
Prairie State Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

IDOA: Dicamba Rules In Effect For 2021 Growing Season

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Illinois Department of Agriculture issued the following announcement on Feb. 22.

The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) released emergency administrative rules detailing additional restrictions for dicamba application on soybeans for the 2021 growing season.

In October 2020, USEPA announced that it had renewed the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) registrations for three dicamba pesticides for growing seasons 2021-2025. Contrary to prior practice, USEPA declared that the only way for states to add safety restrictions to these products is through Section 24(a) of FIFRA, which allows a state to add restrictions through its rulemaking process.

IDOA filed emergency rules effective February 5, 2021. Impacted registrations include: XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology, Engenia Herbicide and Tavium Plus VaporGrip Technology.

In addition to the requirements of the federally-approved labels, all use of pesticides containing dicamba on soybeans in Illinois must comply with the following requirements:

• A pesticide containing dicamba shall not be applied on soybeans if the air temperature at the field at the time of application is over 85 degrees Fahrenheit or if the National Weather Service's forecasted high temperature for the nearest available location for the day of application exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Local National Weather Service forecasts are available at https://www.weather.gov.

• Application on soybeans of a pesticide containing dicamba shall not be made after June 20 of each year.

• Before applying a pesticide containing dicamba on soybeans, the applicator shall consult the FieldWatch sensitive crop registry (https://www.fieldwatch.com) and comply with all associated recordkeeping and label requirements.

• Application on soybeans of a pesticide containing dicamba shall not be made if the wind is blowing toward: any Illinois Nature Preserves Commission site that is adjacent to the field of application; or an adjacent residential area.

"After the announcement of the USEPA decision and as the lead agency of pesticide regulation in the State of Illinois, the Department quickly looked at options to allow farmers to make their input decisions for the 2021 growing season in a timely manner," said Acting Director Jerry Costello II. "Illinois is the number one soybean producing state in the nation, and it's critical to balance the use of this important tool (dicamba) while also protecting surrounding farmers, landowners, specialty crops, trees, forests, and natural areas."

In 2019, IDOA received 723 dicamba-related complaints. Subsequently, IDOA initiated a June 20 application cut-off date and 85-degree temperature restriction, which led to an 80% (147) decrease in dicamba-related complaints in 2020.

Prior to applying dicamba, applicators must complete dicamba-specific training on an annual basis. Training and certification programs are offered on-line at no charge by all three registrants:







IDOA's Emergency Rules for the use of pesticides containing dicamba on soybeans can be viewed at: https://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/index/register/volume45/register_volume45_issue_7.pdf (Pg. 2071)

IDOA is responsible for investigating pesticide misuse complaints, determining violations of the Illinois Pesticide Act, and initiating administrative actions based on violations of the Act. Pesticide related complaints can be filed with the IDOA by completing the following form: https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/agr/Pesticides/Documents/pesticidemisusecomplaintform.pdf

Original source can be found here.