Illinois State Board of Education Finance and Audit Committee met Jan. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
A. Consideration of and Possible Actions on Any Requests for Participation in Meeting by Other Means
2. Public Participation
A. Individuals who wish to sign up for public participation may complete an online form that will be available from 8:00 a.m. until the start of the meeting on January 11. Participants will be able to review the participation guidelines and indicate if they wish to speak. Once you have completed the online sign up form, please join: Dial in: (786) 535-3211; Access Code: 605-951-125
3. Approval of Minutes: December 14, 2021
A. Approval of Minutes: December 14, 2021
4. Review of Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – for January Approval
A. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 A. Invitation for Bid Procurement for five (5) IT Contractors for Special Education Software Applications
B. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 Invitation for Bid Procurement for five (5) IT Contractors for Child Nutrition Software Applications
C. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 Invitation for Bid Procurement for five (5) IT Contractors for other Agency-based Software Applications
D. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 Invitation for Bid Procurement to identify vendors for the Illinois Virtual Course Catalog
E. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five - Year 3
F. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five - Illinois Board of Higher Education
G. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million -- Approval of Preschool Development Grant - Northern Illinois University - Longitudinal Data System
5. Review of Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – for February Approval
A. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 Intergovernmental Agreement with Regional Office of Education #35 to support Capacity Builder Learning Series for Priority Learning Standards and Curriculum Evaluation Tool
B. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million -- Approval to award grant to Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) for the Parent Mentoring Program from federal Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Funds
C. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million -- Approval to release RFSP to procure qualified vendor to conduct IL-EMPOWER program evaluation
D. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million -- Approval of Illinois Resource Center Professional Development and Technical Assistance Sole Source FY23-24
E. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of 21st Century Community Learning Centers – IFB - Professional Development and Technical Assistance
F. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of 21st Century Community Learning Centers-IFB Monitoring
G. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Request for Proposals
H. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of McKinney Vento Homeless Education – Request for Proposals
I. Contracts & Grants over $1 Million – Approval of FY23 IGA Procurement for NIU to provide project management and staffing for the Data Warehouse Team for Business Continuity
6. Internal Audit Updates
A. Current Audits
_i. FY21 Financial Audit
_ii. FY21 Statewide Single Audit
7. Discussion
A. Essential Elements Review Report
8. New Business: Items for the next agenda
9. Next Meeting: February 1, 2022
10. Adjourn