Christine Haley - Chief Homelessness Officer for the State of Illinois | LinkedIn
Christine Haley - Chief Homelessness Officer for the State of Illinois | LinkedIn
Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board met Jan. 30.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Roll Call and Approve Agenda and 10.17.24 Meeting Minutes
3. Chairperson's Welcome Remarks: Laura Garcia, Director, Chair
4. Process for Recommendation Submission: Dr. Randi Moberly, Advocates for Human Potential
5. Office of Attorney General Kwame Raoul, National Opioid Settlements Updates: Andrea Law, Deputy Bureau Chief, Health Care Bureau
6. Working Groups Updatesa. Medical & Research: Kate Austman, MD, Chairb. Access & Equity: Joel K. Johnson, Chairc. Workforce & Infrastructure: Blanca Campos, Chair
7. Office of Opioid Settlement Administration Updates: Jim Wilkerson, Office of Opioid Settlement Administrationa. Illinois Settlement Funds Updateb. New Funding Recommendations (Action Items)
8. Board Recommendations and Discussion, Laura Garcia, Chair
9. Public Comments
10. Chair Closing Remarks
11. Adjournment
*If you would like to submit a written question, public comment or document ahead of the meeting, please email information to Verella Olguin at by January 28, 2025.
While the meetings are held virtually, in-person space is available at IDHS/SUPR offices at
600 E Ash, Building 500
Conference Room 2C
Springfield, IL, and
401 S Clinton
Training Room 1
Chicago, IL