Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority, Chicago Region met May 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to order Open Session, Introductions, Confidentiality Statement
2. Approve Open Session & Executive Session Minutes: April 5, 2022
3. New Business
A. Ratifications
B. New Complaints
22-030-9025 22-030-9029
22-030-9026 22-030-9030
22-030-9027 22-030-9031
Closed Session
C. New Case Assignments
Case progress
D. Draft Report Discussion
21-030-9005 (Cermak)
22-030-9005 (Madden)
21-030-9018 (Cermak)
22-030-9006 (Madden)
21-030-9024 (Cermak)
E. Response Discussion
21-030-9025 (Seguin)
21-030-9007 (Madden)
21-030-9008 (Riveredge)
4. Open Session
A. Draft Reports for Acceptance
21-030-9005 (Cermak)
22-030-9005 (Madden)
21-030-9018 (Cermak)
22-030-9006 (Madden)
21-030-9024 (Cermak)
B. Closure/Accept Responses/Make Available to the Public
20-030-9020 (Northwestern)
22-030-9011 (Thresholds)
21-030-9007 (Madden)
22-030-9012 (ALBOH)
21-030-9008 (Riveredge)
21-030-9025 (Seguin)
C. Comments from the public
Other Business and Adjournment – Missing Trainings, The Governors Pandemic Meeting exemptions are set to end June 1, 2022. Next Meeting: TBD