
Prairie State Wire

Friday, July 5, 2024

Illinois public health department issues Fourth of July safety reminders

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Omer Osman Secretary of Transportation | Official website

Omer Osman Secretary of Transportation | Official website

As Illinois residents prepare for the 2024 Fourth of July celebrations, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has issued reminders to follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday. The IDPH emphasized food handling, sun protection, pest prevention, and fireworks safety.

“Our nation’s Independence Day is always one of my favorite days of the year,” said IDPH Director Dr. Sameer Vohra. “As we celebrate America’s birthday with great food and fireworks, I remind my fellow Illinoisians that a little advance planning can ensure a healthy and safe Fourth of July. Avoid foodborne illnesses at cookouts and picnics by keeping cold food cold and cooking hot foods to the proper temperature. Dodge insect-borne illnesses and ‘fight the bite’ by wearing insect repellent. Evade sunburn and heat-related illnesses by applying sunscreen, staying hydrated, and wearing lightweight, light-colored clothing. And keep the handling of fireworks to the professionals.”

Dr. Vohra also highlighted that only trained professionals should handle fireworks due to potential health risks associated with air quality deterioration from fireworks displays, particularly for individuals with heart or lung disease.

The IDPH provided several health tips:

**Food Safety:**

- Keep meat, poultry, and seafood refrigerated until ready to grill.

- Use separate coolers for beverages and food.

- Store raw meat separately from other foods.

- Thaw food safely in the refrigerator or cold running water.

- Wash hands before eating and preparing foods.

- Ensure grills are clean before use.

- Cook food to safe temperatures using a thermometer (145°F for whole cuts of beef, veal, lamb, pork; 160°F for ground meats; 165°F for all poultry).

- Discard marinades that have touched raw meat juices.

- Store leftovers within two hours after cooking.

**Water Safety:**

- Supervise young children around water.

- Use life jackets and personal flotation devices.

- Avoid alcohol while supervising children or engaging in water activities.

- Shower before swimming in pools.

**Sun Protection:**

- Never leave anyone in a closed vehicle.

- Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher 30 minutes before going outside.

- Increase fluid intake; avoid alcohol and caffeine.

- Wear lightweight clothing.

**Heat Illness Prevention:**

- Recognize symptoms of heat exhaustion (heavy sweating, dizziness) and heat stroke (hot skin, confusion). Move affected individuals to cooler places if symptoms arise.

**Insect-Borne Illness Prevention:**

- Apply insect repellent containing DEET or other recommended ingredients.

- Avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours (dusk to dawn).

- Check people and pets for ticks every 2 to 3 hours.

The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal urged residents to leave fireworks displays to professionals due to risks including fires, burn injuries, loss of limbs, or fatalities.

For additional summer safety tips visit "Summer? No Sweat. A Summer Survival Guide."



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