
Prairie State Wire

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Budget Committee met Oct. 24

Webp 3

David E. Olson, PhD. - Chair | ICJIA Board | Loyola University Chicago

David E. Olson, PhD. - Chair | ICJIA Board | Loyola University Chicago

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Budget Committee met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

On October 24, 2024, the Budget Committee met at The Michael A. Bilandic Building, 160 N. LaSalle Street, Room N-505, Chicago, Illinois and at the ICJIA Offices, 524 South 2nd Street, Suite 220, Springfield, Illinois to discuss and take actions regarding:

• Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative

• Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Councils

• Safe From the Start

• Justice Assistance Grants

• Restore, Reinvest, and Renew

• Violence Against Women Act

• Victims of Crime Act

• Institute 2 Innovate

Authority members and designees present were:

Budget Committee Member Attendance 




Jason Hernandez for Cook Co. Sheriff Tom Dart


Illinois Justice Project Director Ahmadou Dramé (Budget Committee Chair)


Nicole Kramer for Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx


Dan Likens for Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly


Patricia Jjemba for Cook Co. Public Defender Sharone Mitchell Jr.


Loyola CJRPP Director David Olson (Authority Chair)


John Carroll for Attorney General Kwame Raoul


Other Authority Member Attendance




DuPage County Circuit Court Clerk Candice Adams


Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Director Keith Calloway


Scott F. Main for State Appellate Defenders Office Director James Chadd


Dr. Vickii Coffey


GRO Community Director Jerry Davis-El


State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor’s Office Director Patrick Delfino


Peoria Police Department Chief Eric Echevarria


Lake County Public Defender Keith Grant


Shelith Hansbro for Illinois Department of Corrections Acting Director Latoya Hughes


Anthony Escamilla for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Iris Martinez


Ryan Goodwin for Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Director Heidi Mueller


Senior Director of Inclusive Engagement for the University of Illinois at Chicago Kendal Parker


Ali Abid for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle


Steve Spagnolo for Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart


Fred Waller for Chicago Police Department Superintendent Larry Snelling


Dr. Janice Phillips for Illinois Dept. of Public Health Director Dr. Sameer Vohra


Also in attendance were:

ICJIA Executive Director Delrice Adams

ICJIA Program Manager Jashay Fisher-Fowler

ICJIA Program Manager Samuel Hadley

ICJIA Program Manager Shataun Hailey

ICJIA Federal & State Grant Unit Administrative Assistant Jude Lemrow ICJIA Federal & State Grants Unit Director Risé Maye

ICJIA Federal & State Grant Unit Administrative Assistant Vanessa Morris ICJIA Deputy General Counsel Scott Risolute

ICJIA Federal & State Grants Unit Director Greg Stevens ICJIA Program Director Webster Vital

ICJIA Program Manager Cydney Wessel

ICJIA Program Manager Aisha Williams

Other Authority staff members and guests were present.

1. Minutes of the August 29, 2024, Budget Committee Meeting 

The Budget Committee approved the minutes of the August 29, 2024, Budget Committee meeting.

2. Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative 

New Designations 

The Budget Committee designated $2,500,000 in FFY23 Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) funds to entities to support CVIPI programming as detailed in the table below.


Designation Approved 8-29-24 (Yr. 1)

Additional Funds (Yr. 1)

Year 2 Designation (Yr. 2)

Total Designation

New Eclipse Community Alliance





Lawndale Christian Legal Center





Roseland Ceasefire





Build, Inc.










Additional Applicants 


Year 1 

Year 2 

Total Designation

Angel Of God




Breakthrough Urban Ministries




Southwest Organizing Project








3. Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Councils 

New Notice of Funding Opportunity 

The Budget Committee approved a set-aside of $490,000 in Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Council (IFVCC) SFY26 funds to support a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to support a part-time local council coordinator for each council and coordination of committee work, training, travel, and other related activities as determined by the local council planning/steering committees. The expected period of performance for the IFVCC Implementation program will be July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Selected applicants to be presented to the ICJIA Budget Committee in late June of 2025.

4. Safe From the Start 

New Notice of Funding Opportunity 

The Budget Committee approved a set-aside of $2,868,000 in Safe From the Start (SFS) SFY26 funds to support a NOFO to support personnel and fringe, training, travel, supplies, and other related activities/expenses for programs designed to assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive and coordinated community-based models to identify, assess, and serve children, ages 0 to 5 who have been exposed to violence in their home and/or community. The expected period of performance for the SFS Implementation program will be July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Selected applicants to be presented to the ICJIA Budget Committee in late June of 2025.

5. Justice Assistance Grants 

New Notices of Funding Opportunity 

Mental Health, Substance Abuse Disorders, and Housing for Justice-Involved Persons 

The Budget Committee approved a set-aside of $1,400,000 for twelve months of programming in available JAG FFY22 funds; to issue a NOFO that will help achieve Priority 1 and 7 detailed in the Illinois Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029, which are: Priority 1: Address mental health and substance use disorders for justice-involved persons. Priority 7: Support housing needs for justice involved persons. It is anticipated that the NOFO will be released in the first quarter of 2025. Designations resulting from this NOFO will be presented at a future Budget Committee meeting.

Public Defense Services 

The Budget Committee approved a set-aside of $850,000 for twelve months of programming in available JAG FFY22 funds; to issue a NOFO that will help achieve Priority 6 detailed in the Illinois Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029, which is: Priority 6: Support public defense services. It is anticipated that the NOFO will be released in the second quarter of 2025. Designations resulting from this NOFO will be presented at a future Budget Committee meeting.

6. Restore, Reinvest, and Renew 

New Designation 

The Budget Committee designated $862, 532 in Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) SFY25 funds to Bridget to Freedom to support R3 programming in the Cook-Chicago Southern region.

7. Violence Against Women Act 

Designation Reductions 

The Budget Committee acted to reduce designations to reflect Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funds recently returned to ICJIA as described in the table below.

Designee / Program 

Reason for Lapse / Recission

FFY21 Funds

Cook County State's Attorney's Office / Sexual Assault Multi-Disciplinary Team Response

Funds unspent at performance period end.


Cook County State's Attorney's Office / Domestic Violence Multi-Disciplinary Team Response

Funds unspent at performance period end.


St. Clair County State's Attorney's Office / Domestic Violence Multi-Disciplinary Team Response

Funds unspent at performance period end.




New Designations 

The Budget Committee designated VAWA funds to support Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) programs as described in the table below.









Kankakee County Probation Department

Sexual Assault MDT


Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office

Domestic Violence MDT


Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office

Sexual Assault MDT


Peoria County State’s Attorney’s Office

Domestic Violence MDT


Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s Office

Sexual Assault MDT


St. Clair County State’s Attorney’s Office

Domestic Violence MDT






8. Victims of Crime Act 

Designation Reductions 

The Budget Committee acted to reduce designations to reflect Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds recently returned to ICJIA as described in the table below.

Designee / Program 

Reason for Lapse / 






Chicago Survivors / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Funds unspent at performance period end.


Lake County Crisis Center dba A Safe Place / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Less staff and contractual services needed than expected.


Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Personnel funds unspent.


Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Staffing issues.


Remedies Renewing Lives / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Personnel shortage.


St. Anthony Hospital / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Funds unspent at performance period end.


YWCA Evanston - North Shore / Services to Victims with Multiple Victimizations

Less contractual expenses than expected.


Lake County CASA / County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Victim Assistance

Staffing issues.


Sangamon County CASA / County Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Victim Assistance

Staffing issues.


CASA of Southwestern Illinois / County Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Victim Assistance

Staff vacancy.


Winnebago County CASA / County Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Victim Assistance

Staffing issues.





New Designations 

Court-Appointed Special Advocate Victim Assistance Program 

The Budget Committee designated $1,515,548 in FFY23 VOCA funds to support Court Appointed Special Advocate Victim Assistance Program services as described in the table below.

Agency Name 

FFY23 Amount

Advocacy Network for Children


CASA of Boone County


CASA of Cook County


CASA of DeKalb County


Every Child


CASA Kane County


CASA Lake County


CASA of McLean County


CASA of River Valley


CASA of Sangamon County


CASA of Southwestern Illinois


CASA of Winnebago County




Law Enforcement/Prosecution Victim Assistance Services Program 

The Budget Committee designated $1,707,752 in FFY23 VOCA funds to support Law Enforcement/Prosecution Victim Assistance Services Program services as described in the table below.

Agency Name 

FFY23 Amount

Cook County State's Attorney's Office


Franklin County State’s Attorney’s Office


Kankakee County State's Attorney's Office


Lake County State's Attorney's Office


McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office


City of Rolling Meadows Police Department


St. Clair County States Attorney


Village of Wheeling Police Department


Williamson County State's Attorney


Winnebago County State’s Attorney’s Office




Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Program 

The Budget Committee designated $750,000 in FFY23 VOCA funds to support Services for Victims of Human Trafficking as described in the table below.

Agency Name 

FFY23 Amount

Chicago Children's Advocacy Center


Heartland Human Care Services


Life Span


Remedies Renewing Lives




Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Program 

The Budget Committee designated $121,071 in FFY23 VOCA funds to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office to serve as an Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) bridge grant for staffing related to a mass violence incident in Highland Park on July 4, 2022. Funding will cover cost for a victim services specialist and a social worker, as well as supplies for a six-month grant period. This will allow the agency to begin working with victims prior to the AEAP grant award.

9. Institute 2 Innovate 

The Budget Committee approved a set-aside of $2,500,000 in SFY25 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds; to issue a NOFO to support the Government Alliance for Safe Communities (GASC) Capacity Building Network for Community Safety program. The

GASC Capacity Building Network for Community Safety will serve as a centralized hub for community-based organizations, providing tailored technical assistance, training, and capacity-building services. The anticipated program performance period will be January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, with potential extensions contingent on performance and available funds.

Under the Authority’s administrative rules, members shall be notified of all motions passed by a particular committee within 5 business days of any committee meeting, or prior to the next meeting of that committee, or before the next meeting of the Authority, whichever is sooner. Within 10 business days of this notice, a special meeting may be convened upon the request of 5 Authority members to discuss any action taken by a committee and to supersede the action. 2 Ill. Admin. Code 1750.340(i).
