Tony Sanders, State Superintendent of Education | School District U-46 / Facebook
Tony Sanders, State Superintendent of Education | School District U-46 / Facebook
Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Purchased Care Review Board will meet May 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order, Luke Corry, Chair
II. Minutes, Luke Corry, Chair
III. Public Comment, Luke Corry, Chair
IV. Closed Session (as needed)
V. Schools
2023-2024 Appeals, Larry Smith
2023-2024 Rates, Chris McClintock/Larry Smith
Extension Requests, Larry Smith
2024-2025 School Year Medians and Inflation Factors, Larry Smith
VI. Old Business
Reminder to Board Members to complete Open Meetings Act Training
VII. New Business
Appointment of Nominating Committee and Chair, Luke Corry, Chair
VIII. Adjournment, Luke Corry, Chair