Marc D. Smith - Director, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services | Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Marc D. Smith - Director, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services | Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council met Nov. 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
9:00 Welcome/Introduction Rebecca Thomas, Chair
9:10 Meeting Norms Dr. Tiffany Johnson, Vice-Chair
9:15 Approval of Minutes Council
9:20 Welcome from Cook Region Dr. Fayette Coleman-Gill – Cook Area Administrator
9:40 Chair report Rebecca Thomas, Chair
9:55 Office of Caregiver and Parent Support Report Kim Willis
10:20 YAB Update Christina Wolken, YAB Project Manager
10:45 Break
11:00 Committee Reports:
*Grievance Dr. Bridget Couture
*Training Melissa Smith
*Foster Parent Support Specialist Arrelda Hall
*Policy & Legislation Dr. Tiffany Johnson
Carina Santa Maria
*Hospitality and Public Relations Erin Nysather-Janssens
*Respite Dr. Tiffany Johnson
*Permanency Susan McConnell
*Adolescent Issues Erin Nysather-Janssens
*Foster Parent Law Dr. Tiffany Johnson
*By-Laws Arrelda Hall
11:45 Lunch
12:45 Regional Reports:
*Northern Region Erin Nysather- Janssens
Johnnie Pentenberg
*Cook (North, Central, South) Bridgit Couture
Andreana Hill Franklin
Arrelda Hall
*Central Region John Spears
Cathy Newbury
*Southern Region Tori Beaty
Amy Keller
1:15 Implementation Plan Awards Ceremony *Director Heidi Mueller
2:30 Closing Council Discussion Council
3:00 Adjournment
Next Meeting:
Friday, January 17th, 2024; 9am – 3pm