
Prairie State Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board met Oct. 11

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Theresa Eagleson, HFS Director | https://hfs.illinois.gov/about/director.html

Theresa Eagleson, HFS Director | https://hfs.illinois.gov/about/director.html

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board met Oct. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Announcements

IV. Agenda and Conflict of Interest Review

V. Approval of the Minutes

VI. PDL Drug Appeals

a. Rinvoq-Dr. Jain/NeeleshNadkarni

b. Adbry

VII. New Drug Appeals

a. Glatiramer

VIII. Drug Class Review- Jen Phillips, PharmD clinical review (with discussion and vote)

a. HIV medications-Single Tablet Regimens

IX. New Drug Initial Review-Jen Phillips, PharmD clinical review (with discussion and vote)

a. Iqirvo

b. Winrevair

c. Zoryve

X. Public Comments (please see Pharmacy | HFS (illinois.gov) for Public Speaking guidelines and Registration forms)

XI. Old and New Business

XII. Future Agenda Preview -Sheri Dolan

• D&T Advisory Board Meeting Dates 2025

XIII. Provider Requested Reviews-Sheri Dolan

a. None for this meeting

XIV. Department Update-Jose Jimenez

XV. Adjournment
