
Prairie State Wire

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Egyptian Regional Human Rights Authority met Nov. 18

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Egyptian Regional Human Rights Authority met Nov. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

A. Roll Call - Determination of Quorum Present

B. Introductions by Chairperson

C. Confidentiality Statement

D. Does any guest wish to speak on an agenda item?

II. Minutes: Corrections/Revisions/Approval of September 2021 HRA Meeting Minutes

III. Communications

IV. New Business

A. Ratifications

B. New Complaints

C. Other New Business

V. Unfinished Business:

A. Case Progress Reports:

1. 19-110-9015 – Choate Developmental Center

2. 20-110-9015 – Choate Developmental Center

3. 21-110-9001 – Chester Mental Health

4. 21-110-9002 – Choate Mental Health

5. 21-110-9005 – Chamness Care

6. 21-110-9009 – Southeastern Residential Alternatives

7. 21-110-9010 – Progressive Housing

8. 21-110-9011 - TDL Group, Inc.

9. 21-110-9012 – Centerstone

10. 21-110-9013 – Choate Developmental Center

11. 21-110-9014 – Chester Medical Clinic

12. 21-110-9015 – Union County Housing

13. 21-110-9018 – Coleman Tri-County

14. 21-110-9019 – Southeastern Residential Alternatives

15. 21-110-9020 – Chester Mental Health

16. 21-110-9021 – Chester Mental Health

17. 22-110-9001 – Choate Mental Health

18. 22-110-9002 – Chester Mental Health

19. 22-110-9003 – Chester Mental Health

20. 22-110-9004 - Chester Mental Health

B. Draft Reports:

1. 20-110-9003 Chester Mental Health

2. 20-110-9009 Choate Mental Health

3. 20-110-9011 Chester Mental Health

4. 21-110-9017 Choate Developmental Center

C. Closures:

1. 20-110-9006 Choate Mental Health

D. Other Unfinished Business
