Donna Leak, PhD, Vice Chair | Linkedin
Donna Leak, PhD, Vice Chair | Linkedin
Illinois State Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole met Nov. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
Chair Dr. Patricia Nugent brought the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with six members attending in person. State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders also was in attendance. Laura Gonzalez arrived after roll call was taken at 9:10 a.m.
Members Present
Committee Chair Dr. Patricia Nugent
Dr. Steven Isoye
Dr. Donna Leak
Dr. Christine Benson
Dr. Sherly Chavarria
Roger Eddy
Laura Gonzalez (arrived at 9:10 a.m.)
Members Absent
Dr. James Anderson
Dr. Anna Grassellino
Staff Present
Dr. Tony Sanders, State Superintendent
Jo Ireland, Board Services Coordinator
Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent
Isabel Schoeman, Special Assistant to the State Superintendent
Kristen Kennedy, Chief Legal Officer
Dr. Kimako Patterson, Chief of Staff
Dr. Matt Seaton, Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Jason Helfer, Chief Education Officer – Instruction (virtual)
Jennifer Saba, Chief Education Officer – Operations
Tassi Maton, Chief Internal Audit Officer
Melissa Oller, Chief Operating Officer
Edobor Efam, Chief Information Officer
Irma Snopek, Chief Policy & Communications Officer
Ann Whalen, Chief Advisor to Early Childhood Transition
Dr. Nikki Combs, Director of School/District Improvement
Dr. Tiffany Burnett, Executive Director of Safe & Healthy Climate
Joyce Gronewold, Executive Director of Specialized Instruction
Dr. Christine Paxson, Executive Director of Improvement & Innovation
Rae Clementz, Data, Accountability & Assessment
David Turovetz, Director of Charter Schools
Nick Heckel, Supervisor of School/District Improvement
Milton Leathers, Director of Accountability
Tom Bazan, Director of Budget & Financial Management
Dr. Ronda Dawson, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
Dr. Nakia Douglas, Director of Special Education
Twyla Bennett, Assistant Director of Special Education
2. Public Participation
There was no public participation.
3. Approval of Minutes: Oct. 15, 2024
Dr. Chavarria moved that the Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole hereby approves the Nov. 21, 2024, meeting minutes. Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.
4. Discussion & Approval | Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of the 1003 School Improvement Grants
Director of School/District Improvement Dr. Nikki Combs discussed this item.
Mr. Eddy asked if there is common action taken by schools that have shown improvement using these funds in the past. Dr. Combs replied that her team is currently working on an evaluation report that summarizes evidence-based practices used by schools last year and it is hoping to be able to share that within the next month or so. Mr. Eddy expressed his appreciation and said he expects that data will help further the impact of the grant money.
5. Upcoming December Board Action Items
A. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval to Release and Award a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)/Request for Proposals (RFP)for McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Grant Program-- Lead Area Liaisons
Executive Director of Safe and Healthy Climate Dr. Tiffany Burnett discussed this item.
Dr. Leak expressed her appreciation for the provision of a map of program areas in the Board memo. There was no other discussion.
B. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval to Release and Award an FY 2026 Early Childhood Block Grant NOFO/RFP for Prevention Initiative 0-3, Preschool for All 3-5, and Preschool for All Expansion Years 3-5
Executive Director of Specialized Instruction Joyce Gronewold discussed this item.
Mr. Eddy clarified with Ms. Gronewold that addressing preschool deserts is up for consideration as NOFO/RFP priority in FY 2026 but that we are not yet certain if it will be a priority. Ms. Gronewold replied that ISBE is working with Afton Partners to aggregate data to create the FY 2026 priority list and identify preschool deserts in alignment with Smart Start Illinois. Mr. Eddy asked Ms. Gronewold to speak to the efforts to increase wages within some of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) programs at work. Ms. Gronewold said that IDHS is working with Smart Start Illinois to provide workforce grants and home visiting. Mr. Eddy asked if those would be considerations for future prioritization of funding into FY 2026, and Ms. Gronewold said this is correct.
Mr. Eddy then asked if, given the fact that 37% of the block grant goes to the city of Chicago, does the city of Chicago serve 37% of the age population covered by the grant? Ms. Gronewold replied that she does not know how the percentage was calculated. Mr. Eddy asked how ISBE arrived at that percentage, and Dr. Sanders said it was a statutory rule. Mr. Eddy wondered if the 37% figure was still an accurate designation for the city of Chicago in FY 2026 and Chicago’s relative share of the early childhood population, as well as if there is a provision in the statute to adjust the percentage to be consistent with the age demographics of the city’s residents. Dr. Sanders stated his understanding that the percentage has not changed since ISBE implemented Evidence-Based Funding but that he does not know whether the agency has the data to determine the consistency of the percentage. Mr. Eddy suggested ISBE revisit the percentage at some point in time to ensure the Board is continuing to fund districts at the correct ratio. Dr. Sanders suggested that as ISBE continues the transition to a new state early childhood agency, ISBE can pose that question to one of our partners or groups we have worked with to do forecasting.
Dr. Chavarria expressed appreciation for the attention to providing technical support to applicants so that there are fewer barriers to access to these funds.
6. Internal Audit Updates
Chief Internal Audit Officer Tassi Maton led discussion. She stated she had no significant updates with regards to external audits. She detailed that the FY 2023 Statewide Single Audit is continuing, and she has no information on a conclusion time. She added that the FY 2024 Statewide Single Audit, FY 2024 Financial Audit, and FY 2023/24 Compliance Examination are progressing as well. Ms. Maton expressed her hope to provide more information at next month’s committee meeting.
7. New Business: Items for the Next Agenda
There were no new items for the next agenda.
8. Next Meeting: Dec. 17, 2024
Chair Nugent reminded the Board that the next Finance and Audit Committee Meeting of the Whole will take place at 2 p.m. on December 17, 2024, in Springfield.
9. Adjourn
Mr. Eddy moved to adjourn. Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote. Chair Nugent adjourned the committee at 9:26 a.m.