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Monday, July 1, 2024

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Firearm Prohibitors and Records Improvement Task Force met May 16

Webp 3

David E. Olson, PhD. - Chair | ICJIA Board | Loyola University Chicago

David E. Olson, PhD. - Chair | ICJIA Board | Loyola University Chicago

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Firearm Prohibitors and Records Improvement Task Force met May 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the task force:

Task Force Member Attendance



ISP Deputy Director: Chris Campbell- Designee Col Cpt. Yenchco


Deputy Director Dr. Sharon Coleman IDHS Forensic & Justice Services


IDOC Director designees: Sharon Shipinski


IDOC Director designees: Zachary Sarver


Illinois Attorney General designee: Caitlyn McEllis


Marcia M. Meis, Director AOIC designee Stephany Ortiz


Jim Kaitschuk, Illinois Sheriff’s Association


Robert Berlin, Illinois State’s Attorney’s Association


James Keegan, Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police


Lia Daniels, Illinois Health, and Hospital Assoc. representing Elizabeth Nelson


Mayor Reggie Freeman, Illinois Municipal League


ICJIA Executive Director: Delrice Adams


Also present were:

Stefanie Browning, IDHS, FOID Mental Health Reporting

Angela Graves, IDHS, FOID Mental Health Reporting

Theresa Everist, IDHS, FOID Mental Health Reporting

K. Jill Urbas, IDHS, FOID Mental Health Reporting

Other Authority Staff Members:

Tim Lavery, ICJIA Director of Research

Emilee Green, ICJIA Research Analyst Center for Justice Research and Evaluation Sarah Henricksen, ICJIA, Associate General Counsel

Michael Lynch ICJIA Strategic Projects Administrator

Minutes by:

Kimberly Atkins, ICJIA Strategic Project Administrator: Minutes/Editor

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

• Chairperson Delrice Adams called the meeting to order at 2:05 P.M.

• Sarah Henricksen, Associate General Counsel took roll call and Quorum was established


Approval of the minutes

• Motion: To approve the minutes from April 18, 2024, Meeting

• Motion By: Bob Berlin

• Seconded By: Caitlyn McEllis

• Henricksen took voice vote, and the motion carries for approval of the minutes

II. New Business

• Chairperson, ICJIA Executive Director, Delrice Adams, introduced Timothy Lavery, ICJIA Research Analyst in the Center for Justice Research and Evaluation, and Emily Greene to review the review of Draft of Final Report with members to sure up so the report may be submitted on time. Chairperson Adams turns the floor to Mr. Lavery to review the report.

• Tim Lavery: Introduces Emily Green to review the report that will be presented in future to vote on soon that will be heavily impacted by the voting process from previous meeting.

• Emily Green The taskforce views screen share by Ms. Green that goes over Final Report Draft and the organization of the report and review the report on screen to see how the report is organized and what is included prior to the official draft goes out. The voting is scheduled in June and hopefully questions or last-minute deletions and additions are included earlier. By 2027 there will have been produced 6 reports. Ms. Greene reviews the background and general legislative clarifications. The table Ms. Greene created with members and voted on are not included in this report to keep things focused.

• Qualified examiner language is listed and Ms. Mc Ellis, provides clarification for language. The definition of Qualified Examiner, the taskforce may want to be specific about where we may want to change. The entire list for qualified examiners is in the appendix.

• Ms. Green mentioned that for 2025 the taskforce will be looking at completing a Qualtrics survey to provide feedback on the next steps to focus on 2025. The group may want to look at prioritizing Illinois State Police firearms Service Bureau most common prohibitors which is the first item on the next steps carried from 2023,

• Jay Gragg- Where their other areas that mentioned the Qualified examiners reference in context of the definition?

• Emily Greene There may be other acts that mentioned qualified examinators. Before the June 30, 2024, meeting we may look at getting a Qualtrics survey out to members to determine the focus on the taskforce and next steps.

• Chairperson, Director Adams asks the task force to take a few minutes to talk about the 2025 priorities if there are things that come to mind for the task force to have dialog.

• Jay Gragg Made mention the FOID Mental Health System that the department is in RFP to update and outdated system that will have more reporting capabilities. The system lacks capacity to grow within the current mainframe so a vendor will come in and build a system with nuances to support the departments need. By 2025 the department may be at the vendor selection process to build a special system.

• Caitlyn Mc Ellis – Define the determination of the most common prohibitors used by ISP, to understand the intended goal. Ms. Green mentioned that the goal came from 2022 when the members had had only 2 meetings. Mr. Lavery explains proposal for the taskforce to look at the numbers, quantify the problem and come up with a solution to the problem.

• Jim Kaitschuk Presents questions to IDHS process for receipt of clear and present danger reporting and matches and the revocation is made by ISP. If there is a clear and present danger, then the ISP can have information prior to dispatch. ISP now provides information to locals to turn in card and file a disposition notice. In this case, law enforcement wants to be notified. The LEEDS notification would be accessible to local police.

• Jay Gragg There needs to be clarity and there needs to be clarity to the impact to the total program for law enforcement to be added. FOID is for the mental health program, outside needs specifics because the relationship is with ISP. Mental health collects data and stores until there is a need for the data.

• K. Jill Urbas law enforcement clear and present danger or mental health clear and present danger may need to clarity.

• Emilee Green, Jay Gragg, Chairperson Adams – recommends writing up a next step for all parties. Gragg states it is noteworthy for all parties to be engaged. Adams states that determining recommendations and solutions with law enforcement, presenting solutions that come up from the multidisciplinary team may be meaningful in a report for the task force to present to legislation as a next step in the next fiscal year.

• Next meeting is Thursday, June 20, 2024 @ 2:00 PM -3:00 pm

• Further review the road map for 2025 and build based on the findings from the previous year.

F. Public Comment

• Chairperson, ICJIA Director Delrice Adams asked if there were any public comments, there were none presented.

V. Adjournment:

• Motion: To Adjournment of the meeting at 2:57 PM.

• Motion By: Caitlyn McEllis
