
Prairie State Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

LEEF: Is it possible to befriend today’s liberal?


Dr. Jeffrey Leef

Dr. Jeffrey Leef

Younger me:

 “Sure it’s possible to be friends with a liberal. We have differing approaches to achieve the same goals. I respect them, and they respect me.”

But that was way back in 2015; a simpler time when I first decided to run for U.S. Congress.

How I long for those idyllic days when I believed I could speak on topics such as school choice, minimum wage, immigration reform, and health care, without being labeled a racist.

Have things really changed that much since I first proudly cast my vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980?

Well I’m here to say – Nope.

 If you listen to Democrats, they are and always have been the pillars of our civic virtue, crossing the aisle to forge reasonable compromise on matters of public import.

The willing and gullible media perpetuate this myth and the Left’s pliable, useful fools, the modern liberal, further promulgate it through their echo chambers.

President Trump raised the curtain on the Left, exposing them for the evil apparatchiks they are and he also cast a bright light on the simple-minded curs who curl up in their vile masters’ laps, waiting to bark loudly and nip at anyone who dares question the settled truths of Left wing orthodoxy.

“How dare he jump in the mud and battle us using our own tactics! Why it’s an outrage”, squealed Democrats, appalled their Alinsky tactics were being shoved right back into their smug faces.

“How dare he act in such an unbecoming fashion! It is much better to lose repeatedly with dignity”, harrumphed the country club Republicans, for whom losing is a part of their political DNA.

I must admit. Initially I did not support Donald Trump; however, after he compelled the Left to reveal its true self, and after he forced liberals to drop their pretense of tolerance, I realized that despite his significant shortcomings, the country desperately needs this president.

It’s almost sad to see that liberals refuse to acknowledge that they too will ultimately be the victims of their leftist teachers. Democrats that do not fall in line and have the audacity to be honest are swiftly dispensed with.

Look no farther than our once fair state of Illinois.

The character assassination of Anita Alvarez, our state’s first Latina State’s Attorney for Cook County, was despicable. As per usual in the State of Illinois (with the exception of Governors), the real criminals (Rahm Emanuel and Michael Madigan) continue to commit their sordid nefarious acts.

 Aided by the bad seed that was created by his communist parents, David Axelrod (you know him as president Obama’s Chicago hitman) helped throw Ms. Alvarez under the bus as the likes of Democratic career U.S. Congressman Danny Davis and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle swarmed with their fellow jackals, gloating with self-righteous indignation. They rushed to support Ms. Alvarez’ opponent, whose qualifications consisted solely of having the mandatory ability to blindly abide by the Chicago Democratic Machine’s marching orders.

 Rep Davis stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the mayor who paid off Laquan McDonald’s family, months before the details of the shooting were released.

As for me, I have my own story. But instead of rehashing that old chestnut, here is what I have learned from liberal “friends”:

Me – “There are bad cops just as there are bad doctors, teachers, plumbers and all lawyers. But there simply is not systemic racism in the police force. Any civilized society requires laws and those who uphold them and to unjustly attack them en masse jeopardizes not only our safety but our society itself.”

Liberal – “You are a racist”.


Liberal – “Trump is gassing children at the border! We’ve seen this before!”

Me – “Are you honestly comparing victims in the Holocaust to people who refuse legal pathways into the country, storm the border and are stopped using means which all former presidents (even the Great Obama) have used?!”

Liberal – “You are a racist.”


Me – “Governor Rauner was a disgrace. He essentially approved the evil leprechaun’s budget, he made Illinois a sanctuary state and he granted his social warrior wife’s wishes by expanding taxpayer-subsidized abortions.”

Liberal – “You are not only racist, but you want to deny women reproductive rights!”

So, the question is, do I hate the LEFT?

Most assuredly, yes.


It’s simple really.

Because they hate me.

– Dr. Jeffrey Leef, a two time congressional candidate for Illinois' 7th congressional district, is an interventional radiologist and Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Chicago.