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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Budget Committee met Aug. 17

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Budget Committee met Aug. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Michael A. Bilandic Building, 160 N. LaSalle St., Room N505, Chicago, Illinois ICJIA Offices, 524 S. 2nd Street, Suite 220, Springfield, Illinois

Call to Order and Roll Call 

Acting ICJIA Budget Committee Chair Patrick Delfino called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. ICJIA Deputy General Counsel Scott Risolute called the roll. Meeting attendance was as follows:

Budget Committee Member Attendance 




Jason Hernandez for Cook Co. Sheriff Tom Dart


Nicole Kramer for Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx


Mary Morrissey for Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly


Peter Kocerka for Cook Co. Public Defender Sharone Mitchell Jr.


John Carroll for Attorney General Kwame Raoul


Other Authority Member Attendance

DuPage County Circuit Court Clerk Candice Adams


Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Director Keith Calloway


Scott F. Main for State Appellate Defenders Office Director James Chadd


Dr. Vickii Coffey

State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor’s Office Director Patrick Delfino (Authority Chair)


Illinois Justice Project Director Ahmadou Drame


Lake County Public Defender Keith Grant

Illinois Department of Corrections Acting Director Latoya Hughes


Anthony Escamilla for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Iris Martinez


Loyola CJRPP Director David Olson


Ali Abid for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle


Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart 

Ryan Goodwin for Illinois Department of Children and  Family Services Director Marc D. Smith 


Dr. Janice Phillips for Illinois Dept. of Public Health Director  Dr. Sameer Vohra 

Cmdr. Robert Vanna for Chicago Police Department Interim  Superintendent Fred Waller 


Also in attendance were:

ICJIA Executive Director Delrice Adams

ICJAI Grant Specialist Stanley Buford

ICJIA General Counsel Kristina Dion

Larry Evans, Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System via telephone

ICJIA Program Supervisor Shataun Hailey

Trooper Jason Hinds, Illinois State Police via telephone

ICJIA Program Supervisor Shai Hoffman

ICJIA Federal & State Grant Unit Administrative Assistant Jude Lemrow

ICJIA Strategic Project Administrator Michael Lynch

ICJIA Federal & State Grants Unit Director Greg Stevens

ICJIA Program Manager Mary Ratliff

ICJIA Program Supervisor Ron Reichgelt

ICJIA Deputy General Counsel Scott Risolute

ICJIA Advanced Grant Specialist Luisa Salazar

ICJIA Program Supervisor Cydney Wessel

Other Authority staff members and guests were present.

1. Minutes of the July 13, 2023, Budget Committee Meeting 

Motion: Ms. Kramer moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2023, Budget Committee meeting. Mr. Main seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote, with recusals by Mr. Drame and Mr. Carroll because they did not attend that meeting.

2. American Rescue Plan Act 

Recommended Designation

Ms. Wessel said that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides a substantial infusion of resources to states to meet pandemic response needs and create a stronger, more equitable economy as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. She said that the SFY23 Illinois Budget authorized 155 ARPA line-item appropriations for violence prevention activities throughout Illinois, with a funding period of July 1, 2022, and December 31, 2026. She said, to date, 149 ARPA line-item appropriations have been approved. She said that staff recommends designating up to $250,000 in SFY23 ARPA funds to the Institute for Community (IFC) to support its Ice & Fire Leadership Academy, serving Romeoville (HighPoint community) and Bolingbrook (Beaconridge and Indian Oaks communities, an R3 Zone) within Will County, with the focus on developing community leaders.

Motion: Ms. Morrissey moved to approve the recommended SFY23 ARPA designation to the Institute for Community. Ms. Kramer seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

3. State Violence Prevention 

Recommended Designation

Ms. Wessel said the SFY24 Budget included an appropriation from the General Revenue Fund (GRF) to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for a grant to Laureus Sport for Good for operational expenses. She said that staff recommended designating up

to $5 million to Laureus Sport for Good Foundation of America (Laureus USA) to support sports-based youth development programming and providing healing through sports programming.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the recommended SFY24 State Violence Prevention funds to support the Laureus USA grants program. Ms. Morrisey seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

4. Less Lethal Alternatives for Law Enforcement 

Recommended Designation

Mr. Lynch said that at its April 13, 2023, Budget Committee Meeting, the Committee approved the issuance of a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for up to $20 million for subgrants to local law enforcement agencies for less lethal devices, less lethal training, other less lethal alternatives, and any associated administrative expenses. ICJIA received three applications, only one of which was responsive to the ask for a lead entity. He said staff recommended designating $19 million in SFY23 Less Lethal Alternatives (LLA) funding to the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (ILEAS) to serve as a lead entity for less lethal alternatives for law enforcement grants. He said that ILEAS will distribute equipment and funds to subgrantees and be responsible for the fiscal oversight and programmatic assurance of its subgrants and that the grant funds were intended to advance effective, safe, and accountable policing and enhance public trust and public safety. He said ILEAS is a public agency that facilitates mutual aid law enforcement responses and has experience in grant management and equipment procurement and distribution.

A discussion around the details of conducted energy devices that might be purchased with these funds ensued.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the recommended SFY23 LLA funds to ILEAS to serve as a lead entity for less lethal alternatives for law enforcement grants. Mr. Vanna seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

5. National Criminal History Improvement Program 

Notice of Funding Opportunity Request

Mr. Lynch said that ICJIA was awarded $2,111,806 in FFY23 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) funds. He said that NCHIP improves the accuracy, utility, and interstate accessibility of criminal history and related records in support of national record systems and their use for name- and fingerprint-based criminal history background checks. He said that staff recommended approving $2,062,500 of the FFY23 NCHIP Supplemental Funding award to release a NOFO for grants to provide funding to a justice-system related lead entity that will manage subgrants for electronic fingerprint reading equipment.

Mr. Lynch said the lead entity would serve as a pass-through to distribute funds to subgrantees and manage fiscal oversight and programmatic assurance of its subgrants. He said that subgrantees would be Illinois justice system agencies that submitted criminal history records through paper-based processes or were using obsolete hardware and software. He said there were approximately 125 such agencies. He said the program was intended to improve the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of criminal history record submissions. He said staff anticipated releasing the NOFO in late September 2023 and that designation recommendations resulting from this funding opportunity would be presented at a future Budget Committee meeting.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the recommended FFY23 NCHIP set-aside to support the NOFO for grants to provide funding to a justice-system-related lead entity that will manage subgrants for electronic fingerprint-reading equipment. Ms. Morrissey seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

6. Justice Assistance Grants 

Notice of Funding Opportunity Rescission

Ms. Salazar said that at the August 18, 2022, Budget Committee meeting, an FFY20 JAG set aside of $950,000 was approved to issue a NOFO to support the Crime Strategy Analysis and Evaluation program. She said that to better align with the JAG 2024-2029 Strategic Plan and its priorities, staff requested an exception from the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit (GATU) that would allow ICJIA to fund the Crime Strategy Analysis and Evaluation program for an additional year. GATU granted the request and that NOFO set-aside was no longer needed. She said that staff recommended rescinding the JAG FFY20 $950,000 NOFO set-aside.

Designation Adjustments

Ms. Salazar said that at the June 22, 2023, Budget Committee meeting, the Committee approved a $633,334 FFY21 JAG designation to fund the Crime Strategy Analysis and Evaluation Program for an eight-month period. She said that designation amount, coupled with lapsing funds, would be enough to allow the program to be funded for the fourth year. She said staff recommended switching the designation of $633,334 originally made with JAG FFY21 funds to JAG FFY20 funds to take advantage funds made available by the recission of the FFY20 NOFO set-aside.

Recommended Designations

Comprehensive Law Enforcement Response to Drugs 

Ms. Salazar said that after Board approval of the JAG Strategic Plan on June 27, 2019, and the JAG Implementation Plan on May 19, 2020, the Budget Committee approved the use of $3.5 million in JAG funds to support police-led substance use diversion/deflection programs, multijurisdictional large-scale narcotic trafficking enforcement, and multijurisdictional narcotics prosecution programs. She said that current grant agreements for the programs would end September 30, 2023. She said that staff recommended providing funds to support a fourth year of this programming beginning on October 1, 2023, as described in the table below.

Program Category / Entity 



1. Police-led deflection

Cook Co Sheriff’s Office


Dixon Police Department




2. Multijurisdictional narcotic prosecution units

Cook County SAO


DuPage County SAO


Kane County SAO


Kankakee County SAO                                             


LaSalle County SAO


Madison County SAO


McHenry County SAO


Will County SAO





3. Multijurisdictional large-scale narcotic trafficking enforcement

Blackhawk Drug Task Force


Central Illinois Enforcement Group


DuPage Metropolitan Enforcement Group


East Central Illinois Task Force


Joliet Metropolitan Area Narcotic Squad


Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group


North Central Narcotics Task Force


Quad City Metropolitan Enforcement Group


Southeastern Illinois Drug Task Force


Southern Illinois Drug Task Force


Southern Illinois Enforcement Group


State Line Area Narcotics Task Force


Task Force 6


Vermillion County Metropolitan Enforcement Group


West Central Illinois Task Force








Combined FFY20 and FFY21 Total: 


Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities 

Ms. Salazar said that in keeping with the 2019 JAG Strategic and JAG Implementation plans, ICJIA issued a competitive NOFO to support evidence-informed or promising violent crime reduction initiatives that targeted underlying drivers of violence and were tailored to the unique characteristics of violence occurring in Illinois communities. She said that at the February 17, 2022, Budget Committee meeting, members awarded grants to the three applicants listed below. She said that staff recommended awarding the grantees the following designations to continue violence prevention programming for the remainders of the total of 36 months of funding support allowed under this NOFO, as described in the table below.


Area Served 

Program Focus 


Winnebago County

Northern Counties

Violent Crime


Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office

Collar Counties

Domestic Violence


University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

Cook County

Domestic Violence




Addressing Transportation Barriers in Illinois Communities 

Ms. Salazar said that in keeping with the 2019 JAG Strategic and JAG Implementation plans, ICJIA was funding programs to address transportation barriers in Illinois communities for the justice-involved individuals, with an emphasis on evidence-informed solutions tailored to their unique needs. She said staff recommended the following designations, providing programming for a second of three years, as allowed by the NOFO.



Effingham County


Iroquois County




Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to:

• Rescind the $950,000 FFY20 JAG NOFO set-aside,

• Change the $633,334 Crime Strategy Analysis and Evaluation program

designation fund source from the JAG FFY21 to the JAG FFY20 award to take advantage funds made available by the recission of the FFY20 NOFO set-aside, • Approve the FFY20 and FFY21 designations.

Mr. Calloway seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote, with recusals by Ms. Kramer due to her involvement with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, and Ms. Morrissey due to her involvement with the Illinois State Police.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

7. Safe From the Start 

Recommended Designation Increases

Ms. Ratliff said that on June 22, 2023, the Budget Committee approved $994,000 in SFY24 Safe From the Start (SFS) funds for the entities listed below. She said the $3 million SFS SFY24 appropriation was much larger in comparison to funds received in previous years. She said staff recommended amending current grants to leverage the increased appropriation, as described below.

Implementing  Agency

Geographic Area 

Original Designation  Amount

Additional Funding

Revised Designation Amount

Children's Advocacy Center of North & Northwest Cook County

Cook/Kane (Elk Grove, Hanover, Maine, Palatine, Schaumburg, and Wheeling Townships; Prospect Heights; Carpentersville; E. Dundee)




EveryChild (formerly Child Abuse Council)

Rock Island, Henry, and Mercer




Children's Home + Aid Society of Illinois





Family Focus, Inc.

Cook (Englewood and W Englewood) 




Heartland Human Care Services

Cook (Pilsen, Little Village, Brighton Park, Back of the Yards, McKinley Park)




Metropolitan Family Services

Cook (Roseland, Pullman, West Pullman)




Anew (formerly South Suburban Family Shelter, Inc.)

Cook and Will (Townships include Bloom, Bremen, Calumet, Orland, Palos, Rich, Thornton, Worth, Crete, Frankfort, Manhattan, Monee, New Lennox, Peotone, and Washington)








Motion: Ms. Kramer moved to approve the recommended SFY24 designation increases. Ms. Hansbro seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

8. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Act 

Ms. Hailey said that the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Act agenda item would be addressed at the September 14, 2023, Budget Committee meeting pending further development of staff recommendations.

Motion: Ms. Morrissey moved to postpone the presentation of the RSAT agenda item until the September 14, 2023, Budget Committee meeting. Ms. Kramer seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

9. Violence Against Women Act 

Ms. Hailey said that upon reviewing grantee expenditures at the end of SFY23, she identified a number of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grantees with unexpended funds. She said that staff recommended reducing their designations as described below and making the funds available for future use.

Designee / Program 

Reason for Lapse

FFY19 Funds

FFY20 Funds

FFY21 Funds

City of Chicago (CPD)  SA

Unspent in personnel  & fringe


Kankakee County (Sheriff)

Unspent in travel 


City of Chicago – (CPD) DV 

Unspent in contractual 


Peoria County (Sheriff)

Unspent in personnel


Kankakee County (SAO)

Unspent salary &

fringe / Unbudgeted grant funds



Cook County – SAO (SA)

Unspent in salaries & commodities


Designee / Program 

Reason for Lapse 

FFY19 Funds

FFY20 Funds

FFY21 Funds

Cook County – SAO (DV)

Unspent in indirect costs




Unspent in salaries, commodities, eqpt & contractual



St. Clair County (SAO)

Unspent in personnel




Unspent in contractual




Unspent in contractual




Family Rescue

Unspent balance






Motion: Mr. Main moved to approve the recommended VAWA FFY19, FFY20, and FFY21 designation reductions. Ms. Hansbro seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote, with a recusal by Ms. Kramer due to her involvement with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office.

10. Victims of Crime Act 

Designations Reductions

Mr. Reichgelt said that Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant funds were recently returned to ICJIA as described below. He said FFY18 funds would expire on September 30, 2023, and must be returned to the federal government. He said that a request is pending to extend the FFY19 award beyond that date. He said staff recommended making the FFY19 funds available for future programming.

Designee / Program 

Reason for Lapse / Recission





Alliance of Local Service Organization / Services to Victims of Multi Victimization

Contractual funds lapsed due to COVID.



BUILD, Inc. / Services to Victims of Multi Victimization

Contractual funds lapsed due to COVID.



City Colleges of Chicago / Services to Victims of Multi Victimization

Delayed grant execution.


City of Rockford / Services to  Victims of Multi Victimization

Contractual and fringe  benefits funds lapsed due  to COVID.



Port Ministries / Services to Victims  of Multi Victimization

Delayed program start.






Recommended Designations

Restorative Justice Pilot Program 

Mr. Reichgelt said that staff recommended designating $191,100 in FFY21 VOCA funds to Adler University for the Restorative Justice Pilot Program, with the understanding that FFY19 funds would be used if the pending FFY19 award extension request is granted. He

said that this designation would be for a final 18-month program period and totaling 36 months of funding support.

Trauma Recovery Centers Program 

Mr. Reichgelt said that at its June 22, 2023, Budget Committee Meeting, the Committee approved issuance of a NOFO for up to $2,547,814 million in available VOCA funds for the Trauma Recovery Center Service for Victims of Crime Program. He said staff recommended designations to support the programs for 12 months, as described below. He said the $3 million total exceeded what was made available in the NOFO, but that staff was confident the programs could be supported with FFY22 VOCA funds.

Agency Name 

FFY22 Amount

Advocate Christ Medical Center


OSF Saint Francis Medical Center


Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIUSOM)


Advocate Condell Medical Center




Notices of Funding Opportunity

Mr. Reichgelt said that staff anticipated issuing the following NOFOs in the fourth quarter of 2023. He said that staff recommended setting aside available VOCA funds to support the NOFOs.

Notice of Funding Opportunity 

Set-Aside Amount

Services for Underserved Victims of Crime Program


Court-Appointed Special Advocate Victim Assistance Programs


Law Enforcement/Prosecution Victim Assistance Services


Services for Victims of Human Trafficking




Mr. Reichgelt said that designation recommendations resulting from this funding opportunity would be presented at the December 14, 2023, Budget Committee meeting.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the recommended FFY18 and FFY19 VOCA designation reductions, the recommended FFY21 and FFY22 VOCA designations, and the recommended NOFO set-asides of available VOCA funds. Mr. Escamilla seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

11. Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act 

Mr. Hoffman said the U.S. Bureau of Justice Administration withholds 10% of all JAG awards from states that have not substantially implemented requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). He said those funds were given back to the states to help increase compliance with SORNA. He said the Illinois State Police (ISP) was the designated Illinois recipient of those funds. He said staff recommended designating $255,968 in FFY22 SORNA funds to ISP to support contractual personnel who will provide program management as ISP develops a new record management system. He said those personnel would be in charge of testing the new system for the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) 3.0 data conversion process.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the recommended SORNA FFY22 designation. Ms. Kramer seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote, with a recusal by Ms. Morrissey due to her involvement with ISP.

12. Community-Based Violence Intervention Programs 

Mr. Hoffman said that in fall 2021, ICJIA released a Community-Based Violence Intervention Program (CBVIP) NOFO. He said that NOFO lead to 31 CBVIP grants and another 34 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grants. He said the grants supported street intervention, youth development, job training, case management, and mentoring. He said that most programs were in the Chicago/Cook County area. He said staff was working with the grantees to help them develop performance measures and outcome objectives.

Recommended Designations

Mr. Hoffman said staff recommended designating $2,210,921 in SFY24 CBVIP funds to the following entities to support continued implementation of the community-based violence prevention programming. These grantees were part of the initial cohort of 31 CBVIP grantees.


Current Designation

Additional Funds (SFY24 CB-VIP)

Recommended Total Designation

Between Friends




Chicago Youth Boxing Club Inc.




River City Community Development Center




The Firehouse Community Arts Center of Chicago




The Support Group




True to Life Foundation








Mr. Hoffman said that staff recommended designating $2,046,709 in SFY24 ARPA funds and $6,002,059 in state SFY24 CBVIP funds to the following organizations to support continued implementation of CBVIP programming. These grantees were part of the initial cohort of 34 CBVIP grantees supported with ARPA funds.

Implementing Agency

Current Designation

Additional Funds – SFY24 ARPA

Additional Funds – SFY24 State  CB-VIP

Total Designation

Friends of the Children - Chicago





GRO Community





New Original Ministries





Restoring the Path










Annie B. Jones Community Services, Inc.










Bella Ease





Black Educational Advocacy Coalition





Books Over Balls





Center For Conflict Resolution





Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation





Child Abuse Council





Community Youth Network Counseling Center





Cook County Southland Juvenile Justice Council





Implementing Agency

Current Designation

Additional Funds – SFY24 ARPA

Additional Funds – SFY24 State CB-VIP

Total Designation

Ebenezer Community Outreach





Family First Center of Lake County





George Washington Carver Association





Grand Boulevard Prevention Services





Harbor House (Iroquois)





Harbor House (Kankakee)





National Diversity and

Inclusion Cannabis Alliance





Northwestern University





Partnering for Our Communities





Promise Academy of Peoria





South Shore Drill Team and Performing Arts Ensemble





St. Sabina Church





Storycatchers Theatre





Teen Parent Connection















Mr. Carroll asked what kinds of services were provided by the National Diversity and Inclusion Cannabis Alliance (NDICA).

Mr. Buford said that NDIC provided violence prevention services to underserved communities, workforce development, mentorship, and education around systemic racism.

Motion: Ms. Kramer moved to approve the six recommended CBVIP designation increases totaling $2,210,921 in SFY24 CBVIP funds. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Motion: Mr. Carroll moved to approve the four recommended CBVIP designation increases totaling $2,046,709 in SFY24 ARPA funds. Ms. Morrisey seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Motion: Ms. Kramer moved to approve the 24 recommended CBVIP designation increases totaling $6,002,059 in SFY24 CBVIP funds. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

13. Violence Prevention and Reduction 

Mr. Hoffman said that staff recommended designating $315,000 in SFY24 Violence Prevention and Reduction (VPR) funds to the entities listed below.


Maximum Amount

Chicago Lawndale AMACHI Mentoring


Firehouse Community Arts Center of Chicago




Motion: Mr. Escamilla moved to approve the recommended SFY24 VPR designations. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion.

Voice Vote: The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Public Comment 


Old Business 


New Business 

Ms. Adams introduced new ICJIA Board Member Ahmadou Drame.

Ms. Adams said ICJIA scheduled a Budget Committee Meeting for September 14, 2023.

Ms. Adams said that the vote that was conducted at this meeting on CBVIP is the first of many opportunities that this board has to help with sustainability, especially as ARPA is going to sunset soon. She said that staff had been working internally and with external partners to evaluate programs to determine the best kinds of continuous programming.


Motion: Ms. Hansbro moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Calloway seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:31 a.m.
