
Prairie State Wire

Friday, March 28, 2025

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority Northwest Region met Jan. 17

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Human Rights Authority Northwest Region met Jan. 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

1. Call to order Open Session, Introductions, Confidentiality Statement

2. Approve Open and Executive Session Minutes: August 30, 2022, October 11, 2022 and December 6, 2022

3. New Business/Open Session

A. Ratifications

1. 21-080-9015 (accept response, close & publish report)

2. 22-080-9002(close & publish report)

3. 23-080-9005(open & accept)

4. 23-080-9006 (open & accept)

B. New Complaints

1. 23-080-9007

C. Comments from the Public

4. Closed Session

A. New Case Assignments

B. Case Progress

1. Refer to Attached Sheet

C. Draft Report Discussion

1. 22-080-9011

2. 23-080-9001

D. Response Discussion (if received)

1. 21-080-9014 – UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

2. 22-080-9001– UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

3. 22-080-9003 – UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

5. Return/Open Session

A. Case Progress Action

B. Draft Reports for Acceptance

1. 22-080-9011

2. 23-080-9001

C. Closure/Accept Responses/Make Available to the Public

1. 21-080-9014 – UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

2. 22-080-9001 - UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

3. 22-080-9003 – UWHealth/SwedishAmerican

D. Comments from the Public

6. Other Business and Adjournment

HRA Member Good News Spotlight

HRA Member Recruitment

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 4:00 P.M.

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission

4302 N. Main St., Conference Room - Rockford, IL 61103
