 6. ACT Science

ACT will provide an overview of the science test with a focus on evidence of alignment to the IL science standards. Other priority topics include procedures for item development, form construction, scoring, reporting, and accessibility.

Focus Questions for the TAC

• What recommendations does the TAC have to ensure ISBE has strong evidence of alignment to the state’s science standards?

• What are potential concerns with peer review (e.g., accessibility, comparability, validity) and how can ISBE address these concerns?

• What refinements, improvements, or additional studies should ISBE consider and why?

• What suggestions does the TAC have regarding ongoing monitoring and documentation?

Materials TBD

10:15 – 10:30 Break

10:30– 11:15 7. TAC Planning Session

ISBE and the TAC will identify action items from the meeting and priorities for follow-up.

11:15 - 11:30 Public Comment

11:30 Adjourn Day 2
