Illinois Department of Children's Justice Task Force met May 12
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
8:50 am Meet and Greet
9:00 am Call to Order/Roll Call/Who they are/represent
Ginny Zic-Schlomas/Rhiannon Torres
9:10 am Review/Approval of March 17, 2021 Minutes
Ginny Zic-Schlomas
9:20 am Public Comment Per Open Meetings Act
9:25 am CJTF Review of Task Force Purpose /CJTF Vacancies and Term Expirations
Paul Hamann
9:30 am Introductions, new attendees/members/guests/approved appointments
Ginny Zic-Schlomas
10:00 am Presentation – 2021 3-Year Assessment
Steven Budde/Elba Karim
10:45 am Break
10:50 am Presentation – 2021 Recommendations
Ginny Zic-Schlomas/Paul Hamann
11:00 am Update by CDRT (Child Death Review/Citizens review panel)
Mary Joly Stein
11:05 am Update by SCAN (Statewide Citizen’s Committee on Child Abuse & Neglect)
Veatrice Crawford/Cyndy Savage Brown
11:10 am Discussion/Recommendations
Ginny Zic-Schlomas/Paul Hamann
12:00 pm Project Child Update
Dr. Fujara/Dr. Petrak
12:15 pm New Business: next meeting dates