
Prairie State Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Peoria Regional Human Rights Authority met March 16

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Peoria Regional Human Rights Authority met March 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular stated meeting of the Peoria Regional Human Rights Authority (HRA) was called to order at 10:05am at the Chillicothe Public Library 430 N. Bradley Ave. Chillicothe, Il 61523. Some members attended via Webex call-in information: Meeting number (access code): 246 438 33465 Telephone: 1-312-535-8110.


Present: Rod Joos, Tracy Wright, Joan Rice, and Mandy Swartzendruber those attending via webex: Nicole Montgomery and Heather Choi

Absent: Sandy Anton

Staff: Erin Nowlan

Gene Seaman

Guests: Lance Randolph

Angel Marinich

Rod Joos read the confidentiality statement: Illinois law protects the privacy of those persons with disabilities on whose behalf the Human Rights Authority conducts investigations. The Authority welcomes concerned citizens wishing to present information. We remind all citizens and guests that public reference to any name, description, or other information, which would identify an eligible person or the family without consent, is strictly prohibited.

Introductions were made.

The motion was made by Joan Rice to enter closed session at lO:04am pursuant to Section 120/2 (c) (4) and (10) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 20), Section 3955/10 of the Guardianship and Advocacy Act (20 ILCS 3955) and Section 110/5 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act (740 ILCS 110); the motion was seconded by Mandy Swartzendruber and carried. The purpose of the closed session was to discuss confidential aspects of cases with guests attending representing their agency. Board returned to Open Session at 11 :46am.


Joan Rice made a motion to approve the January 19, 2022 0pen Meeting minutes with no additions or corrections. Seconded by Mandy Swartzendruber. The motion passes.



New Cases:


Draft Report:

21-090-9022 - Carle BroMeru'i Hospital - Motion to approve draft report with clarification to conclusion made by Mandy Swartzendniber. Seconded by Joan Rice. Motion passes.

Case Closures:

20-090-9010 - EP!C - motion to close case and make report public, made by Joan Rice. Seconded by Tracy Wright. Motion passes.

21-090-9014 - El Paso Healthcare - motion to table case closure, pending response and send a letter with a deadline for response made by Mandy Swartzendruber. Seconded by Tracy Wright. Motion passes.

21-090-9008 - OSF St. Elizabeth Hospital - motion to table case pending further response and send a letter with deadline for response made by Nicole Montgomery. Seconded by Mandy Swartzendruber. Motion passes.

21-090-9017 - Kid's Care America - motion to table case and send a letter with deadline for second response made by Joan Rice. Seconded by Nicole Montgomery. Motion passes.

21-090-9020 - State of Illinois DRS - motion to table case closure, pending further response made by Mandy Swartzendruber. Seconded by Tracy Wright. Motion passes.

21-090-9021- CityLink - motion to table case closure pending further response made by Mandy Swartzendruber. Seconded by Joan Rice. Motion passes.

Other Business:

20-090-9008- Peoria County Jail - update given on enforcement referral.

Discussion of board terms ending in May 2022 and recent resignation. Recommendation of Jim Runyon to be reappointed to the board motion made to recomrnend application to IGAC as a Peoria HRA board member made by Joan Rice and seconded by Mandy Swartzendruber


Rod Joos adjourned the meeting at 11 :58am.
