
Prairie State Wire

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Eric Bierman earns 14.1% more during 2020 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services

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Eric Bierman earned $119,100 during 2020, a 14.1 percent increase over the previous year, working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a registered nurse, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.

Elpidio Artus saw the largest increase in pay working as a registered nurse for the Illinois Department of Human Services in 2020, earning $68,600 more than in 2019.

Top 100 highest paid public employees as registered nurses
RankEmployeeEmployer2020 amount earned
1Elpidio ArtusIllinois Department of Human Services$262,000
2Troy GarrenIllinois Department of Human Services$224,500
3Ofonmbuk AkpanIllinois Department of Human Services$214,900
4Mandeep BhalehIllinois Department of Human Services$197,600
5Candice MartinezIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$188,900
6Luzviminda LopezIllinois Department of Human Services$188,500
7Lisa ShieldsIllinois Department of Human Services$184,300
8Kumar SwamyIllinois Department of Human Services$184,100
9Comfort OkorieIllinois Department of Human Services$183,900
10Martin TregoningIllinois Department of Human Services$179,500
11Zenaida GoyIllinois Department of Human Services$179,200
12Erma RussellIllinois Department of Human Services$177,500
13Sherri RiderIllinois Department of Human Services$177,400
14Kelly TuckerIllinois Department of Human Services$177,100
15Ifeoma AgholorIllinois Department of Human Services$172,700
16Susan VeihlIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$169,100
17Beth RayIllinois Department of Human Services$168,700
18Angela SmithIllinois Department of Human Services$168,400
19Stephen PruntyIllinois Department of Human Services$167,600
20Tina RobertsIllinois Department of Human Services$167,000
21Brown EhisIllinois Department of Human Services$166,900
22Patricia PearceIllinois Department of Human Services$166,000
23Delores HughesIllinois Department of Human Services$164,100
24Cheryl PedrinaIllinois Department of Human Services$163,900
25Tanya WolfIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$163,000
26Nellie AbellaIllinois Department of Human Services$162,900
27Wanda McCoyIllinois Department of Human Services$162,400
28David KellemsIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$161,100
29Roseline OluyedeIllinois Department of Human Services$159,700
30Rebecca SaylesIllinois Department of Human Services$158,900
31Lylia SorianoIllinois Department of Human Services$157,400
32Erlinda LapazIllinois Department of Human Services$156,900
32Mark SenesacIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$156,900
34Lenissa BuenoIllinois Department of Human Services$156,000
35Dorothy BasseyIllinois Department of Human Services$155,900
36Kelly DonniganIllinois Department of Human Services$153,200
37Kimberly LawIllinois Department of Human Services$152,600
38Hyacinth CatedralIllinois Department of Human Services$149,700
39Levy LadaoIllinois Department of Human Services$148,800
40Katherine KuekerIllinois Department of Human Services$148,600
41Patricia HillIllinois Department of Human Services$148,300
42Rodelio SugatanIllinois Department of Human Services$147,900
43Hyacinth CarpioIllinois Department of Human Services$147,400
44Leslie ElyIllinois Department of Human Services$146,400
45Michelle LogueIllinois Department of Human Services$146,300
46Imelda LicudanIllinois Department of Human Services$146,100
47Kellen McMullinIllinois Department of Human Services$145,200
48Wanda SlaughterIllinois Department of Human Services$144,800
49Onyinye OsadebeIllinois Department of Human Services$144,600
50Linda MaxardIllinois Department of Human Services$144,300
51Candace NehlsIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$143,900
52Jo-Dett SolomonIllinois Department of Human Services$143,700
53Rhonda WinstonIllinois Department of Human Services$142,500
54Suja JoseIllinois Department of Human Services$142,400
55Kris DurbinIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$142,200
56Anitha ZachariahIllinois Department of Human Services$142,000
57Terri DiegoIllinois Department of Human Services$141,900
58Heidi LudwigIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$141,700
59Mary PetrowskeIllinois Department of Human Services$141,600
60Maria Luz DulacaIllinois Department of Human Services$141,300
61Angie Lee QuezonIllinois Department of Human Services$141,000
62Joyce BasseyIllinois Department of Human Services$140,800
63Teresa AllensworthIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$140,700
64Roberto DilinilaIllinois Department of Human Services$140,500
65Imelda AbadinesIllinois Department of Human Services$140,400
66Jocelyn AzariasIllinois Department of Human Services$139,800
67Ayrin JohnsonIllinois Department of Human Services$139,600
68George KwartengIllinois Department of Human Services$139,100
69Lilianne BernalIllinois Department of Human Services$138,900
70Tanya MoffattIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$138,700
71Cecilia AkpanIllinois Department of Human Services$138,600
72Jonita BrunierIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$138,500
73Brian HennesseyIllinois Department of Human Services$138,300
74Vivian GalileaIllinois Department of Human Services$137,900
75Ayodeji AdeyemiIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$137,700
76Victoria DameronIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$137,600
77Sherly AbrahamIllinois Department of Human Services$137,400
77Ma-Elena LubianoIllinois Department of Human Services$137,400
77Linda GarnerIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$137,400
80Marilou YabesIllinois Department of Human Services$136,800
81Marek SmolikIllinois Department of Human Services$136,600
82Mary VarugheseIllinois Department of Human Services$135,800
83Peter Joseph LegaspiIllinois Department of Human Services$134,700
84Bobbie LipeIllinois Department of Human Services$134,600
85Trena HardinIllinois Department of Human Services$134,100
85Thomas JancaIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$134,100
87Sally KurianIllinois Department of Human Services$134,000
88Peter ObazuayeIllinois Department of Human Services$133,700
89Veronica SantosIllinois Department of Human Services$133,600
90Tebe OgbaIllinois Department of Human Services$133,500
90Justin DaverinIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$133,500
92Victoria UwaemenyiIllinois Department of Human Services$132,900
93Michele McInerneyIllinois Department of Human Services$132,700
94Lori ZimmermanIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$132,600
95Claudia LewisIllinois Department of Human Services$132,000
96Elizabeth ViernesIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$131,200
97Alka JainIllinois Department of Human Services$130,900
98Wosena Olivier-SmithIllinois Department of Human Services$130,800
98Marilyn De GuzmanIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$130,800
100Donna CollinsIllinois Department of Veterans' Affairs$130,300