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Illinois State Board of Education met Aug. 17

Illinois State Board of Education met Aug. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

ROLL CALL Chair of the Board Steven Isoye called the meeting to order at 10 a.m.

Chair Isoye announced that the Board meeting was being audio-cast live over the internet and video recorded.

Chair Isoye asked the clerk to call the roll. A quorum was present with five members attending in person. State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders also was in attendance. Dr. Anna Grassellino and Dr. James Anderson were absent.

Members Present:

Dr. Steven Isoye, Chair of the Board

Dr. Donna Leak, Vice Chair

Dr. Christine Benson, Secretary

Roger Eddy

Dr. Patricia Nugent

Members Absent:

Dr. James Anderson

Dr. Anna Grassellino


Chair Isoye welcomed the two newly appointed members of the State Board of Education, Dr. Sherly Chavarria and Laura Gonzalez.

Interim Chief Legal Officer Kristen Kennedy administered the ceremonial oath of office. Dr. Chavarria and Ms. Gonzalez swore to uphold their responsibilities as members of the Illinois State Board of Education.

Chair Isoye asked the clerk to call the roll. A quorum was present with seven members in attendance, all of whom were physically present. Dr. Grassellino and Dr. Anderson were absent.

Members Present:

Dr. Steven Isoye, Chair of the Board

Dr. Donna Leak, Vice Chair

Dr. Christine Benson, Secretary

Dr. Sherly Chavarria

Roger Eddy

Laura Gonzalez

Dr. Patricia Nugent

Members Absent:

Dr. James Anderson

Dr. Anna Grassellino


Chair Isoye reminded those in attendance of the Public Participation Policy and the sign-up procedures for today’s meeting.

Carol Benz from the Reading League Illinois spoke on literacy and teacher preparation. She discussed her experience supporting students with learning disabilities, some of whom struggled to read beyond a basic level. She advised that schools prioritize remediation, training for teachers and administrators in research-based practices, early screening, and intervention with Tier I curriculum.

Ann Marie Perveneckis of Cicero Public Schools spoke on literacy and teacher preparation. She said that her teacher training program had not given her the tools to effectively teach

literacy to kindergarteners, even with Tier I curriculum. She noted that she found recommended instructional strategies to be insufficient or even ineffective, so she furthered her understanding of literacy on her own. She advocated for improvements to teacher preparation programs so that new teachers will be equipped with the methods necessary to teach literacy successfully.

Derek Bartlett of Commercial Electric spoke about funding for Career and Technical Education (CTE). He noted recent reductions in applications to a CTE program he is familiar with, where enrollment is insufficient to replace attrition that the field is experiencing from retirements. He called on schools to support young people on trade career paths and provide equipment and resources for CTE programs of all kinds. He advocated for an additional $10 million each year to be dedicated to CTE funding to avoid skilled labor shortfalls in Illinois.

Ashley Kannan of Oak Park Elementary School District 97, the 2022 Cook County Teacher of the Year, spoke about literacy and teacher preparation. He described a classroom experience with popcorn reading that showed him how traditionally taught reading methods had failed some students. He described the need for ongoing professional development, current research, and early intervention. He advocated for ISBE to ensure that educator prep programs in Illinois provide comprehensive and effective literacy training to new teachers.

Kaleb Smith from Madison County CTE spoke on CTE funding. He noted that this year’s $4.66 million increase in state CTE funding was the first such increase in two decades. He advocated for an annual increase of $10 million to help programs implement new technologies, buy new equipment, and expand or upgrade area career centers. He advised that ISBE add more resources to its CTE funding formula to ensure that CTE programs are not left behind.

Melissa Hostetter from Illinois Early Literacy Coalition spoke on literacy and teacher preparation. She said that current teacher training programs leave new teachers unprepared to teach reading and that this system is inefficient and expensive because teachers have to learn later on. She advocated that ISBE hold Illinois teacher prep programs accountable for teaching literacy effectively and presented a petition to that end with 614 signatures from teachers and parents.

Amanda Brandt of Winnetka Public School District 36 spoke on literacy and teacher preparation. She remarked that, despite her focus on literacy, her degrees did not provide her with the knowledge of how to teach her students to read. As a result, she worked hard to further her own education and share this knowledge with other teachers. She stated that this lack of comprehensive training on literacy instruction is unacceptable and that ISBE should ensure that teacher training programs give teachers the skills they need to teach literacy effectively.

Gregg Fuerstenau of Litchfield Community Unit School District 12 spoke on CTE funding. He explained that his district had formed a CTE consortium with other districts and had created a CTE roadmap, curriculum, career pathways, and internship opportunities. He also described the $8.6 million grant that had been used to renovate a building in the region to provide CTE training. He stated that this was the first area career center to be added in his region in a long time, and he advocated for a $10 million annual increase so that Illinois does not fall behind other states in CTE opportunities.

Melissa Maldonado of Start Early spoke on preschool inclusion. She stated that she wanted Illinois to be the best state to raise young children, including children with disabilities and developmental delays, but that insufficient funding presents challenges to this goal, even with the state budget’s $5 million appropriation for early childhood. She asked that ISBE continue to partner with Local Education Agencies and community-based organizations to improve access to special education, funding, and equitable delivery models.

Christine Lensing of Waukegan Public School District 60 spoke on teacher training. She argued that teacher training programs are often lacking in terms of explicit instruction on how to teach reading and the science behind it, such as how to build fluency and language

comprehension, teach blending and sight word recognition, and more. She said that best literacy practices shouldn’t be accessible only to those families who can afford additional tutoring. She emphasized that colleges of education must properly prepare their pre-service teachers to teach reading.


Dr. Nugent moved that the State Board of Education go into closed session for the following exception items:

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

B. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

C. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

D. Meetings between internal or external auditors and governmental audit committees, finance committees, and their equivalents, when the discussion involves internal control weaknesses, identification of potential fraud risk areas, known or suspected frauds, and fraud interviews conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards of the United States of America. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(29)

She further moved that Board members may invite anyone they wish to be included in this closed session.

Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

The open meeting recessed to go into closed session at 10:39 a.m. The open meeting reconvened at 11:34 a.m.

CONSENT AGENDA Chair Isoye reviewed the items under the Consent Agenda.

Dr. Leak noted that the Board would meet in Glen Ellyn in October and Effingham in March.

Mr. Eddy moved that the State Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda.

Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

The following motions were approved by action taken in the Consent Agenda motion:

Approval of Minutes

Plenary Minutes: June 21, 2023

The Illinois State Board of Education hereby approves the June 21, 2023, meeting minutes.

Rules for Initial Review

*Approval for Publication – Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) Homeless Dispute Resolution Rules


Dr. Jason Helfer, Chief Education Officer – Instruction, discussed this item.

Dr. Benson mentioned that the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) had recognized the Dolly Parton Imagination Program nationally. Dr. Helfer noted the excitement among Illinois families that had recently signed up for the program.

Dr. Leak moved that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes entering a sole source grant with the Dollywood Foundation in the amount of $1.6 million in order to provide registration access to every child aged 0-5 in Illinois so they can receive a free, ageappropriate book each month. The initial term of the grant will begin July 1, 2023, and extend through June 30, 2024.

Dr. Nugent seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Jennifer Kirmes discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy clarified that members of the General Assembly ask for member initiatives to be placed into the budget, and the Board’s duty is mainly to pass along these funds.

Dr. Benson moved that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes the state superintendent to award a sole source grant to YouthBuild Illinois in the amount of $5.5 million for fiscal year 2024.

Mr. Eddy seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote


Director of Early Childhood Development Carisa Hurley Davis and Nakisha Hobbs, CEO and founder of It Takes a Village, discussed this item.

There were no questions.

Ms. Gonzalez moved that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes the state superintendent to award a grant to It Takes A Village Family of Schools to provide early childhood services to children and families within the city of Chicago. This is a member initiative grant, which is funded with General Revenue Fund dollars in the amount of $3 million.

Dr. Leak seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Ms. Hurley Davis also discussed this item.

There were no questions.

Dr. Chavarria moved that the State Board of Education hereby authorizes awarding an additional $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund to Early CHOICES for FY 2024 and $4.5 million for state activities to support the inclusion of children ages 3-5 with developmental delays and disabilities in school and community-based early childhood settings, for a total of $5 million.

Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Approval for Publication – Part 680 (State Seal of Biliteracy) Assessment Updates Director of Multilingual/Language Development Joanne Clyde discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy asked if the minimum GPA would be the new standard for all languages. Ms. Clyde confirmed that students would need to meet the required 3.0 for dual-enrollment classes.

Approval for Publication – Part 271 (Computer Science Equity Grant Program) New Part Dr. Kirmes discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy asked about the amount of the appropriation. Dr. Kirmes said that $3 million would be distributed competitively. Mr. Eddy confirmed that ISBE is currently working on the rulemaking and asked about eligibility. Dr. Kirmes said that school districts and other entities such as Regional Offices of Education, colleges, and universities that might be able to partner with schools would be eligible.

Approval for Publication – Approve the Release and Award of the Request for Sealed Proposals for Student Information System Contractual Team

Director of Software Solutions Madan Damodaran discussed this item. There were no questions.

Approval of Sole Source Grant to After School Matters

Director of Wellness Kim Barnes-Cummins discussed this item.

Dr. Leak asked to clarify that this grant is for Chicago Public Schools, not for the entirety of Illinois. Ms. Barnes-Cummins confirmed that this was the case.

Approval of FY 2024 Continuation School Improvement Grants

Director of School/District Improvement Dr. Christine Paxson discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy commented that there were several school districts that no longer required funding because they had progressed out of the support category, and he wished to recognize the strides those schools have made.

Approval of Sole Source Grant to Illinois State University for its National Board Resource Center for National Board Certified Teachers

Dr. Kirmes discussed the next series of items.

Dr. Leak stated that the large amount of funding dedicated to this program makes it particularly important to keep track of the diversity of the students and adults impacted. Dr. Kirmes said she will ensure that this will be part of the grant’s stated objectives and conditions.

Approval of Sole Source Grant to Teach for America

Dr. Leak asked about Teach for America placement locations in Illinois to better gauge the impact of the program and its funding. Dr. Kirmes said she would confirm with Teach for America and subsequently provide that information.

Approval of Sole Source Grant to the Southwest Organizing Project Parent Mentor Program Mr. Eddy asked if this program would expand significantly given the substantial increase in funding, and he noted that ISBE’s responsibility is to make sure that these funds are being used effectively. Dr. Kirmes said that she expects the Southwest Organizing Project to add more schools to the program and expand within the schools they currently serve. She said that she would ask the organization for initial projections. Dr. Helfer added that ISBE has collected information from staff on member initiatives like this one and would update the Board quarterly with relevant information.

Dr. Nugent noted the importance of understanding and quantifying continual involvement with the program compared with new participation. Dr. Kirmes said that she would ask the program for this information.

Mr. Eddy stated that it is vital for ISBE to understand the application process and selection criteria for participating school districts. Dr. Kirmes said she would provide that information and noted that this was a network of community-based organizations, making outreach highly localized. She added that ISBE could set performance expectations as to site numbers in each region.

Approval of Illinois Autism Learning and Supports Upward Amendment for FY 2024 and Extension through FY 2026

Director of Special Education Operational Support Barbara Moore discussed the next series of items.

There were no questions.

Approval of FY 2024 Assistive Technology Device Loan and Evaluation Project Upward Amendment

There were no questions.

Approval of FY 2024 Philip J. Rock Center and School Upward Amendment There were no questions.

Approval to Release and Award an RFSP for ISBE to Enter a Competitive Bid for the Administration of the Illinois High School Accountability Assessments

Director of Assessment Dr. Sean Clayton discussed this item.

There were no questions.

Approval to Request for Proposals IDEA, Part B Preschool Discretionary Grant Project STAR NET

Ms. Hurley Davis discussed this item.

There were no questions.

Approval of Request for Sealed Proposals – Early Childhood Block Grant Regional Community Systems Development

Ms. Hurley Davis also discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy asked to clarify that funding to this program would support the Birth to Five Councils and their research but would not directly provide educational services. Dr. Helfer said that the grant under consideration would fund improved coordination of Birth to Five services based on the findings of recent needs assessments. Ms. Hurley Davis added that this funding is for community systems development.

Mr. Eddy underscored the importance of ensuring that the education of children would be the top priority, with research and capacity-building supporting that goal but not replacing it. He noted the challenges of funding cliffs created when one source of funding dries up and organizations rely more heavily on other sources. Dr. Leak added that it is important to have the information and data necessary to make informed decisions on funding allocations.

Approval of State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board Attendance and Continued Service Review

Director of Educator Effectiveness Emily Fox discussed this item.

Dr. Leak noted the importance of continued monitoring and communication.

Mr. Eddy asked to confirm that one meeting did not have a quorum due to member absences. Dr. Nugent asked if this was the meeting that was moved due to a religious holiday, and Ms. Fox said it was not. Mr. Eddy noted that members cannot contribute their valuable experience when they are not in attendance and asked if remote attendance was allowed. Ms. Fox stated that it was permitted under certain circumstances. Dr. Nugent asked if there had been similar problems in previous years. Ms. Fox said that there had been no difficulties establishing quorum in the past.

Mr. Eddy advised that ISBE continue to monitor the situation closely, noting a strong duty to those who depend on the board for licensure decisions.

Approval of the Fall 2023 Waiver Report

Executive Director of Legislative Affairs Dana Stoerger discussed this item.

Mr. Eddy asked about the impact of recent legislation on non-resident tuition waivers. Dr. Sanders said districts were given the option to withdraw or continue with the waiver for this year.

Mr. Eddy asked about other types of summarily approved waivers that are submitted each year, and he mentioned that perhaps this process could be made more efficient. Mr. Stoerger noted that the next three highest waivers were school improvement, physical education, and driver education. Mr. Eddy said that it would be difficult to streamline these particular waivers and thanked Mr. Stoerger for expanding on this topic.


Superintendent/Senior Staff Announcements

Dr. Sanders thanked teachers, administrators, and educational support professionals for their hard work and welcomed Illinois’ 1.9 million students and their families back to the classroom. He sent his best wishes to all school districts for a wonderful and healthy school year. In addition, he thanked ISBE staff who volunteered at the State Fair.

Chair of the Board’s Report

Chair Isoye extended his welcome to the two new Board members.

He said that he had attended the National Forum on Education Policy, a conference hosted by the Education Commission of the States, which studies education policy throughout the nation. He said that topics of discussion included technology and social-emotional needs. He also informed the Board that he had met with the new cohort at Teach Plus and with Dr. Kimberly Chambers, executive director of the Illinois Association of School Personnel Administrators, with whom he discussed collaboration with ISBE.

He encouraged Board members to attend the NASBE conference in October, as well as the September Board retreat.

Member Reports

Dr. Leak said that the upcoming NASBE conference would have wonderful programming and recognized Dr. Benson, the president of the organization. Dr. Leak encouraged Board members to attend forums with other states, saying that it would be valuable to expand the Board’s lens beyond the state of Illinois.

Mr. Eddy mentioned the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) conference in late September, which he said would provide interesting programming about emerging issues in the state of Illinois. Dr. Leak also made note of the Joint Annual Conference in November hosted by IASA, the Illinois Association of School Boards, and others.

Dr. Leak thanked teachers, staff, parents, students, and administrators at districts across the state who are opening their doors this week.


ISBE Fiscal and Administrative Monthly Reports Freedom of Information Act Monthly Report


Ms. Gonzalez moved that the State Board of Education adjourn the August 16, 2023, meeting.

Dr. Nugent seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 12:48 p.m.




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