Gov. J.B. Pritzker | File photo
Gov. J.B. Pritzker | File photo
Gov. J.B. Pritzker is ignoring calls to remove a constitutional amendment from the November ballot that would replace Illinois' flat income tax rate with graduated tax rates.
According to Real Clear Politics, the governor's response was, "This is not a time for politics."
If it passes, the amendment would would have a major impact on businesses and job creators. Illinois would have the second-highest corporate income tax rate in the country.
Over the years, residents of Illinois have experienced regulation, high taxes and excessive government spending. As a result, taxpayers are leaving for other states, economic growth is slow and the pension system is in a precarious position.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state's Rainy Day Fund had only $1.19 million in it. Estimates so far show that the coronavirus will cost the state more than $8 billion, or 20% of the state budget.
Critics say Pritzker will be remembered for seeking to raise taxes during a global pandemic.