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Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Institutional Review Board met Aug. 27

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Illinois DCFS has achieved COA accreditation, a service of Social Current. | Facebook

Illinois DCFS has achieved COA accreditation, a service of Social Current. | Facebook

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Institutional Review Board met Aug. 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Acceptance of Minutes

• July 23, 2024

III. Follow-up / Updates

• Pickett, Sue (2023-08) MEIL: “Amendment 3 (July 2024) Metro East Intact Family Recovery Program

Translation of study materials into Spanish by native speakers to enable conduting interviews in Spanish.

UPDATE: Confirmed with researcher that the native speakers used to translate were program staff but not professional translators. Referral to

DCFS DEI for further guidance.

• Tu, Shao Ching: “Clinical Trial Gene Therapy in Patienty with NGLY1 Defienciency”

Potential clinical trial to benefit AM. A formal IRB packet has not yet been submitted, however, information on the existing clinical trial has been shared with the IRB members for a preliminary review.

UPDATE: Holding for further conversations with doctors and family

IV. New Proposals

• Fuller, Tamara 2(023-08) Bias-Free Child Removal Pilot Program Evaluation:

• New program evaluation, under Public Act 102-1087, effective June 10, 2022, which requires that DCFS establish a 3-year Bias Free Child Removal Pilot Program to promote unbiased decision-making in the child removal process with the goal of decreasing the over-representation of Black children in out-of-home placements. The Act also requires an evaluation of the program that:

⮚ describes the implementation process (implementation evaluation),

⮚ determines if the program was implemented with fidelity (fidelity assessment), and

⮚ assesses the impact of the program on racial disproportionality in child removals and child safety (outcome evaluation).

A worker survey may be developed as part of a future amendment.

V. Manuscript Reviews

• Chor, Brian: DCFS Administrative Case Review (ACR) Reliability Study: Seeking approval for publication of Examining the Reliability of the Administrative Case Review Process of a State Child Welfare System to be submitted to the journal, Child Abuse & Neglect. DCFS points of contact Jennifer Eblen-Manning and Jaimie Ralph. University of Chicago-Chapin Hall IRB protocol and IRB approval is attached to the submission.

• Monahan, Emma / Chor, Brian (Jacobson): Illinios Family First Prevention Services Act: Evalution of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF CBT)

Seeking approval to post of a brief report Engaging families in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviorial Therapy on the Chaping Hall Website. Study originally submitted under Brian Chor; senior researcher changed to Emma Monahan 05/2023.

VI. On Hold

• LaSota, Robin (2024-02): “Youth in Care aged 12+ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expectations (SOGIE) Supports Survey”

Updates still pending

VII. Other

• Manuscripts: IRB approval process for manuscripts.

• Trainings: Required trainings (Ethics, Harassment/Discrimination Prevention, DEI, and LGBTQIA+) due October 31, 2024.

⮚ Training website: https://OneNet.Illinois.gov/MyTraining.

Next Meeting date: September 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm

VIII. Adjourn
