Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Child Welfare Employee Licensure Board Met May 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board Members Present
Tiffany Jones
Janet Ahern
Judi Bradley
Carly Jones
Angela Love- Brown
Brenda Lindsey
Deneca Avant
Shannon Houston, DCFS CWEL Administrator
Others Present
Bret Angelos, DCFS Legal
Heather Vose, CWEL Office
Chase Strader, CWEL Office
Kina Askew, OLPD
Meeting was called to order by Tiffany Jones at 10:05 am.
Closed Session:
Case 1: CWEL: 2021-0128 WL
Case CWEL 2021-0128 WL came to the Board from ERLT. Motion: Janet Ahern recused herself from the case. Judi Bradley moved to preliminary suspend the license of WL based on 412.50 (4), (5), (10) and 412.90 pending OIG investigation and AHU recommendation. Angela Brown seconded the motion. Discussion: Vote: Unanimous. Motion carries. License of WL is preliminary suspended.
Case 2: CWEL: 2021-0127 CW
Case CWEL 2021-0127 CW came to the Board from ERLT. Janet Ahern recused herself from the case. Motion: Judi Bradley moved to preliminary suspend the license of CW based on 412.50 (1), (4), (5), (10) and 412.90 pending OIG investigation and AHU recommendation. Carly Jones seconded the motion. Discussion: Vote: Unanimous. Motion carries. License of CW is preliminary suspended.
The meeting adjourned at 10:54 am.