
Prairie State Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois State Board of Education, Education Policy Planning Committee April 12

Illinois State Board of Education, Education Policy Planning Committee April 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

I. Roll Call

Dr. Donna Leak brought the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present with three members. Dr. Leak and Dr. Patricia Nugent were physically present, and Dr. Anna Grassellino was present via video conference.

Members Present

Dr. Anna Grassellino (left at 3 p.m.)

Dr. Donna Leak

Dr. Patricia Nugent

Members Absent


Other Board Members Present

Dr. Steven Isoye, Chair of the Board

Staff Present

Dr. Tony Sanders, State Superintendent

Kim Clarke, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent

Jo Ireland, Board Services Coordinator

Dr. Sean Clayton, Director of Assessment

Dr. Jason Helfer, Deputy Officer, Instructional Education

Marci Johnson, Director of CTE & Innovation

Dr. Fawzia Boctor, Learning Renewal Lead, High Impact Tutoring

Jeff Aranowski, Executive Director of Safe & Healthy Climate

Kim Barnes-Cummins, Director of Wellness

Dr. Melissa DiGangi, Interim Officer, Research and Evaluation

David Turovetz, Director of Charter Schools

Dr. Erica Thieman, Director of Standards & Instruction

Emily Fox, Director of Educator Effectiveness

Dr. Brian Metcalf, Director of Student Care

Irma Snopek, Policy & Communications Officer

Jeremy Duffy, Legal Officer

II. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

III. Approval of the February 28, 2023, Meeting Minutes

Dr. Nugent moved that the Education Policy Planning Committee approve the February 28, 2023, meeting minutes. Dr. Grassellino seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

IV. Closed Session

Dr. Nugent moved that the Education Policy Planning Committee go into closed session for the following exception items:

A. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

B. Meetings between internal or external auditors and governmental audit committees, finance committees, and their equivalents, when the discussion involves internal control weaknesses, identification of potential fraud risk areas, known or suspected frauds, and fraud interviews conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards of the United States of America. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(29)

She further moved that committee members may invite anyone they wish to be included in this closed session.

Dr. Grassellino seconded the motion, and the motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. The open meeting recessed at 1:06 p.m. The open meeting reconvened at 2:38 p.m.

V. Discussion

A. Assessment Update

Dr. Clayton provided this update.

Dr. Clayton shared that the State Assessment Review Committee (SARC) had met the prior evening. He provided a historical overview of work on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in the past two years and shared the SARC consensus recommendations for assessment. He also noted the status of contracts with Pearson, which administers the platform for the IAR, and New Meridian, which provides content for the IAR.

Dr. Clayton provided an update on Recommendation 4, focused on accelerated and improved assessment reporting.

He said that assessment data had a turnaround time of 30 days in 2022, and that reports were more accessible than prior years. He said that the testing window for the 2023 IAR would close on April 21, 2023, and preliminary data would be available by May 15, 2023. He said summative data reports would be available by June 30, 2023, and individual student reports would be available by July 12, 2023. He discussed the format of the student reports and shared efforts, including educational videos, to make them more easily understandable for parents and educators.

Dr. Sanders discussed the value of the videos for understanding reports. Dr. Clayton said that ISBE had encouraged districts to promote these resources to parents.

Dr. Clayton discussed next steps for assessment work, including SARC’s Theory of Action Subcommittee that would develop a plan of action for the remaining recommendations.

Dr. Leak asked if the only currently actionable recommendation was developing a theory of action. Dr. Clayton confirmed this and said that work on Recommendation 4 has been largely completed. Dr. Sanders said that there was positive feedback from SARC on the reporting efforts, and that the earlier release of data had been beneficial for planning in districts.

Dr. Leak expressed an eagerness for efficient work on assessment, given some prior delays to action. Dr. Clayton discussed the timeline for the subcommittee of SARC on a theory of action and a more consistent meeting schedule. Dr. Sanders said he had met with SARC and the Center for Assessment as part of his planning process. Dr. Helfer discussed an upcoming proposed contract for Board approval that would help enhance the capacity of SARC and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

Dr. Nugent asked if this pertained to a Request for Proposal for an IAR content vendor, and Dr. Helfer said that it did not, and was instead focused on working with the SARC and TAC on assessment and accountability priorities. Dr. Sanders asked for a summative overview of the two committees. Dr. Helfer said that SARC focuses primarily on assessment, and TAC identifies experts to provide feedback and recommendations for Illinois accountability systems.

B. CTE Funding Formula Update

Ms. Johnson provided this update.

Ms. Johnson noted that work to improve the CTE funding formula was rooted in ISBE’s equity priorities. She said that funding for CTE came primarily from federal funds via the Perkins formula and state funds. She provided a brief history of CTE funding levels and said that there had not been a significant increase on the state level for some time. She provided an overview of the working timeline for a new funding formula, saying that her department had been engaging with stakeholders and modeling adjusted formulas.

Ms. Johnson discussed the stakeholder meetings that were conducted with Education for Employment (EFE) system directors and leadership council representatives. She said the meetings focused on identifying principles and priorities for an updated formula and summarized key points from discussion. She said that modeling adjusted formulas and stakeholder engagement would continue, with plans to have a new formula guiding budget recommendations and beginning implementation in fiscal year 2025.

Dr. Leak asked about the coverage of stakeholder engagement. Ms. Johnson said that all EFE systems across the state had been provided information and had the opportunity to access feedback. Dr. Leak asked if that information could be added in writing when updating the Board, and Ms. Johnson said it could. Dr. Nugent noted that individuals listed on the slide appeared to have represented primarily northern regions of the state, and Dr. Leak echoed this. Ms. Johnson said that information had been shared more broadly, and that she would follow up with that information.

VI. Review of April Board Action Items

A. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for the provision of the Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map

Dr. Helfer discussed this item. There were no questions.

B. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval to Amend Contract with Catapult Learning West LLC to extend Nonpublic Tutoring

Dr. Boctor discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked about program participation, and if schools had been setting up specific summer programs. Dr. Boctor said that 984 students and 42 schools were currently involved in the program, and that additional schools had been invited to participate until the end of the program in August 2023. Dr. Leak asked about tutor availability in the program. Dr. Boctor said that Catapult had seen less participation, noting that compensation was lower compared to high-impact tutoring for public schools.

C. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Learning Conditions – Statewide Trauma Response Initiative – Intergovernmental Agreement with Illinois Department of Public Health: Three Month Extension

Mr. Aranowski discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked to confirm that this was funded by Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) dollars, and Mr. Aranowski confirmed this was the case.

D. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Learning Conditions – Statewide Trauma Response Initiative – Intergovernmental Agreement with Illinois Department of Public Health

Mr. Aranowski discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked to confirm that this would be funded by ESSER III, where the previous item was covered by ESSER II. Mr. Aranowski confirmed this was the case.

E. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with West 40 for the Execution of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grant/REACH Out Program

Ms. Barnes-Cummins discussed this item.

Dr. Leak expressed appreciation for the work of the program, and asked who was responsible for its virtual components. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said she could follow up with exact information, but that it was within the work of West 40, Lurie Children’s Hospital, and other partners in the program.

F. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million - Approval of the One-Year Intergovernmental Agreement with Northern Illinois University for the Illinois Report Card, My Data Dashboard, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Dr. DiGangi discussed this item.

Dr. Nugent asked to confirm this was a one-year agreement, and Dr. DiGangi confirmed this was the case. Staff noted that Northern Illinois University has been a partner for this program for several years.

G. Decision on Urban Prep Academies-Englewood Campus Charter School Appeal

H. Decision on Urban Prep Academies-Bronzeville Campus Charter School Appeal

Mr. Turovetz discussed the appeals. There were no questions, and Dr. Leak thanked him for his work.

VII. Review of May Board Action Items

A. Approval for Publication – Parts 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and 555 (Children’s Mental Health Initiative Grants)

Dr. Thieman discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked to confirm that these changes had no added cost to districts. Dr. Thieman confirmed there was no added cost, noting it involved updating outdated language.

B. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with ROE 9 to Administer the Learning Technology Center

Dr. Thieman discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked about staff openings for the Learning Technology Center, and Dr. Thieman said they could be found on the center’s website. Dr. Leak expressed appreciation for the work of the center, but noted surprise at the large number of vacancies.

C. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Member Initiative Grant to Virtual Learning Systems Dr. Thieman discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked about the availability of curriculums for African American history that would be developed as part of the grant. Dr. Thieman said teachers would be provided free access to the curriculum, which would extend to students. Dr. Leak asked about how the program aligned with Illinois standards, and Dr. Thieman said that ISBE staff was working closely to ensure that Virtual Learning Systems complied with standards for African American studies, but that it also had content that covered areas outside of standards.

Dr. Nugent asked about the intended grade levels for the curriculum. Dr. Thieman said that it was intended primarily for middle and high school. Dr. Nugent asked about the professional development for teachers to use the curriculum, and Dr. Thieman said that it was in the planning phase but that it could consist of online modules.

Dr. Leak noted that this material would be an additional resource and would not replace ISBE’s current resources. Dr. Thieman confirmed this.

D. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University to Administer the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Program

Ms. Fox discussed this item.

Dr. Leak expressed an interest in outreach from the National Board Resource Center for more teachers of color to participate in the program. Ms. Fox said that ISBE staff had included this as a goal in previous years and would ask about new methods to further this goal.

Dr. Nugent asked if this agreement related to incentives for completing the certification process, and if variable capacities for districts to provide those incentives contributed to disparities. Ms. Fox said she could research this.

E. Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Sole Source Contract with Illinois Education Association to Administer the Virtual Coaching and Mentoring Program

Ms. Fox discussed this item.

Dr. Leak appreciated the program from experiences in her district, but emphasized that supporting clinicians, counselors, and special education educators is crucial. She encouraged finding ways to expand mentorship opportunities to further include these individuals. Dr. Nugent agreed.

F. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health for the Execution of a Project AWARE 2.0 Grant

G. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with ROE 40 for the Execution of a Project AWARE 2.0 Grant

H. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with West 40 for the Execution of a Project AWARE 2.0 Grant

Ms. Barnes-Cummins provided an overview of the AWARE 2.0 Grant and discussed the three agreements.

Dr. Leak asked about the criteria determining which Local Education Agencies (LEAs) had high needs in this agreement. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said that criteria was defined within the grant. Dr. Leak asked if this was intended to serve as a pilot program, and Ms. Barnes-Cummins confirmed this was the case. Dr. Leak asked when LEAs would be identified, and Ms. Barnes-Cummins said that this would be determined by May.

Dr. Nugent discussed the number of LEAs served by each agreement, and Dr. Leak asked if a list of LEAs had been determined for the agreement with West 40. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said a preliminary list had been made with the possibility for changes to participation.

Dr. Nugent asked how the agreements varied. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said that the agreement with the Illinois Department of Human Services would allow for its guidance and oversight of the program overall, and that the other two agreements were focused on directly facilitating and supporting providers within LEAs.

Dr. Leak said that a lower number of LEAs were served by the agreements with ROE 40 and West 40 than their associated costs would suggest. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said that a larger number of schools would be served under the LEAs. Dr. Leak asked for more detailed information, and Ms. Barnes-Cummins said she would follow up.

I. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Southern Illinois University for the Execution of a Mental Health Services Provider Grant

Ms. Burnes-Cummins discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked if this primarily served southern regions of the state. Ms. Barnes-Cummins said that it did, but there were program partners that extended further. She said that partners were encouraged to make their resources more widely accessible.

Dr. Leak asked to confirm that this was focused on LEAs that had both high needs and diverse populations, and Ms. Barnes-Cummins confirmed this. Dr. Leak asked to confirm that the U.S. Department of Education would work to collect and report data on the program, and Ms. Barnes-Cummins confirmed this. Dr. Leak asked to confirm that even with partners elsewhere, the program was based out of Southern Illinois University. Ms. Barnes-Cummins confirmed this, and also discussed incentives within the program.

J. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with University of Illinois Springfield

Dr. Metcalf discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked if more of the supporting data on this program could be presented and about ways to make resources available beyond the target cohort. Dr. Nugent asked to confirm the intent of an expansion. Dr. Leak said that best practices from this program could be more broadly effective to address needs in all schools, and that data on program effectiveness could support schools’ decision to adopt new approaches to discipline. Dr. Metcalf said he could work to include these considerations.

K. Contracts & Grants Over $1 Million – Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Illinois State University Center for Intensive Behavior Supports for the execution of the RTO Training and Supports Program

Dr. Metcalf discussed this item.

Dr. Nugent asked if resources were available to charter schools within school districts, and Dr. Metcalf confirmed that was the case.

Dr. Leak expressed appreciation for the investments in mental health and wellness supports across the agenda. She said that providing an overview of the system in the future could be useful.

L. Approval of State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board Appointees

Ms. Fox discussed this item. There were no questions.

M. Adoption of the PaCE Framework

Ms. Johnson discussed this item.

Dr. Leak said that resources on the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework for educators, particularly those for sixth grade, would be useful. Dr. Nugent asked if school counseling groups had reviewed the proposed updates to the framework, and Ms. Johnson said these groups did review and provided feedback. Dr. Leak noted that these groups could assist in creating educator resources.

VIII. New Business: Items for the Next Agenda

Dr. Leak asked if an overview of mental health and social-emotional learning initiatives could be provided. Dr. Nugent agreed and said that it would be useful to have this overview before engaging in events with the National Association of State Boards of Education.

IX. Next Meeting: May 2, 2023

X. Adjourn

Dr. Nugent moved to adjourn. Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by a roll call vote. Two votes were in favor and Dr. Grassellino was absent for the vote. Dr. Leak adjourned the committee at 4:14 p.m.
