Illinois Community College Board met Dec. 4
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
It is recommended that the following motion be adopted:
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the Board minutes of the December 4, 2020 meeting as recorded.
Item #1 – Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Chair Lopez called the Board meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. and asked Ann Knoedler to call roll. The following Board members were present on the call: Paige Ponder, Terry Bruce, Larry Peterson, Lynette Stokes, Suzanne Morris, Nick Kachiroubas and Teresa Garate. Enrique Velazquez, Student Board member, was absent. A quorum was declared.
Item #2 – Announcements and Remarks by Dr. Lazaro Lopez, Board Chair
Dr. Lopez began by acknowledge the passing of Jerry Weber. Jerry was a tireless advocate for the community college system here in Illinois, where he was formerly the president at Kankakee Community College and the College of Lake County. From 2017 to 2020 he served as the President of Bellevue College in Washington. He worked tirelessly for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and was an advocate for Green programs, establishing The Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN), which is a consortium of Illinois community colleges working together to share resources, common experiences and best practices to help grow the new green economy. On behalf of the Board, Dr. Lopez wanted to express our condolences to his family.
Dr. Lopez went on to speak about the continued status of working remotely, in light of the still surging pandemic. The agency is doing very well and staff have adjusted to remote work. The agency has protocols in place in order to try to keep everyone safe. Though it is likely to take some time, vaccines are forthcoming.
One of the first things we can hope for from the new administration is some serious consideration of a state COVID relief package. Biden has already endorsed the idea, put forward by a bipartisan group of Senators, for 900 billion in relief as a down payment toward the countries recovery.
There have been numerous expressions of commitment and interest about community colleges from this administration. Including:
• Free Community College. One proposal calls for the federal government covering 75 percent of the cost and states contributing the remaining obligation.
• Expansion of PELL
o Double PELL funding
o Expand eligibility to PELL for dual credit students
• Significant investments ($50 billion) in CTE and workforce training, with community college as the main workforce provider
o Apprenticeship programming
o Community college facilities and technology ($8 billion)
o Employer and union partnerships
o Specific investments in Information Technology and AI
• Investing in Diversity and Equity
o Dual credit as a strategy for equity and diversity in key workforce shortages (specifically teaching)
o Additional funding for supporting individuals with disabilities across the education continuum (including full funding for IDEA implementation)
o Investments in MSIs
• Other Priorities that will Indirectly Impact Community Colleges
o Universal Pre-K
o Investments in Climate and Renewable, Sustainable Energy: increase demand for renewable energy and solar programming, manufacturing, and auto-related jobs
o Policies that will incentive manufacturers to stay in the States
o Modernizing Infrastructure: highway and commercial construction programming demand o Investments in Community Health Workers and Caregivers
Board member Teresa Garate will give an update on the IBHE Strategic planning efforts, but Board member Paige Ponder was asked to represent the ICCB on an advisory committee and other members will likely be asked to participate on the working groups over the next month or two. Ms. Ginger Ostro, IBHE Executive Director, will be asked to present at the ICCB January Board meeting to provide an update on those planning efforts. I know that Brian has been very involved as well.
Item #3 – Board Member Comments
There were no comments.
Item #3.1 – Illinois Board of Higher Education Report
Dr. Teresa Garate reported there are several important developments since the strategic plan work was kicked off:
• The Executive committee have met and affirmed a preliminary vision for the work that is centered on equity and student success.
• The IBHE has developed a set of core principles and priorities for strategic planning.
• The Executive Directors for IBHE and ICCB have worked to pull together the IBHE Strategic Planning Advisory Committee that will have its first meeting in the next couple of weeks.
o In addition to ICCB Board member Paige Ponder, there are three community college presidents represented on this advisory committee. The trustees, students, and faculty will also have a voice.
o This committee will meet five times between now and the end of March.
o There will also be working groups convened around specific topics that are pertinent to the plan and these working groups will be providing that information back to the Advisory Committee
• Over 9500 individuals throughout Illinois responded to a survey that helped identify what some of these priorities are.
• Nearly 20 different focus groups were conducted with stakeholders (including some ICCB members) to identify priority areas.
• The goal is for the IBHE to approve this in March / April, and for the ICCB and ISAC to endorse the plan thereafter. IBHE Executive Director, Dr. Ginger Ostro, is being invited to come to the ICCB meeting in January to provide an update to the Board.
Item #4 – Executive Director Report
Dr. Brian Durham began by echoing Chair Lopez's condolences to the family of Jerry Weber. This is really a true loss to the community college system here in Illinois. Dr. Durham went on to congratulate a number of ICCB staff on their time at the agency:
• Tricia Broughton, who has been at the agency for 20 years
• Jeff Newell who also has been with the agency for 20 years
• Jennifer foster has been with the agency as well for 20 years
There are some real opportunities coming out of the Biden administration that's about to take over in January. Nationally, in many conversations, the community college world buzzing with excitement about Joe Biden being in the White House and his administration being in support already for community colleges.
P20 Council Revised Focus on COVID-19: ICCB staff are participating in P20 Council efforts to address COVID 19 effect on students. This effort is focused on planning for the use of federal relief dollars for the full P-20 educational continuum, in the event that funds ever materialize.
Many are very interested in the budget but as of right now there is not a lot to say. ICCB is prepared for reserves if necessary and provided scenarios to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. ICCB staff has been able to identify reserves that will not touch the base operating or equalization if there is a situation where the agency will need to return any money for this current fiscal year.
The ICCB in partnership with Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) provided approximately $3 million in federal funding to 61 Adult Education providers and 15 Workforce Equity Initiative colleges. The funds must be used to remove barriers to remote learning for those students currently enrolled, or who are going to enroll, in coursework to earn a degree, credential, High School Equivalency certificate, or to increase basic skills to enter employment. Allocations are posted on the ICCB website at:
At the end of September, ICCB staff attended and presented at the Forum for Excellence, which is Illinois’ premier career and technical education (CTE) and adult education professional development event. Conference sessions amplified the equity goals of the ICCB with topics ranging from universal design for learning to considering equity and inclusion in online teaching. The conference boasted 800 attendees, a phenomenal feat, especially considering the virtual delivery.
Dr. Durham along with Deputy Executive Director Jennifer Foster were interviewed on the topic of enrollment in adult education by the Governor’s Office, includes four goals: Goal 1: ICCB employees understand, are committed to, and have the infrastructure needed to operationalize diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Goal 2: ICCB workforce reflects the diversity of the state by focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in recruitment and retention. Goal 3: ICCB policies and procedures reflect the Board’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Goal 4: Community college system goals are data driven and promote equity and access for all students.
The first of three Student Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings occurred at the beginning of October. The first meeting of the fiscal year focused on an overview of the community college system.
The advisory organizations will give their reports ahead of the Board committee reports beginning with Jacob Winters speaking on behalf of the ICCFA.
Item #6 - Advisory Organizations
Item #6.5 - Illinois Community College Faculty Association
Jacob Winters began by announcing this will be his last report. Faculty have been working insane hours to support their students. For this reason, the committee has not been very active this year and due to the pandemic, the annual conference was cancelled. Still, the Association was able to give out grants to faculty and scholarships to students. For the student scholarships, there were 7 applicants and all were issued scholarships. Six scholarships were for $1000 and one scholarship for $1500. The faculty grants given out included four grants. The committee voted on the following:
• Mahesh K Gurung, Harry S Truman College (CCC), Experiential Learning: collaborative research activity at West Ridge Nature preserve (WRNP) for Truman biology students
• Mia Hardy, Elgin Community College, The Impact of Adaptive Learning Technology on Student Learning in Online and Face to Face Sociology Classes
• Antonio Ramirez, Elgin Community College, Chicagolandia: Oral Histories of Chicago’s Latino Suburbs
• Carolyn J Stephens, Lake Land College, Research and Map Historic Old York Road from Charleston to West York
As the ICCFA president for the past 2+ years, Mr. Winters stated it has been a great experience and he has learned so much about how the local colleges and the state work together. On Tuesday, the Association will have an executive vote to appoint an interim president and treasurer.
Mr. Winters appreciates the work that ICCB members and staff do and expressed his thanks for always inviting the ICCFA to the table.
Item #6.1 - Illinois Council of Community College Presidents
Dr. Sylvia Jenkins reported the Council’s last meeting was held on November 12th. Council will be conducting a joint meeting with the CAOs and CSSOs on January 28th virtually. The focus of the agenda will be on the topic of equity, diversity and inclusion on the community college campuses.
The Council will be discussing their legislative agenda which includes MAP grants,and using the funds for short term certificate programs, continued funding for base operating and equalization grants and will continue to spread the word of how important the community college education is to the workforce. Dr. Josh Bullock will be the new president of the ICCCP beginning on July 1, 2021.
Item #6.2 - Student Advisory Council
Enrique Velazquez, Student Board member, was unable to attend the Board meeting.
Item #6.3 - Illinois Community College Trustees Association
Jim Reed report their last meeting was held on November 13-14th. The schedule included a webinar titled “Community Colleges + Diversity = The Future; What Role Will You Play as a Trustee?” Based on ACCT’s recently released implementation guide, national and local panelists will discuss strategies to create an equity-minded board and institution, suggest recommendations to monitor and evaluate the college’s progress on equity goals, and encourage meaningful changes on campus.
The Association adopted their 2021 Legislative Goals, which include a special focus on equity on higher education:
• Local control of community colleges: Illinois community college boards are locally elected or appointed to make decisions affecting their local districts and are directly responsive to the electorate. A 2007 Judicial Circuit Court decision reaffirmed the concept that community colleges are units of local government. ICCTA will protect local control of community colleges and oppose any legislation that infringes on this autonomy.
• Equitable funding for community college operations: ICCTA strongly advocates for funding to expand job-training programs in high-demand fields. Illinois community colleges will continue to provide critical educational services, including to the nation’s veterans, and to improve student outcomes at a low cost.
• Equity in higher education: In tandem with efforts taking place on individual campuses to promote equitable participation and foster a welcoming learning environment, ICCTA supports policies aimed at closing educational and economic gaps of underrepresented populations and eliminating historic barriers to higher education.
• MAP funding set-aside: The Governor has indicated strong support for the Monetary Award Program, which was reflected in an additional $50 million in funding in Fiscal Year 2020. MAP resources are essential for community college students, who are often the first in their family to attend college or come from families with distressed financial conditions. We believe that a portion of new money allocated to MAP should be earmarked for community college students.
• Baccalaureate degrees: Allowing community colleges to offer bachelor’s degrees in limited fields of study enables development of more talent for the workforce, including technical fields that are changing and growing in geographically remote areas where employers struggle to hire employees with the needed qualifications. These degrees also provide an opportunity for employed adults to advance in their careers, addressing the interests and needs of adult learners who are unlikely to pursue a transfer pathway that requires relocating from their current home and employment.
• Funding for capital construction projects: Community colleges have capital and deferred maintenance needs that approach more than $1 billion statewide. ICCTA will pursue the efficient and timely distribution of community colleges in capital construction proposals that are brought before the General Assembly.
The Association also analyzed the results of the November 3 general election. Failure of the graduated income tax amendment will place tremendous pressure on the state’s finances. Governor Pritzker has asked state agencies to trim their budgets by 5 percent to fill a potential $4 billion shortfall over the next two fiscal years. The Illinois community college system could see 5-8 percent cuts
Due to COVID-19 concerns, the General Assembly’s fall 2020 veto session has been cancelled and the February 2021 Community College National Legislative Summit will be conducted virtually.
The Association also:
• Shared ideas on how to reach out to lawmakers remotely, such as inviting them to serve as guest lecturers, appear at virtual town halls, and participate in Zoom issue briefings;
• Heard that the Illinois Community College Board plans to offer a webinar on enrollment strategies, in response to the system’s 13.7 percent drop in fall 2020 enrollment;
• Were informed that the Illinois Community College Marketing Collaborative has selected a consultant to develop a statewide media campaign for fall 2021;
• The Trustee Roundtable participants shared 1) how their colleges are responding to possible budget reductions following the failure of the “Fair Tax” amendment, and 2) how colleges responding to the COVID-19 pandemic;
• Approved several “housekeeping” amendments to the ICCTA Bylaws and Operations Manual; and
• Noted the November 11 passing of Dr. Jerry Weber, former president of Kankakee Community College and the College of Lake County.
Item #6.4 - Adult Education and Family Literacy Council
Ms. Ginger Harner reported that the Adult Education Advisory Council finished last year with the recruitment and retention focus and got that flipped upside down to COVID. The focus was dealing directly with the enrollment issue but needed to be more responsive to the remote learning environment. The focus of the council changed to remote intake and onboarding of students to remote support services for students, as well as, an equity subcommittee. Some of the issues that have been prevalent surround remote testing and proctoring. So there is preimposed testing that takes place. Rather than making this a long-term goal, the council decided to look at both long term recommendations, but also get some emergency advice out to the field. Surveys were sent out to the field to learn what approaches were working, what the action plans for remote learning are, and what the students were responding to. The council then shared these responses to the field. Most of the work has centered around the students:
• how to relate to the students and give them the personal touch that they are used to getting in the classrooms while now on a zoom meetings;
• how to keep the students engaged;
• how to reach out to the students;
• how to keep the students enrolling in the classes;
• what are the things that the staff are seeing in terms of responses from students; • how the students feel engaged during remote learning;
• what tools are working best in the virtual classrooms; and
• are there platforms that are particularly helpful for students who want to do independent work outside the classroom?
Those kinds of topics have enabled staff to do a very good job in addressing students needs and being sure that they are being heard. As the Council moves forward this fiscal year, there will be great work recommendations to follow in terms of how does the council move forward and turn this into an opportunity.
Item #5 - Committee Reports
Item #5.1 - Academic, Workforce, and Student Support
Paige Ponder reported the Committee had a continued discussion on the requirement of the Constitution Test based on research from the staff. The Committee decided to temporarily waive the Constitution requirement for everyone until further notice or for a specified period of time (e.g. January 1, 2022) and will be brought to the January 2021 Board Meeting. Any person passing the HSE exam with the required score, would be issued a high school equivalency, adult diploma, or an HSE diploma for alternative methods of credentialing. Board Member Nick Kachiroubas made a motion on behalf of the AWS Committee to have staff move forward with waiving the Constitution requirement through January 1, 2022.
Committee members also directed ICCB staff to develop a course that is on a Google Platform or Black Board for test-takers to meet the requirement. This would be taken as a part of HSE process but will be at the test-takers leisure in order to meet the requirements but would not need to be proctored. Based on the GED and the HiSet Exam and the level of coverage of information on the Federal Democratic Process, the Committee was comfortable moving forward with the removal of the federal constitution requirement and the development of a course via the google platform to meet the state requirements. The idea of this is to reduce the barriers to the employment and to entering postsecondary education. A formal approval will be brought to the Board in January 2021.
Staff provided an update on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan. The plan is a required by the Governor’s Office and includes goals on both internal and external elements. A DEI Committee is in process of being established that will be utilized to look at process and policy to ensure inclusion of diversity and equity. A goal of the plan is also to develop a framework for colleges in development of their DEI plan. Most colleges have a plan.
Staff also provided an update on the Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI) which added two more colleges for a total of 17 colleges for Year 2.
Dr. Marcus Brown also discussed the New Units of Instruction with Committee.
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BREAK at 10:22 a.m.
RETURNED at 10:32 a.m.
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Item #5.2 - Finance, Budgeting, Accountability and External Affaires
It was reported the committee met this morning at 8:00 a.m. with Terry Bruce, Larry Peterson and Lynette Stokes in attendance and discussed the following items: Timeliness of State Payments – community colleges have not received most of their base operating or equalization funds for fiscal year 2021 yet; Spring 2021 legislative agenda – no items have been brought to the ICCB staff yet but should be sent to Matt Berry; a Public Relations and Marketing Update; the Administrative Rules Regulatory Agenda; and the Fall 2020 Enrollment Report.
Item #5.2a - Finance, Budgeting, Accountability and External Affaires
Mr. Nathan Wilson shared data from the ICCB Fall 2020 Enrollment report. This data highlighted enrollment trends in Illinois and nationally. Fall 2020 student headcount, full time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, and online instruction enrollment was examined and compared to the previous year’s data.
Preliminary disaggregated data was provided as well during the presentation. The powerpoint presentation will be provided on the ICCB website.
Item #7 – New Units of Instruction
Item #7.1 – John A. Logan College, Lake Land College, Rock Valley College, Shawnee Community College
Nick Kachiroubas made a motion, which was seconded by Teresa Garate, to approve the following items:
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the following permanent new units of instruction for the community colleges listed below:
John A. Logan College
⮚ Agribusiness Management Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree (60 credit hours)
⮚ Surgical Technology A.A.S. degree (62.5 credit hours)
Lake Land College
⮚ Fire Science Management A.A.S. degree (60 credit hours)
⮚ Fire Science Management Certificate (30 credit hours)
Rock Valley College
⮚ Advanced Supply Chain Management Certificate (31 credit hours)
Shawnee Community College
⮚ Medical Assistant Certificate (32 credit hours)
⮚ Surgical Technology A.A.S. degree (62.5 credit hours)
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #8 – Illinois Community College Board Recognition of Community Colleges
Item #8.1 - Southeastern Illinois College and Spoon River College
Nick Kachiroubas made a motion, which was seconded by Doug Mraz, to approve the following motion:
The Illinois Community College Board hereby grants a status of “recognition continued” to the following districts:
Southeastern Illinois College
Spoon River College
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #9 – Adoption of Minutes
Paige Ponder made a motion, which was seconded by Suzanne Morris, to approve the following items:
Item #9.1 – Minutes of the June 12, 2020 Executive Session
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the Executive Session minutes of the June 12, 2020 meeting as recorded.
Item #9.2 – Minutes of the September 11, 2020 Board Meeting
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the Board minutes of the September 11, 2020 meeting as recorded.
Item #9.3 – Minutes of the September 11, 2020 Executive Session
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the Executive Session minutes of the September 11, 2020 meeting as recorded.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #10 - Consent Agenda
Nick Kachiroubas made a motion, which was seconded by Terry Bruce, to approve the following items:
Item #10.1 - Illinois Community College Board January 2021 Regulatory Agenda
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves the January 2021 Regulatory Agenda listed below:
a) Public Community College Act, 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1501
1) Rulemaking:
A) Description: The Board proposes to amend its rules to include new statutory reporting requirements and deadlines pursuant to recently enacted laws including, Public Act 99- 0462 (Business Enterprise Program) and Public Act 101-0534 (Native American Employment Plan). The Board also anticipates a review of all reporting deadlines established via administrative rule to ensure those deadlines remain accurate.
B) Statutory Authority: Public Community College Act [110 ILCS 805]
C)Scheduled meeting/hearing dates: None have been scheduled.
D) Date agency anticipates First Notice: April 2021
E) Affect on small businesses, small municipalities or not for profit corporations: The Board believes this rulemaking will not affect small business, small municipalities, and not for profit corporations.
F) Agency contact person for information:
Matt Berry
Chief of Staff
Illinois Community College Board
401 East Capitol Avenue
Springfield, IL 62701
Fax: 217/524-4981
G) Related rulemakings and other pertinent information: None
Item #10.2 - Proposed High School Equivalency Exam Amendment
The Illinois Community College Board hereby approves an amendment to the current agreement with Education Testing Services through December 31, 2022. The amendment also includes the addition of Exhibit 2 for the continuation of the HiSET® “Exam at Home”.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #11 – Information Items
There was no discussion.
Item #11.1 - Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Statements
Item #11.2 - Fall 2020 Enrollment Report
Item #11.3 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Plan
Item #11.4 - Basic Certificate Program Approval Approved on Behalf of the Board by the Executive Director
Item #12 - Other Business
There was no other business.
Item #13 - Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Item #14 - Executive Session
Item #14.1 - Employment/Appointments Matters and Item #14.2 - Review of Minutes of Closed Sessions
Suzanne Morris made a motion, which was seconded by Nick Kachiroubas, to approve the following motion:
I move to enter Executive Session for the purpose of Employment/Appointment Matters and Minutes of Closed Sessions which qualify as acceptable exceptions under Section 2(c) of the Open Meetings Act to hold a closed session.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved. The Board will take a break before entering into executive session. The Board entered into executive session at 11:35 a.m.
* * * * * * * * *
Doug Mraz made a motion, which was seconded by Lynette Stokes, to reconvene Public Session at 11:48 a.m.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #15 - Renewal of the Executive Director Employment Agreement
Suzanne Morris made a motion, which was seconded by Teresa Garate, to approve the following motion:
The Board hereby approves the proposed revisions to the Employment Agreement between Dr. Brian Durham and the Board, effective immediately.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #16 - Approval of Confidentiality of Executive Session Minutes
Suzanne Morris made a motion, which was seconded by Lynette Stokes, to approve the following motion:
The Illinois Community College Board hereby determines the Executive Session Minutes held on September 16, 2005; September 21, 2005; September 15, 2006; November 17, 2006; January 22, 2007; February 26, 2007; March 26, 2007; June 8, 2007; May 19, 2008; September 19, 2008; March 26, 2010; June 4, 2010; January 28, 2011; March 18, 2011; June 3, 2011; September 16, 2011; January 27, 2012; November 16, 2012; January 25, 2013; February 6, 2013; March 22, 2013; September 20, 2013; June 6, 2014; September 18, 2015; November 20, 2015; January 22, 2016; June 3, 2016; March 17, 2017; June 2, 2017; June 1, 2018; August 28, 2018; October 2, 2018; November 30, 2018; March 15, 2019; June 7, 2019 are to remain confidential. All other Executive Session Minutes are available for public inspection.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.
Item #17 - Executive Session Recommendations
Item #17.1 - Employment/Appointments Matters
There were no recommendations
Item #18 - Adjournment
Larry Peterson made a motion, which was seconded by Paige Ponder, to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:53 a.m.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Terry Bruce Yea Larry Peterson Yea
Teresa Garate Yea Paige Ponder Yea
Nick Kachiroubas Yea Lynette Stokes Yea
Doug Mraz Yea Lazaro Lopez Yea
Suzanne Morris Yea
The motion was approved.