
Prairie State Wire

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council met Jan. 20

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council met Jan. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:







Arrelda Hall

Susan McConnell

Tina Haynes

Gwen Eyer

Molly Hamilton

Elizabeth Richmond

Ximena Arroyo Estrada

Erin Nysather-Janssens

Arlene Woods

Ray Gates

Tiffany Johnson

Kim Willis

Harriet Kersh

Samella Taylor Lewis

Johnnie Pentenburg

Rebecca Thomas

Mary Savage

John Spears

Phyllis Summers

Welcome/Introduction Arrelda Hall Arrelda Hall, SWFCAC chairperson, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. It was noted that this meeting is being recorded, Kim Willis, conducted the voice roll call. Present: Arrelda Hall, Molly Hamilton, Erin Nysather-Janssens, Harriet Kersh, Samella Taylor Lewis, Johnnie Petenburg, Rebecca Thomas, Mary Savage, John Spears, and Phyllis Summers. Arrelda Hall, Samella Taylor Lewis, and Harriet Kersh gave some words on remembrance for the passing of Gladys Boyd, they noted her contributions to the Foster Parents, DCFS and all members had the opportunity of sharing memories of her contributions and experience in the field.

Approval of November 18th, 2022, Meeting Minutes

MOTION: Rebecca Thomas made the motion to approve the November 18th, 2022, minutes. Samella Taylor Lewis seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously via voice vote: Arrelda Hall, Molly Hamilton, Erin Nysather-Janssens, Harriet Kersh, Samella Taylor Lewis, Johnnie Petenburg, Rebecca Thomas, Mary Savage, John Spears, and Phyllis Summers.

Office of Caregiver and Parent Support Kim Willis Kim Willis stated that the Office of Caregiver and Parent Support is currently focusing on membership from all the Councils. There is a need for new members. There are also current vacancies for Foster Parents Support Specialists in multiple regions. Kim has been traveling around the state and recruiting new members for The Statewide Foster Parent Advisory Council. The Office of Caregiver and Parent Support is having meetings, like for the Emergency Foster Care Program which meets weekly on Thursdays. There is also a focus on recruitment for Emergency Foster Care Parents. The requirements to be an Emergency Foster Parent are: Must be (a) a licensed foster r parent and complete the required EFC foster parent training. Must complete all additional training and preparation activities that may be required. Must meet all other licensure requirements for traditional foster care as well as EFC. Must not work or operate a business inside or outside the home. For a licensed couple, one may work.

Day Care Workgroup Rebecca Thomas Rebecca Thomas asked if they could have the new training for the newest council members. Rebecca discussed the availability to get training completed for the new council member. Rebecca Thomas stated that they should give them an introduction to what the council is all about and the expectations for the Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council.

Recruiting Council Members Arrelda Hall Gwen Eyer reviewed the foster parent law implementation plan. She explained how it works on on-the-job training. She stated that the plans have been distributed to all members except the new members, she shared her contact information in case members have questions or score the plans, this council has ownership of the implementation plans

Arrelda Hall invited the council to reach out to Gwen Eyer at Gwenn.Eyer@illinois.gov to score implementation plans. Gwenn requested that the council members be present at meetings and the effectivity of the council to meet in person. Harriet Kersh stated that

she is on three committees and lacks the time to be present in every meeting and committee meeting.

Arrelda Hall stated that the October meeting in Bloomington lacked attendance. There needs to be a focus on attendance and being present during the meeting. There was a discussion about changing the meeting schedule to improve engagement and participation. The council meetings are not effective when there are not enough council members present for a quorum.

Harriet Kersh stated that council members should not get discouraged. She sees the changes in the work people have done on the council.

Kim Willis reminds people to do their training, specifically on ethics, and harassment.

Regional Reports:

*Northern Region Report Rebecca Thomas Regarding placements, Rebecca Thomas stated that there are not enough foster homes for youth in care, there have been circumstances where foster parents accept to take children and private agencies are denying the placements from DCFS, they need to work together to get placement in place to benefit from the youth. Mary Savage stated that foster parents are being approached without the private agency being notified, and a lot of times there are legitimate reasons. Sometimes foster parents will volunteer to take a youth that they don't have the capacity for or are not included in their foster license. Some factors could include that the home may be under investigation, so there's a hold on the foster home. There could be numerous reasons why a private agency might turn down a placement.

Harriet Kersh expressed that there are private agencies that will decline cases because they know they have a kid that's going to be placed in that home and they don't have any extra foster homes. The private agency has steps that they have to complete before they can use a Shelter. On any given day, private agencies and DCFS have a kid in the office, and they are looking for a placement. Overall, there is an extreme lack of foster homes.

Central Region Report

No Update.

Southern Region

No Update.


No Update.

Council Reports

CWAC Phyllis Summers No Update.

Workgroup Report

Day Care Rebecca Thomas The Daycare workgroup continues to meet weekly. There has been no response from the change management form that was submitted in March.

Committee Reports:

Training Committee

No Update

Foster Parent Support Specialist Arrelda Hall There are concerns that the Foster Parent Support Specialist is focusing on helping to find a placement and is not able to provide support to Foster Parents.

Policy & Legislative

No update.

Hospitality and Public Relations

There is an extensive discussion on how to promote the council and fill the positions within the Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council.


There is no improvement and no discussion about doing respite recruitment.

Bylaws Ray Gates Ray Gates explained that he started in the department in 1986 and at that time, there was a Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council. The director at that time was a good friend to foster parents overall in the state. The foster parents were somewhat satisfied with the way he ran this agency. The Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council at that time was fortunate to have frequent audiences with the DCFS Director Johnson. The Director would meet with the foster parent to discuss areas of improvement.

The following recommendations were made to change the bylaws: • Amendment process of a fill term appointment and then members can be appointed for their 1st term when that short term ends. Members could serve for 2 full terms, plus another year when initially filling a term of appointment. • To change the limit of the appointment, specifically regarding the chair and co chair position, make them automatically a 2-year term.

• proposes to have enough flexibility if the council wants to make a small change to, take the chair chairmanship to a 2-year appointment for a term that doesn't have to go all the way to the legislator.

• It was suggested that a list of possible changes to the bylaws could be made by the council.

• It was referenced that the bylaws state work groups may include individuals who are not members of the advisory council. So that's a good example of how they can make these bylaws their own. There's nothing in a statute that said that people who are not members of the council can be in a workgroup. This was developed by past councils, interpreting the bylaws and then using the guidelines and the bylaws to develop, or in the statute to develop processes and the bylaws that will help this council do this, they have a lot more leeway than it may seem on the surface.

Also discussed was that perhaps a path forward for this council is to make a list of changes that they would like to make to the bylaws. And once you have the list examine each item and discuss whether it seems to be something you can do, just through amending the bylaws, and if so, anything that falls within the confines of the statewide foster care advisory council law, you're able to do if you just following your process for amending the bylaws. And then the council approves it.

Gwen Eyer and Arrelda Hall encouraged current members to take the council more professionally and again to attend meetings because there are people that consistently miss meetings without previous notice, they talked about the expectations for current members

Public comments


Stakeholder Comments


Closing Council Discussion

Mary Savage would like to suggest that maybe the council might be able to do something about foster parents struggling with startup costs when they get new placements and the big delay before they get a board payment in some cases. This seems to primarily affect relatives and fictive kin. In some cases, some of these people are taking large sibling groups. There are lots of expenses for foster parents to have to cover until they get their board payment. This could develop a recommendation to the director from the Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council.

Rebecca Thomas would like to extend an invitation to members form the Youth Advisory Council. This would help Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council and the Youth Advisory Council be united with issues.

MOTION: Molly Hamilton motion to adjourn the meeting, Harriet Kersh seconded and the motion carried by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned.

Roll Call: Arrelda Hall, Molly Hamilton, Erin Nysather-Janssens, Harriet Kersh, Samella Taylor Lewis, Johnnie Petenburg, Rebecca Thomas, Mary Savage, John Spears, and Phyllis Summers.

The meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm
