Yvonne Sencial Bolton has resigned her post as Illinois chairman of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly in protest over Gov. Bruce Rauner’s GOP primary victory.
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner is starting the general election campaign down 22 points to Democrat J.B. Pritzker, according to an Ogden & Fry survey released last week. More alarming for Rauner: the survey found 33 percent were favorable and 63 percent were unfavorable, compared with 45 percent favorable to 47 percent unfavorable for Pritzker.
Gov. Bruce Rauner startled many of the Republican faithful late last week when he insisted he still has no social agenda as he heads into his general election race against Democrat J.B. Pritzker.
School districts in Will, Franklin and Bureau counties received the lowest financial ratings in Illinois by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for their 2017 finances.
LaSalle, Monroe and Pike counties top the list in Illinois with the highest spending per capita in 2016, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
With Illinois' interest penalties alone approaching $1 billion, Truth in Accounting Director of Research Bill Bergman is wondering who is servicing the state's debt, an area where things can change very fast.
Illinois’ unpaid vendor debt dipped to $8,233,952,365.72 during the week ending March 21, a drop of nearly $500 million from the previous week, the state comptroller's office said.
This year, 640 Illinois school districts achieved "financial recognition" by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for their 2017 finances. The designation means these schools scored highest in financial strength metrics.
BetterGov investigates on the truth of Rauner stating that “newspapers have framed this election as my fight against the Illinois mafia. But it’s really the people versus the Illinois mafia.”
In the midst of what Democrats are hoping will be a "Blue Wave" of elections this year, incumbents in Illinois faced opposition from voters because many of them voted for a 32 percent state income tax hike last year.
I am a rock-ribbed conservative who wants Republicans to keep control of Congress. But I’m not unhappy that Republican state Rep. Rick Saccone appears to have lost the special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District.
Although Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) was all but knighted as the Republican heir apparent in the governor’s race, she failed in her bid to topple incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner – but only by 3 percentage points.