Illinois State Board of Education Policy Planning Committee Met Feb. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Susie Morrison brought the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with two members. Chairperson Morrison made the declaration, “An in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of a disaster. Physical presence for the meeting is unfeasible due to the disaster.” All attendees joined via phone. She verified that each member could hear one another and follow the discussion, and that they were able to testify.
Committee Members Present
Chairperson Susie Morrison
Jackie Robbins
Staff Present
Dr. Carmen I. Ayala, State Superintendent
Kirsten Parr, Board Services Coordinator
Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent
Rae Clementz, Director of Accountability
Amanda Elliott, Executive Director of Legislative Affairs
Dr. Annie Brooks-Pearl, Executive Director of Regulatory Services
Barbara Thomas, Director of Research
Dr. Brenda Dixon, Research and Evaluation Officer
Dr. Christine Paxon, Director of ESSA/IL-EMPOWER
Dr. Dana Kinley, Executive Director of Systems of Support
Emily Fox, Director of Educator Effectiveness
Dr. Erica Thieman, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Ernesto Matias, Education Officer
Irma Snopek, Policy and Communications Officer
Dr. Jason Helfer, Deputy Instructional Education Officer
Jeff Aranowski, Executive Director of Safe and Healthy Climate
Dr. Jennifer Kirmes, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning
Jeremy Mehochko, Director of Project Management
Joanne Clyde, Director of Multilingual
Krish Mohip, Deputy Operational Education Officer
Mark Haller, Director of Nutrition
Martin McGreal, Director of District/School Leadership
Oriana Wilson, Executive Director of Programs
Robert Wolfe, Financial Officer
Trisha Olson, Legal Officer
William Witkowsky, Director of Information Systems
II. Public Participation
Kip Pygman, director of the Illinois Virtual School (IVS), read a letter from an administrator of one its school partners, attesting to the utility of IVS. He explained challenges IVS has faced due to budget cuts and the pandemic and asked that the Board discuss and recognized the value of the virtual school to communities across the state.
Chair Morrison asked if IVS is still one of the vendors in the course catalog. The answer was yes. She asked what the participation rate is in comparison to other years. Mr. Pygman said that enrollment has grown 100-150% since the start of the pandemic. Registration had to be shut down when their resources reached maximum capacity. Chair Morrison asked how many schools had to be turned away. The answer was about a dozen.
Elizabeth Slezak, a private citizen, asked if and when the Board would be bringing all students back into the classroom full time. Chair Morrison and Dr. Ayala explained that this decision is made locally, as all regions of Illinois have different needs. Ms. Slezak asked for guidance about how to take action against teachers influencing the regional school board’s decision about in-person learning. Chair Morrison expressed confidence in the local board’s judgment for when it will be safe and feasible to bring students back into class full time. Lastly, Ms. Slezak expressed opposition to the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards. She does not want her tax dollars going toward the implementation of these standards and feels that the values the standards uphold should be taught at home. Chair Morrison thanked Ms. Slezak for her thoughtful comments and informed her that there are existing standards across the board for various subjects and leaders, and these standards are simply a clarification of an important value within the standards. She also reminded Ms. Slezak that though there are mandated standards to uphold, curriculum and the allocation of class time are locally determined. Dr. Ayala added that the majority of Illinois’ student population is students of color and students from a diverse array of cultural backgrounds, so it is important that teachers are equipped with knowledge about these cultures so that all students may receive high quality instruction. She cited the achievement gaps in Illinois and explained that several districts that are taking a more inclusive approach to their education have seen improvements in those gaps. Dr. Ayala emphasized the need for these standards in order for all students to be prepared to be successful, contributing members of a growing, global society.
David Leatherwood, speaking on behalf of himself, expressed concerns about the Teaching and Leading Standards the Board is considering. He feels that the change should be put on a state ballot. He feels that the values in the standards should be taught at home, not in school. He feels that the standards are politically driven and political bias should not be intertwined in education. He wants schools to be a safe place for children, and for students to focus on advancing their math and reading skills to compete nationally and globally. Dr. Ayala explained the diversity of the student population in Illinois and affirmed that the new Teaching and Leading Standards are creating a safe space for students and are setting more students up for success by equipping teachers with the necessary awareness of different cultures and enabling them to connect with students and build relationships. Mr. Leatherwood highlighted the use of the words “progressive” and “activism” and expressed concern that this will lead to students being told what to think rather than being taught to think critically. Dr. Ayala told Mr. Leatherwood that these words have been taken out of the standards.
III. Approval of the Jan. 12, 2021, Meeting Minutes
Ms. Robbins made the motion for the Education Policy Planning Committee to approve the Jan. 12, 2021, meeting minutes. Chair Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote.
IV. Presentations
A. Educator Effectiveness: Teacher Shortage
Dr. Kirmes explained that there will be a panel-based conversation at the Board meeting about the teacher shortage. She listed the panel members who are scheduled to attend and explained the perspectives they will provide.
Chair Morrison asked that this topic receive as much time during the Board meeting as possible. She also asked if the conversation was going to be about the shortage of all educators or if it would be about teachers, specifically. Dr. Kirmes said that they would be discussing the shortage of all educators.
Ms. Robbins asked if they will find out whether or not the shortage worsened during the pandemic and, if so, by how much. Dr. Kirmes provided a summary of the updated unfilled positions data, which show that teacher vacancies are down this year.
V. Review of February Board Action Items
A. Rules for Initial Review – Part 305 (School Food Service) Reimbursable Meal
Mr. Haller provided information on this item.
B. Rules for Adoption - Part 267 (K-12 Recycling Grant Program) New Program
Mr. Aranowski provided information on this item.
C. Emergency Rulemaking – Part 305 (School Food Service) Reimbursable Meal
Mr. Haller provided information on this item.
D. Approval of Renewal of Student Information System Contract
Mr. Witkowsky provided information on this item.
Ms. Robbins asked if the $50,000 increase in the contract could be voided. Mr. Witkowsky said that this possibility is being explored but there is no certainty on it.
E. Approval of Review of Invitation for Bid (IFB) – Software Solutions Educator Effectiveness Systems – Four Developers and One Business Analyst
Mr. Witkowsky provided information on this item.
Chair Morrison asked if licensure money or state money is being used to fund this contract. The answer was licensure funds.
Chair Morrison asked that a document be prepared listing all of the technology grants and contracts, their purposes, and how they are interrelated. Mr. Witkowsky said that this document is in the process of being drafted.
F. Approval of the Spring 2021 Waiver Report
Ms. Elliott provided information on this item.
VI. Review of March Board Action Items
A. Rules for Initial Review - Part 680 (State Seal of Biliteracy) English Proficiency
Ms. Clyde provided information on this item.
B. Rules for Initial Review - Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Spanish Language Arts Standards
Ms. Clyde provided information on this item.
C. Approval of IL-EMPOWER Learning Partner Contract Renewals
Dr. Helfer provided information on this item.
Chair Morrison asked for detail about what happens in 2022, which is the final year for renewals. Dr. Helfer explained that this is still being determined.
Chair Morrison asked why the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents (IARSS) received a significantly larger increase in payment than other partners in fiscal year 2020. Dr. Helfer explained the increase in the amount of schools IARSS began partnering with. Chair Morrison asked if she could see the number of Targeted and Comprehensive schools partnering with them. Dr. Helfer said he would follow up.
Chair Morrison asked how the partners are charging. Dr. Helfer said that they are being paid a blended hourly rate. Chair Morrison asked for a list of entities and their blended hourly rates.
Chair Morrison asked if any other entities are working with Targeted schools or if it’s just IARSS. Dr. Helfer said that he would follow up.
Chair Morrison asked if any of the entities are partnering with Comprehensive schools in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Dr. Helfer said that he would follow up.
VII. Discussion Items
A. Legislative Update
Ms. Elliott reported that about 160 bills have been filed. Many are bills from last year that did not pass. Some of the topics include student discipline, course mandates, school consolidation, action for the teacher shortage, and students being allowed to remain in their placements until the end of the school year when they
turn 22 years old. The House will be meeting on Feb. 10 to vote for the allowance of remote committee hearings.
Chair Morrison and Ms. Robbins expressed appreciation for Ms. Elliott and her team’s work and the clarity in their presentation of the update in the memo.
B. Statewide System of Support – IL-EMPOWER 2.0
Dr. Helfer and Dr. Kinley presented information on the Annual Evaluation Report for Year 2 and its future applications.
Chair Morrison asked what system has been in place for progress monitoring. Dr. Kinley said that currently there is the school’s report through IWAS. IL-EMPOWER 2.0 plans to implement more local metrics. Chair Morrison asked if this system includes CPS and why. Dr. Kinley explained that CPS does not use the school improvement report system, though that is not to say it has not been collecting similar data. Dr. Helfer added that the agency is working to develop an apples-to-apples comparison between the sets of data. Chair Morrison asked why CPS was not included in the external evaluation and asked if it would be included in the future. Dr. Helfer explained that he was not involved in that decision, so he cannot explain, but there is intent to include CPS in the future.
Chair Morrison requested that a future meeting include a discussion focused on what is happening with the Comprehensive schools in CPS. She expressed disappointment in the lack of data being presented on schools that the Board has invested millions of dollars in over the course of two years. She also informed staff that she will be looking for specific recommendations about how Primary Partners should be helping schools. She questioned if one partner being dedicated to social-emotional learning was enough.
Chair Morrison asked if the evaluation presented information that gave staff a sense of how to move forward. The answer was yes.
Chair Morrison asked if there is an estimate of when the new data collection system will be used by districts. The answer was this spring.
Chair Morrison noted that if there continues to be a positive correlation between the presence of coaches in schools and school improvement, staff should reconsider their decision not to require the partnerships.
C. Tracker for Intergovernmental Agreements
Dr. Matias explained that the purpose of this presentation was to monitor vendor performance and status and inform Education Office decisions regarding intergovernmental agreements (IGAs).
Chair Morrison asked who is in charge of monitoring the tracker. Dr. Matias said that Mr. Mohip organized bi weekly meetings that have been going on for several months for the purpose of monitoring.
Chair Morrison asked how many IGAs there are in the agency. The answer was 35.
D. Standards and Assessments
i. Priority Learning Standards Update
Dr. Thieman presented a progress report, including the launch of the Capacity Builder Series and a webinar series on unfinished learning.
Chair Morrison asked if the webinars are recorded and available online somewhere. Dr. Thieman said that they are posted on the learning standards’ webpage.
Chair Morrison asked Dr. Ayala if spring assessments are still to be expected. The answer was yes, as the U.S. Department of Education has yet to offer any waivers.
E. Illinois Virtual Catalogue
Dr. Kirmes discussed the progress made and the challenges regarding the digital divide. She also discussed the transition to the virtual course catalogue, its reimbursement program, testimonials for it, and Illinois Virtual Course Catalogue data for it.
Chair Morrison noted the tremendous progress made in the past year in comparison to the past several years and hopes to see it continue to grow under better circumstances.
Ms. Robbins noted that some students may have the access they need but may not live in an environment with someone present to teach them how to use the devices. Dr. Kirmes marked this down as an additional barrier for the agency to attempt to track.
Chair Morrison asked how the amount of district participation this year compares to previous years. Dr. Kirmes said she would follow up.
Chair Morrison asked if the participating districts were using it for credit recovery or for courses. Dr. Kirmes said it was for both and that she would send Chair Morrison the breakdown.
Chair Morrison asked if the Regional Offices of Education have been made use of in order to spread the information about the opportunities related to the catalogue. Dr. Kirmes said she was uncertain but this is a possibility that will be looked into.
Chair Morrison made note that Board Chairman Darren Reisberg had requested this presentation be included in a Board meeting. Dr. Kirmes assured that regardless, she will be including the information in a Board Update.
VIII. New Business: Items for the Next Agenda
Chair Morrison referenced an IL-EMPOWER panel that was mentioned in the last meeting. Ms. Parr confirmed that this is being organized for a future meeting.
Chair Morrison asked that IL-EMPOWER remain on the agenda and that the supports to CPS be discussed. Ms. Robbins echoed the need for information on CPS, especially since the media does not always differentiate between CPS and the rest of the state and there is a lot of confusion in the public.
IX. Next Meeting: March 2, 2021
X. Adjourn
Ms. Robbins made a motion to adjourn. Chair Morrison seconded the motion, and it passed by a roll call vote. Chairperson Morrison adjourned the committee at 2:32 p.m.