
Prairie State Wire

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Illinois Department of Human Services State Rehabilitation Council met Nov. 13

Webp 18

Dulce Quintero - IDHS Secretary | LinkedIn

Dulce Quintero - IDHS Secretary | LinkedIn

Illinois Department of Human Services State Rehabilitation Council met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Present In-Person: LaDonna Henson, Jonathan Becker, Megan Mutti, Erin Compton, Nakia Douglas, Rahnee Patrick, Andy Losasso, Kelsey Thompson, Jackie Sundquist, Robyn Lewis, Erik Hansen, Andrew R. Webb, Karrie Pece, Allyson Fox-Crump

Present Online: Calvette Brown, Christopher Garcia, Kristin Wagner, Megan Sorey, Sarah Maass, Shakira Pleasant, Shamarqus Odimayo, Sharon Howerton, Teresa Rodriguez, John D. Hill, Kimberly Pinckney,

Support: Aime’e Julian, Coryn Barger, Antonio Gomez

Call to order and Introductions.

SRC Chair, Kelsey Thompson, welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 9:09 am.

Ms. Thompson asked that individuals introduce themselves by name before speaking and that acronyms be avoided. Additionally, Ms. Thompson asked that the term “Individuals/People with disabilities” be used throughout the meeting.

Approval of Agenda and Minutes

An in-person quorum was determined to be present. Ms. Thompson called for a motion to approve the June SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. Jackie Sundquist made a motion to approve the June SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. Megan Mutti seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted in the affirmative. The June 2024, SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes stand approved as presented.

An in-person quorum was determined to be present. Ms. Thompson called for a motion to approve the September 2024, SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. LaDonna Henson made a motion to approve the September 2024, SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes as presented. Ms. Shakira Pleasant seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted in the affirmative. The September 2024, SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes stand approved as presented.

Ms. Robyn Lewis noted that not everyone has access to the Teams Drive and asked that all documents be made available via email. Dr. Aime’e Julian noted that she and her staff will send all necessary documents via email as well as posting them to the Teams Drive and WorkNet.

Learning From Leadership

Director Rahnee Patrick thanked the SRC for asking Mr. Jonathan Becker to attend the Vocation Rehabilitation Conference in Seattle as a representative of the Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Council. Director Patrick noted that during the conference, they learned about the value composition of Vocation Rehabilitation. There was an emphasis on artificial intelligence (AI), noting that she has spoken to staff about using AI for assistive technology. Director Patrick has met with the California VR Director, Mr. Joe Xavier, to discuss how to become more comfortable with the new topic.

-RSA Monitoring

Director Patrick noted that Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Monitoring falls under the Department of Education. Additionally, Director Patrick noted that RSA sent out staff to review their program for the first time since 2011. The RSA findings are unknown at present. Director Patrick noted that the trend for reports on monitoring has historically been 8 months, however, Director Patrick and her staff are currently working on verbally expressed concerns.

• Third-party cooperative arrangements are not ideal for Illinois to use.

• The state-wideness of programming is also a current issue as there are two counties where documentation is incomplete.

Director Patrick thanked Kristen Wagner and her team for helping her team to meet compliance.

Ms. LaDonna Henson asked if extra general revenue would be needed. Director Patrick noted that she has already completed a proposal to the Government office of management and budget, noting that a maintenance budget will be necessary this year.

Ms. Henson asked for clarification on a possible timeline. Director Patrick noted that an additional 9 million in funding will be necessary and that it could likely take two years.

Mr. Andy LoSasso noted an upcoming meeting with VR Technical Assistance, noting that the Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Council has multiple partners who are expressing frustration with uncertain timelines.

Ms. Kristin Wagner noted that TCRS is working with Mr. Erik Hanson in the field to create additional opportunities as well as looking to utilize some of the programs and assistance that are in place to connect to students who live in counties that are not currently being served. Additionally, Ms. Wagner noted that there are DRS offices in the field that have previously been reported as inactive and are currently providing services. Previous reports of inactivity are due to miscommunication.

Mr. Andy LoSasso noted that on RSA’s website, adjusted totals for fiscal year 2024 can be found. These totals qualify them for additional funding, specifically a $12 Million expansion.

Ms. Henson asked how the legislators feel about providing additional funding. Director Patrick stated that this issue is not currently on their radar. Ms. Thompson offered SRC support if necessary.

-CAP Issues

Director Patrick stated that she has asked for peer-to-peer support from Director Xavier on how to navigate the guidelines submitted regarding the Client Assistance Program (CAP). They are currently working on specific dates.

Ms. Henson asked Director Patrick if anything could be done to help the response time from DRS Attorneys as well as quality of services. Director Patrick noted that this is the purpose of the meeting that she will have with the VR Director of California.

• Mr. Christopher Garcia provided clarification on the process, noting that once the DHS Attorney representing DRS reaches out to his staff and asks them to cease communication, they are legally required to step away. This leads to a longer waiting period.

• Additionally, Mr. Garcia noted that they are currently waiting on a response regarding the communication protocol that was introduced in July of 2023.

• SRC Chair Kelsey Thompson noted that the SRC Executive Committee has spoken about this issue. The committee has expressed concern with response times and would like to advocate for developing better practices.

Ms. Shakira Pleasant, a previous agency council for DCRSA, suggested that Director Patrick reach out to Mr. Andrew Reese in Washington, D.C. for insight.

Ms. Henson asked if there have been similar issues in the past or if this is a new concern. Director Patrick stated that she believes that it is a new issue.

Ms. Shakira Pleasant suggested that with respect to implementing the regulations and ensuring that clients are being served as regulations require, she believes that lawyers have stepped into the role because they have previous training regarding interpreting regulations effectively.

Mr. John Becker asked if there is currently a way to track outcomes.

- Resolution of cases in terms of time period

- Number of cases managed in the past vs. Current cases

Director Patrick noted that RSA does require reports to be made by CAP.

Mr. Christopher Garcia offered to prepare a report reflecting the aforementioned points if necessary. Additionally, he expressed concern with the slow response time from DRS Lawyers due to direction from DHS, asking what the reason behind the longer waiting time could be.

• Ms. Robyn Lewis asked Mr. Garcia how many cases are currently awaiting responses from DRS Lawyers.

• Ms. Megan Sorey estimated that there are 10 or more cases with appeals and offered to investigate further for specific numbers.

Ms. Pleasant asked that either Mr. Garcia or. Ms. Sorey include specific concerns where there are current appeals when they share the CAP report.

- Mr. Garcia asked Ms. Pleasant to contact him regarding possible collaboration on resolving these  issues.

Mr. Andrew Webb asked how many attorneys are currently within DRS Legal who are equipped to handle these issues. Mr. LoSasso noted that CAP duties have been always spread amongst no less than three Attorneys.

- Illinois Work and Wellbeing Model

SRC Chair, Ms. Kelsey Thompson noted the presentation on the Illinois Work and Wellbeing Model given by Professor Strauser at the previous SRC Quarterly meeting.

• Ms. Robyn Lewis suggested that the Executive Committee collaborate with Dr. Strauser to discuss the next steps.

Chief Director, Mr. Andy LoSasso, stated that since September, there have been multiple management moves. Mr. LoSasso specifically noted the promotion of Assistant Bureau Chief for Blind Services, Heather Speth.

Additionally, Mr. LoSasso noted that Ms. Teresa Rodriguez and her bureau have joined with Vocational Rehabilitation in collaborative efforts.

Regarding the State Rehabilitation Council and its reach, Mr. LoSasso noted that the Illinois Center for Rehabilitation and Education on Roosevelt Road received its accreditation from COGNIA in September. Mr. Losasso stated that the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired is currently going through the same process.

Executive Committee Confirmation

Ms. Kelsey Thompson noted that Mr. David Friedman’s term as Vice Chair of the Executive Committee came to an end over the summer.

Additionally, Ms. Thompson noted that Ms. Alici McNeil is in a new role with the state and will no longer be serving on the Executive Committee. Ms. McNeil will remain involved with the SRC.

Ms. Thompson noted several members who have accepted positions on the Executive Committee.

• Ms. Megan Moody- Vice Chair

• Mr. Jonathan Becker- Member at Large Position

• Mr. John Hill - Fiscal Officer Position

• Ms. LaDonna Henson – Secretary

Ms. Kelsey Thompson called for a motion to approve the Executive Committee roles as presented. Ms. Jackie Sundquist made a motion to approve. Ms. Erin Compton seconded the motion. All members present voted in the affirmative. The motion carries. The SRC Executive Committee positions stand approved as presented.

Ms. Thompson noted that her term as SRC Chair will come to an end in June of 2025.

Policy Update

- What are the initiatives that are in the pipeline:

Ms. Robyn Lewis, Policy Advisor for the Division of Rehabilitation, noted several rule changes that have been adopted. Most notably, changes to the services that are now exempt from financial analysis. Several were added to the list, including – Rehab Tech, Training and Related Services, Personal Assistance Services, Costs Related to Evaluation and Assessment (to include room, board, and transportation,) and Disability Related Skills Training.

Additionally, Ms. Lewis noted that the Division of Rehabilitation has approved a comprehensive transition in post-secondary programs for Vocational Rehabilitation sponsorship. These programs support students with intellectual disabilities who are seeking to continue academic, career, technical, and independent living instruction at an institution of higher education. Ms. Lewis noted that to become CTE certified, each program must apply to the Department of Education to qualify for federal student aid.

Programs in Illinois:

- Blackburn and Beyond at Blackburn University

- PACE at National Lewis University - After 22 at Richard Daily College - Rise at Judson University

- Elmhurst Learning and Succes

Academy at Elmhurst University

- The Supported College Transition at Lewis and Clark Community College - Rays at Rock Valley College

Ms. Lewis noted that they are open to students attending out-of-state programs. Each program will be properly vetted, and steps will be taken to support the student/customer

Ms. Lewis noted that the Department of Rehabilitation has had some discussion with the Illinois Developmental Disabilities Council regarding the development of plain language materials to spread the word about college opportunities for all customers, particularly those with developmental disabilities.

- SWTCIE Update:

Ms. Lewis stated that the pilot year is now complete, noting that they have learned how the agencies interface with DRS, the community, and other providers that can support their customers as they transition from sub-minimum wage to competitive employment. The Department of Rehabilitation will take those lessons and create an individual plan with each of the agencies tailored to their needs and will provide technical assistance that is specific to those needs.

Additionally, at the end of October, a statewide workgroup assembled with DRS counselors, supervisors, and business consultants as well as benefits planner, educators, and representatives from Developmental Disabilities. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues and develop best practices and a guide for how to work with customers with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Lewis hopes to have a best practice guide by March 2025. The University of Illinois will go a step further by making webinars and other tools available. Ms. Lewis stated that she would like to have representatives from the State Board of Education, ISC (Independent Service Coordination Agency), and the SRC involved in these efforts.

• The workgroup plans to have multiple virtual meetings between now an March of 2025.

• The next in-person meeting will be in January.

• The workgroup is hoping to have a guide drafted by March.

Mr. John Becker asked about the number of individuals transitioning. Ms. Lewis stated that they have a general number of 3,500 (reported), noting that the Department of Rehabilitation is currently looking to find a more unified way to collect data.

Mr. John Becker asked Ms. Lewis about feedback from the SWITCIE participants/agencies. Ms. Lewis stated that the biggest takeaways were (1) a need for better data collection and reporting, (2) issues with contract utilization/maximizing the use of state funding available through DRS and Developmental Disabilities to support customers and provide continuity of care from one agency to the next, and (3) workforce capacity in terms of staffing and turnover.

DRS Bureau Liaison Reports

Bureau of Customer & Community Services (BCCS)

Mr. Erik Hanson noted the ongoing focus on removing financial barriers to training regarding field services.

Mr. Hanson also noted the Transition Conference in Springfield, stating that he was able to present.

BCCS’s Internal Computer System

(WEB CM) is being improved to streamline the services offered. BCCS has also been working to simplify their referral process. Specifically, the need for social security and referral has been removed.

Mr. Hanson welcomed Mr. Andrew

Webb and thanked him for his assistance, noting that Blind Services is very hands-on with the field offices and has been very helpful.

Mr. Andrew Webb introduced himself to the group and thanked the Bureau for their support.

Ms. Kristen Wagner stated that they are planning the 2025 Transition Conference.

Ms. Wagner highlighted the micro sessions that began in July: Micro Sessions occur monthly and cover adult provider-related and transition related topics.

Ms. Wagner stated that a new advisor will be starting in Rockford on Monday. Additionally, there is a posting up for a new location in Elgin. Lastly, the position in Chicago at Monroe is posted and should be filled quickly, as it has in the past.

Mr. Erik Hanson announced that he will be stepping down from his position as the Field Services Bureau Chief and will be moving to a new position at the Home Services Program Central Office. The interim replacement for the Field Services Bureau Chief position has been identified and will be announced upon confirmation.

Bureau of Support Services (BSS)

Mr. Shawn Henderlighter, the acting Chief Budget Officer for DRS, noted budget increases in Home Services as well as “paper increases” in VR lines.

Mr. Henderlighter stated that DRS VR was granted$12 million in reallotment for the FFY ‘2024 Federal Award.

In terms of upcoming activities, Mr. Henderlighter noted that the Bureau of Support Services is currently down 5 out of 14 staff. Mr. Henderlighter and his remaining staff are working to keep payments moving but noted that there will likely be delays due to understaffing.

Regarding the DRS visit, the Bureau of Support Services is anticipating changes to some contracts.

Mr. John Becker asked if this would mean reductions in contracts. Mr. Henderlighter stated that STEP contracts would need to be adjusted based on RSA guidance.

Bureau of Engagement & Support Services (BESS)

Mr. Louis Hamer was not present. The report is provided in the notes.

Ms. Teresa Rodriguez introduced herself to the group.

Bureau of Planning & Strategic Management (BPMS)

Ms. Sybil Nash was unable to attend.

Ms. Kelsey Thompson asked about plans for a meeting in January to discuss the needs assessment and satisfaction survey, specifically asking how the SRC can assist. Ms. Robyn Lewis offered to send Ms. Thompson the invitation to that meeting.

Additionally, Ms. Lewis noted that she is looking for opportunities for the SRC to be more involved.

Blind Services Planning Council (BSPC)

Ms. Sharon Howerton stated that there has been a lot of activity regarding staffing shortages in Blind Services and the Bureau Chief appointment, noting that the Blind Services Planning Council is currently looking to improve Blind Services through recommendations.

The Blind Services Planning Council will meet again on December 6 and will begin the process of asking for help from the

Governor’s office to appoint more staff.

Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

Ms. Robyn Lewis noted that Ms. Grace Tsao was unable to attend due to a conflict. She opened the floor for comments and questions regarding Ms. Tsao’s report. There were none.

Equip for Equality (CAP)

Mr. Cristopher Garcia expressed concern regarding Mr. Hanson stepping down from VR Services, noting that he has been helpful in the past.

Mr. Garcia noted that CAP was invited to new counselor training for DRS and stated that he believed that this would be a great opportunity for them to resolve issues before they arise.

Ms. Megan Sorey highlighted CAP involvement in a DRS workgroup whose goal is to expand access to VR Services for court involved individuals, noting that it has been wonderful to see the group grow and reach that underserved population. Additionally, Ms. Sorey noted that CAP has been working with DRS to create a survey for field staff to identify if field staff presently have contact with individuals who serve this population for the purpose of creating materials for court involved youth.

Lunch on Your Own

DRS Data Report

Ms. Shamarqus Odimayo gave the DRS Data Report to the group, noting that DRS is consistently meeting their goal of 90 days between referral submission and rehab plan confirmation.

- Rehab Closures: 1,089 year-to-date. - Non-Rehab Closures: 1,152 year-to date.

- Close from Application: 402

- Top 3 Categories of Job/Family

Employers: Food preparation and serving occupations, transportation and material moving occupations, office and administrative support occupations.

- Top 3 Employers for VR Program: Walmart, McDonalds, and Jewel

- Statewide Wages: Average is $17.02 - Visual impairment currently has the highest average wage, standing at $27.55.

- The lowest wage is currently alcohol and substance abuse, which is standing at $15.17.

- Specifying by race, Black/African American has the highest average wage at $17.82.

- The lowest average wage specified by race is currently Pacific Island/Native/Hawaiian is $14.00.

Ms. Odimayo noted that in September DRS had a total of 2,172 referrals. The top 2 referral sources were the Educational Institution (1,867), and Self Referrals (1,434).

Regarding closure reasons, Ms. Odimayo noted that losing contact/client moved stands as the main reason for closure, second only to successful rehab. Refusal of services is the third reason for closure, currently sitting at 805.

Ms. Thompson asked for further clarification on “All Other Reasons” (630), noting the substantial number of closures that remain unspecified. Ms. Odimayo stated that DRS currently has 3 staff members tasked with data collection and analysis. Ms. Odimayo offered to continue working with her data analysis team to distinguish specific reasoning for closures within this subgroup and will report back to Ms. Thompson at a later date.

Ms. Robyn Lewis noted that the Quality Assurance Team has been looking into the specific reasons for “All Other Closures” and providing recommendations for improvement.

Ms. LaDonna Henson asked if follow-up is conducted for those who refused services or have lost contact, noting that the Needs Assessment highlighted customer comments regarding a lack of/poor communication on behalf of DRS. Ms. Robyn Lewis stated that modernization will be the main way to break down certain barriers. Additionally, Ms. Lewis noted that many of the contributing factors are out of DRS control.

Committee Updates

SRC Chair, Ms. Kelsey Thompson stated for the record her expectations for SRC members.

- All members should serve on a committee

- There should be at least one meeting between quarterly meetings.

- The Executive Committee chair, vice chair, member-at-large, and secretary should meet monthly to address SRC business between meetings.

- Operations committee – all officers as well as standing committee chairs.

1. Develop overall management plan for SRC

2. Develop goals and priorities for SRC.

3. Appropriate level of resources needed to complete tasks.

4. Develop policies and procedures manuals.

5. Review and submit regulations for updates to Bylaws (last updated summer 2022).

Mr. David Friedman noted that he completed a review earlier this calendar year and determined that while they were in good shape, a periodic review would be good practice.


Dr. Aimee Julian presented the IWIB Strategic Planning process.

• Webinar this morning, 11/13, for public comment, recording available • IWIB engaged in strategic planning for 9-10 months

• Vision, mission, position and values drafted

• Current plan 2025-2030

• All committees/workgroups to be shifted to work towards this new strategic planning

• June IWIB Member retreat

• September Draft plan presented

• December will see a full final draft to be presented to board

• 25 new members were added this year to IWI

Dr. Julian noted what the board wants from an IWIB Strategic Plan

• Concise

• Capture


• Key roles (connector, convenor, conductor)

• Visual/graphic elements

Dir. Rahnee Patrick noted that she was asked as T4 rep to have input. She ensured that T4’s interests were heard.

The Dec. 2nd Executive Committee meeting will be the final review of the draft strategic plan.


Ms. Kelsey Thompson stated that in the past, the SRC has set aside a full day in addition to normal meetings to work on the SRC strategic plan and asked if those present would want to use the Spring meeting for that purpose.

The Bureau of Planning and Strategic Management (BPMS) will have a meeting in which we want SRC to be involved

Ms. LaDonna Henson stated that in her opinion, the needs assessment should be a starting place for discussion.

Ms. Kelsey Thompson stated that she would send out the needs assessment to members

Dr. Julian stated that ICSPS can put it on the website as well.

Ms. Robyn Lewis agreed and asked that the PowerPoint with a high-level overview be included, noting that she would also be willing to do a side-by-side incorporating recommendations from the needs assessment and show how that aligns with SRC goals.


• Focus on recruitment

• Reviews current membership to see gaps and fill them

• Ensures SRC diversity (geography, age, disability, race)

• Interview new candidates to SRC

• Onboarding new members

• Keeping members engaged and informed of any training opportunities • Overseeing policy manual

• Chaired by Erin Compton

Discussion Ms. Erin Compton stated that she would like to start a mentoring program for the youth representative for the SRC.

SRC Chair, Ms. Kelsey Tompson asked what engagement would look like.

• More screening

• More interviewing

• Get a more defined process for how we onboard people

For those who are new, what are your thoughts?

• Ms. Pece indicated that the paperwork was smooth, but that she would like a “who is who” document along with a document of pertinent policy to read.

• Ms. Mutti indicated that a mentorship program should be established. Ms. Thompson agreed

• Mr. Becker asked for a sheet of acronyms and expectations.

• Ms. Thompson indicated that all new members should have a call with a member of the Executive Committee and one from Member Engagement. • Ms. Henson indicated that there is a list of acronyms in an old policy manual.

Member Engagement members

• Earl Jordan

• Erin Compton

• Grace Hou

• Nakia Douglas

Mr. Gomez asked for further clarification regarding Ms. Douglas’ status as a member.


The BSPC and IWIB positions are currently missing.

Ms. Compton asked to be included in the interview process. Ms. Thompson will set up a meeting with Ms. Compton and other engagement committee members to go through the details of what this new process will look for, so that responsibilities can be delegated.

Keeping the council abreast of training opportunities NCSRC (National Coalition of State Rehab Councils).

- Ms. Thompson asked if all members had taken the training. The response was mixed with a predominant lean towards “no.”

- Dir. Patrick indicated that it should be part of the onboarding process

- Ms. Thompson indicated that there are 5 positions within Business and Industry. Since Alici McNeal has been shifted to this sector, it is now at capacity, which means that there will be some shifting needed.

- Ms. Lewis asked where Compton is categorized. The statute does not “specifically” state that youth must be present, and she’s currently been in “advocacy”. Her placement was undetermined. The Exec Committee will take a closer look.

- Ms. Thompson indicated that members should be added from Southern IL and the IWIB.

- Director Patrick indicated that her reach-out to Kevin Irvine from the IWIB is in progress.


• Monitor state and federal legislation that will have an effect on individuals with disabilities, including budgets.

• Make recommendations on budgets

• Review changes on policies

• Prepare responses on behalf of SRC

• Provide training on advocacy

A Co-Chair is needed.


Ms. Shakira Pleasant stated that she forgot that she was co-chair because Ms. Alici McNeil did such a good job, noting that if the charge is for the committee to have a meeting that she would lead that until a co chair is appointed. Ms. Pleasant agreed to speak to the committee to discuss the next steps. Additionally, she noted that the committee needs to figure out how to keep a handle on new policies and hopes to have enough time to send updates to the SRC.

Policy and Legislative Members

• Megan Mutti

• Shakira Pleasant

• Jackie Sundquist

• Alici McNeal

• LaDonna Henson

New members were asked to join committees:

- Ms. Fox-Crump – Member Engagement - Ms. Pece – Member Engagement

- Mr. Garcia – Policy and Legislation

Ms. Thompson asked for a volunteer to co chair the Policy and Legislative Committee. There were none.

Director Patrick added to Ms. Pleasant that, as the former policy chair for SRC, she found out that by March everything is already taken to vote by General Assembly (GA). Action needs to take place before then.

Ms. Shakira Pleasant will investigate committee action in December or January.

NCRSC Conference Update

Mr. John Becker attended on behalf of SRC on October 19-20 in Seattle:

• They are a state resource for State Rehab Committees

• They are a customer voice for State Plan and provide support

• 70 people representing 11 states attended

• Danté Allen is the current RSA admin head

- Several things stuck out with Mr. Becker:

• Out of 70 attendees, 3 were providers, majority were State VR depts.

• Arkansas is an example of best practices SRC-wise

- Takeaways

• Illinois is fortunate because there are states that don’t provide full match for RSA money, so there are waiting lists. In Utah, services are not considered a priority.

• 14C going away, which means increased wait times for customers.

• TX has a model where you can’t work for a CRP provider as a job coach unless you go through university training.

• Montana was given a rate decrease.

• In TX, there are huge areas that aren’t served, much like in IL.

• There is great concern regarding AI and the jobs it would eliminate for customers.

Mr. Becker opened the floor for questions.

- Ms. Thompson said that CSAVR and NCRSC are good email updates to be subscribed to.

- Ms. Fox-Crump asked if it wouldn’t be beneficial to have more SRC members attend.

- Ms. Henson indicated that the NCRSC has meetings that members can attend.

2025 Meeting Schedule Discussion


• March 19

• Half-Day of Strategic Planning; half day of Reports (reports must be brief) • Springfield

• State House Inn could be a possible venue


• June 11

• Ms. Henson’s facility in Carbondale was recommended as the venue. She indicated, however, that it is not near public transportation. There is, however, a hotel near the train station: House to Home.

• The group may look into a shuttle service.


• Tuesday 9/9

• Rockford was chosen as the meeting place as there are a lot of business representatives who could be invited November

• November 19

• Effingham

• SRC will look for hotels near public transportation.

Public Comment

SRC Chair Kelsey Thompson called for public comment. There was none.


SRC Chair Kelsey Thompson called for a motion to adjourn the November 13, 2024, Winter Quarterly SRC Meeting. Mr. John Becker made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Karrie Pece seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 2:42 pm.
