
Prairie State Wire

Monday, March 10, 2025

Gun rights group fundraising for litigation over HB5855: ‘Lawsuits will follow almost immediately’


Rep. Tony McCombie | Courtesy photo

Rep. Tony McCombie | Courtesy photo

Gunrights4Illinois is urging its supporters to donate toward the legal fight against gun control legislation HB5855. 

HB5855 would outlaw several types of common guns and magazines and create a registry whereby gun owners must inventory their guns. The bill would also disallow hunters under 21 from hunting alone and provide restrictions on firearm access to that group. 

“I think it's important that we recognize the likelihood that HB 5855, the ‘Assault Weapons and Magazine Ban’ will pass the legislature and be signed into law by oversize Governor,” Gunrights4Illinois said on Facebook. “No gun group is going to take this sitting down and the lawsuits will follow almost immediately.” 

The group raised its concern about how costly it is to fight the measure.

“This means we will need to fund (litigation efforts), since they are expensive. There will also be a call from every gun group for money to support the 2A, so it’s important to know players who will be directly handling these suits," Gunrights4Illinois said. “At this time we are aware that the Illinois State Rifle Association, Guns Save Life and the Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois are spearheading these lawsuits. GSL also has a lawsuit to void the FOID going, and are expecting a ruling in January.” 

Gunrights4Illinois urged supporters to consider donating to the Second Amendment Law Center in California, which is "providing legal back up for the FFL’s of Illinois. SALC is responsible for the recent rulings out of the 9th district federal courts which are ripping apart West Coast gun laws.” 

“Right now these are the players in Illinois,” the group said. “Please consider donating to their funds and let's kill the gun bill for good.” 

The lame-duck session of the General Assembly began on Jan. 4. According to Rock Island Today HB5855, the Protect Illinois Communities Act, is expected to be the top measure voted on during the session.

House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (R-Savannah) claims the bill is unconstitutional. “While HB 5855 is likely far from its final form, the constitutionality of the bill will certainly go before the courts,” McCombie previously told Prairie State Wire

HB5855 outlaws several commonly owned types of firearms and magazines. As many as five million firearms and 10 million magazines in the state may be affected if the gun ban becomes law. Gun rights advocates have vowed to seek legal relief should the bill pass. State Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie) who co-sponsored the measure is in her final days in the chamber after losing a primary battle earlier this year.