Donald J. Dew, MSW, ACSW - Vice Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Donald J. Dew, MSW, ACSW - Vice Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority Egyptian Region met Sept. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order
A. Roll Call ‐ Determination of Quorum Present
B. Introductions by Chairperson
C. Confidentiality Statement
D. Changes in Agenda
1. Members wishing to change agenda
2. Guests wishing to speak on an agenda item
II. Minutes: Corrections/Revisions/Approval of July 2024 meeting minutes
III. Communications
IV. New Business
A. Comments from public
B. Ratifications
C. New Complaints
D. Other New Business
V. Unfinished Business
A. Case Progress Reports:
1. 24‐110‐9018 – Franklin County Jail
2. 24‐110‐9022 – Choate Mental Health
3. 24‐110‐9024 – Choate Developmental Center
4. 24‐110‐9025 – West Frankfort High School
5. 24‐110‐9026 – Choate Developmental Center
6. 25‐110‐9001 – Choate Developmental Center
7. 25‐110‐9002 ‐ Choate Mental Health
B. Draft Reports:
1. 24‐110‐9005 – Camp Little Giant
2. 24‐110‐9010 ‐ Lawrence Correctional
3. 24‐110‐9015 – Chester Mental Health
C. Closures:
1. 24‐110‐9003 – Franklin County Jail
2. 24‐110‐9011 – St. Mary’s Behavioral Health
VI. Announcements
A. Review the next meeting date and location.
B. Other announcements
C. Other business
VII. Adjournment