
Prairie State Wire

Monday, March 31, 2025

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, Human Rights Authority Egyptian Region met Jan. 19

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, Human Rights Authority Egyptian Region met Jan. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

A. Roll Call - Determination of Quorum Present

B. Introductions by Chairperson

C. Confidentiality Statement

D. Changes in Agenda

1. Members wishing to change agenda

2. Guests wishing to speak on an agenda item

II. Minutes: Corrections/Revisions/Approval of November 2022 HRA Meeting Minutes

III. Communications

IV. New Business

A. Comments from public

B. Ratifications

C. New Complaints

D. Other New Business

V. Unfinished Business:

A. Case Progress Reports:

1. 21-110-9018 – Coleman Tri-County

2. 21-110-9019 – Southeastern Residential Alternatives

3. 22-110-9002 – Chester Mental Health

4. 22-110-9003 – Chester Mental Health

5. 22-110-9004 - Chester Mental Health

6. 22-110-9005 – Chester Mental Health

7. 22-110-9006 - Chester Mental Health

8. 22-110-9009 – Trade Industries CILA

9. 22-110-9015 – Chester Mental Health

10. 22-110-9020 – Choate Mental Health

11. 22-110-9021 – Chester Mental Health

12. 22-110-9022 – Choate Developmental Center

13. 23-110-9001 – Chester Mental Health

14. 23-110-9002 – Chester Mental Health

15. 23-110-9006 – Choate Mental Health

16. 23-110-9007 – Chester Mental Health

17. 23-110-9008 – Marion County Horizon

B. Draft Reports:

1. 22-110-9018 Choate Mental Health

C. Closures:

1. 22-110-9001 – Choate Mental Health

2. 21-110-9011 - TDL Group, Inc.

3. 21-110-9021 – Chester Mental Health

4. 22-110-9007 – Choate Mental Health

5. 22-110-9008 – Chester Mental Health

6. 22-110-9010 – Choate Mental Health

7. 22-110-9011 – Choate Mental Health

8. 22-110-9019 – Choate Mental Health

9. 23-110-9003 - Choate Developmental Center

VI. Announcements

A. Review the next meeting date and location

B. Other announcements

C. Other business

VII. Adjournment
