Donald J. Dew, MSW, ACSW - Vice Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Donald J. Dew, MSW, ACSW - Vice Chairperson | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority Northwest Region met Oct. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to order Open Session, Introductions, Confidentiality Statement
2. Approve Open and Executive Session Minutes: March 5th, April 30th, June 4th and September 10th.
3. New Business/Open Session
A. Ratifications
1. 23-080-9010 5. 24-080-9010 9. 24-080-9021 13. 24-080-9025
2. 23-080-9011 6. 24-080-9015 10. 24-080-9022 14. 24-080-9026
3. 24-080-9003 7. 24-080-9019 11. 24-080-9023 15. 24-080-9027
4. 24-080-9009 8. 24-080-9020 12. 24-080-9024 16. 24-080-9028
17. 24-080-2029 18. 24-080-9030 19. 25-080-9001 20. 25-080-9002
21. 24-080-9003
B. New Complaints
1. 25-080-9004
2. 25-080-9005
3. 25-080-9006
4. 25-080-9007
5. 25-080-9008
6. 25-080-9009
7. 25-080-9010
C. Comments from the Public
4. Closed Session
A. New Case Assignments
B. Case Progress
1. Refer to Attached Sheet
C. Draft Report Discussion – N/A
D. Response Discussion (if received)
1. 24-080-9006
2. 24-080-9007
3. 24-080-9008
4. 24-080-9009 (revised/corrected)
5. 24-080-9012
5. Return/Open Session
A. Case Progress Action
B. Draft Reports for Acceptance
C. Closure/Accept Responses/Make Available to the Public
1. 24-080-9006
2. 24-080-9007
3. 24-080-9008
4. 24-080-9009 (revised/corrected)
5. 24-080-9012
D. Comments from the Public
6. Other Business and Adjournment
Confidentiality Vote of Previous Executive Session Minutes – August 22nd and March 5th
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2025 HRA Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 4:00 P.M.
Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
4302 N. Main St., Conference Room Rockford, IL 61103