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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Illinois State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board met Nov. 8

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Laura Gonzalez, Board Member | City of Aurora, IL, Government | Facebook

Laura Gonzalez, Board Member | City of Aurora, IL, Government | Facebook

Illinois State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board met Nov. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call: 

Emily Fox, secretary of the Illinois State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board (SEPLB), called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m.  A quorum was present. She called the roll. Nicole Gas arrived off the train by 11:06 a.m. Dr. Christy Hooser arrived virtually at 11:12  a.m. 

Members Present: 

Jacob Carlson            Dr. Tom Philion 

Nicole Gas                 Monica Rojas 

Rachel Juarez            Kristen Ryan 

Dr. Christy Hooser     Dr. Arturo B. Senteno  

Danny Kim                 Chris Tennyson 

Bridget Lahart            Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle 

Secretary of the Board: Emily Fox 

Chair designee representing State Superintendent of Education: Jason Helfer, Ph.D. 

Members Absent: 

Dr. Natasha Flowers 

Mari Garvonado 

Dr. Malik S. Henfield 

Jay Mehta 

Ex-officio member appointed by State Superintendent of Education: Nkechi Onwuameze, Ph.D., Illinois Board of Higher Education

Others Present:

Sabrina Ollie, ISBE

Ashley Mosely, ISBE

Delaney Workman, ISBE

Morgan Bahnsen, ISBE

Mary Karagiannis, ISBE

Barb Tackett, Greenville University

Sherry Lee, Greenville University

Dr. Allison Whittington, University of Chicago

Debbie Leslie University of Chicago

Dr. Michelle Stacy, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Dr. Alison Reeves, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Antoinette Jones, Northern Illinois University

Candice Steidinger, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Erin Kuntz, University of Illinois Springfield

Dr. Jill Donnel, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Katrina Daytner, Western Illinois University

Leslie Ellis, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Lisa Smith, Moody Bible Institute

Dr. Lynn Burdick, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Maureen Hunt, University of St. Francis

Mindy Fiala-Leaven, National Louis University

Omar Salem, Illinois Federation of Teachers

Robin Craig, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Suzanne Lee, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Review of Meeting Agenda

Emily Fox reviewed the meeting agenda. She noted that there are no proposed changes. She asked for objections to virtual attendance by member Dr. Christy Hooser with the following statement:

In accordance with the Open Meetings Act and the SEPLB Operating Procedures, I received notice from SEPLB member Dr. Christy Hooser of her inability to physically attend this November 8, 2024, SEPLB meeting for one of the reasons described in Section 7 of the Open Meetings Act and her request to attend this meeting by means other than physical presence. A copy of the notice and request is included in the SEPLB packet. Please take a moment to review, if necessary.

The member will be deemed authorized to attend the meeting electronically (via GoTo Meeting Link or phone in, if necessary) unless a motion objecting to the member’s electronic attendance is made, seconded, and a majority of the SEPLB does not approve the electronic attendance of this member.

If no motion is made and seconded, or if any motion fails to achieve the required votes, the request by the member to attend electronically shall be deemed approved. After a declaration approving the member’s electronic attendance is made, the question of the member’s electronic attendance during the November 8, 2024, SEPLB meeting may not be reconsidered. Upon such approval, the member shall have the right to vote provided that he/she fully participates in the discussion leading to the specific vote and casts his or her own vote.

Hearing no objections, Ms. Fox declared that Dr. Hooser’s virtual attendance for the November 8, 2024, SEPLB meeting is deemed approved.

Ms. Fox informed members that the meeting would move forward as planned.

Public Participation

Ms. Fox transitioned to public participation either in person or online. No public participation was requested.

Legal Cases

Ms. Fox noted that there were no legal cases on the agenda for review.

Program Review and Discussion

Ms. Fox transitioned to program review and discussion. She gave the opportunity for the members to ask questions about Greenville University programs as well as those of the University of Chicago and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Member asked the ISBE team if the issues flagged in their review for Greenville University had been resolved. Preparation Team members stated that they were confident the items were addressed.

Consent Agenda

Ms. Fox transitioned to items on the consent agenda. She stated that materials were available prior to the meeting and a motion could be made when the members were ready, pending any needed discussion. No discussion was held.

Approval of Informational Meeting Minutes — October 4, 2024

Approval of Updated Business Meeting Minutes – April 5, 2024

Approval of Business Meeting Minutes – August 2, 2024

Approval of Closed Meeting Minutes – August 2, 2024

Notice of Licensure Sanctions: Reinstatements, Suspensions, and Revocations

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has revoked the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B-80 of the School Code:

Joshua A. Salisbury, ELS (PARA) ID #2225818

Michael A. Jacksa, SUB ID #1767234

Benjamin Evans, SUB ID #1967726

Kevin Lee, PEL ID #2526379

Joshua Alexander, PARA ID #2300675

Rudy Ferrara, SUB ID #2126077

Jason Endress, PEL ID #1327017

Jonathan C. Vilmer, PEL ID #2429341

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has suspended the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B 80(b-5) of the School Code:

Ron Giglio, PEL ID #2101099

Christopher D. Davis, PEL ID #2037423

Jason Engler, PEL ID #2442849

Duncan Groebe, PEL ID #2291219

Brett M. Sorensen, PEL ID #2099052 and Agriculture Approval

Collin T. Zier, PEL ID #2392596, SUB ID #2277823, ELS (PARA) ID #2213830

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has reinstated the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B 80(b-5) of the School Code:

Adam Faulkner, PEL ID # 2475149 & SUB ID #1976860

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has revoked the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B-45 of the School Code:

Benjamin Scholz, PEL ID #2437492

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has revoked the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B-75 of the School Code:

Brian Easton, SUB ID # 2512163

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has suspended the following license(s) pursuant to Section 21B-75 of the School Code:

Michelle L. Prince-Taylor, PEL ID # 2000549

Kurt Kerrigan, PEL ID # 2090562

Rodney Simms, ELS (PARA) ID # 2415123, SUB ID #2406786

Please be advised that the State Superintendent of Education has suspended the following license(s) pursuant to Section 24-14 of the School Code:

Aiyanna Webb, PEL ID # 2499832, SUB ID # 2454869

Jacob Carlson moved that the Board approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda. Kristen Ryan seconded.

Jacob Carlson - yes

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas- yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - yes

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Closed Session

Ms. Fox stated that there was no need for a closed session for today’s meeting.

Items for Immediate Action

Ms. Fox transitioned to items for immediate action starting with new program proposal recommendations.

New Program Proposal Recommendation(s)

Ms. Fox asked for a representative for Greenville University, Early Childhood Education (B-2), Graduate, Online, Traditional Program to introduce and present the program.

Barb Tackett of Greenville provided an overview of the program and changes made due to recommendations from the board.

Nicole Gas asked about strategies for teaching English as a second language students and if they are covered in more than just the EDU 515 course. Ms. Tackett confirmed that content is elsewhere as well and referenced two other courses in the program.

Dr. Senteno asked for the program to clarify if there was still in-person student teaching experience. Sherry Lee of Greenville confirmed. She included that this is made known to candidates prior to entering the program. This program is modeled after an elementary education program that is operating and has proven to be a good model.

Monica Rojas suggested Greenville add the information provided during Ms. Gas’ question to the course descriptions.

Dr. Hooser expressed concern about the diversity of the learners the candidates experience in the field and how the narratives are written for the field experience. She suggested that if, in fact, the candidates truly have those experiences across the age range and across the differential, such as an early childhood special education experience, that there be more evidence potentially in the Greenville descriptions.

The representatives agreed and stated they would strengthen descriptions.

Ms. Fox asked for other questions or comments. No one requested to speak.

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle moved, pursuant to Title 23 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Section 25.120(b)(1), that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve the Greenville University, Early Childhood Education (B-2), Graduate, Online, Traditional Program. Mr. Carlson seconded.

Jacob Carlson - yes

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - absent

Kristen Ryan - yes

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for a representative from the University of Chicago, Elementary Math Specialist (1-6), Licensure Only, Online, Traditional Program to introduce and present the program.

Dr. Alison Whittington introduced herself and her colleague, Debbie Leslie. Dr. Whittington provided an overview of the program, including the development, program content, and modality. Ms. Leslie provided information on the capacity of the University of Chicago to operate the program.

Ms. Rojas expressed excitement about the program to develop departmentalized elementary math teachers and offered a suggestion to include course numbers in the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading (CRTL) Standards alignment for extra clarity.

Ms. Fox asked for other questions or comments. No one requested to speak.

Chris Tennyson moved, pursuant to Title 23 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Section 25.120(b)(1), that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve the University of Chicago, Elementary Math Specialist (1-6), Licensure Only, Online, Traditional Program. Dr. Senteno seconded.

Jacob Carlson - yes

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - yes

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart- yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for a representative from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Elementary Education (1-6), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program to introduce and present the program.

Dr. Michelle Stacy and Dr. Alison Reeves introduced themselves to the board. Dr. Stacy said the program is designed for career changers and those working in the school environment. She provided information on program design and coursework. The program is planning to partner with the Golden Apple Accelerators Program. Dr. Stacy also highlighted the need for the program.

Dr. Philion asked for more information on the course of study and the format of the program. There were readability issues with the new form and the type of PDF programs being used to view the proposal. Dr. Stacy provided more information on the courses and the content. Dr Philion also asked for more context and historical information on the design of the program. Dr. Reeves provided more information on the historical context at SIUE. Dr. Stacy also shared about the summer coursework.

Ms. Rojas asked about the CRTL Standards. They were missing from the folder. The ISBE team put missing documents in the folder. Ms. Rojas asked about how the standards are embedded in the coursework. Dr. Stacy gave some information to the board about the alignment.

Dr. Philion asked about the partnerships with school districts. Dr. Stacy provided information on current and future partners. Discussion continued with board members about the field placements.

Ms. Rojas would suggest more detailed descriptions of the field placement and CRTL alignment in the document. Dr. Philion agreed and wanted more details on the study course.

Ms. Rojas also suggested adding the courses where CRTL Standards would be covered as that would add clarity.

Dr. Senteno moved that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Elementary Education (1-6), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and said approval is conditioned upon the submission of the following information to the Secretary of the Licensure Board Emily Fox, a defined course of study with descriptors on the blocks.

Ms. Gas seconded.

Jacob Carlson - abstain

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - yes

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for the representatives from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Mathematics (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program to present the program.

Dr. Stacy presented on the program. It is aligned to the previous program with the hope of addressing a shortage area in the state. She described a pilot program and the plan to partner with the Golden Apple Accelerators Program. She provided information on the approach to the coursework and the partnerships within the university.

Dr. Philon had similar questions on the coursework. Dr. Stacy provided more information on the summer coursework and other course content. There also was discussion on the formatting of the coursework and the sections approach. It again was difficult for some members to evaluate the readability of the proposal.

The coursework discussion continued.

Due to concerns related to the limited visibility of the narrative on the program proposal and the version of software being used by some members. Discussion on this item was paused while team members worked on an equitable fix.

Broke for lunch at 12:30 p.m. Meeting resumed at 1 p.m.

Item(s) for Information

Ms. Fox transitioned to Item(s) for Information. Dr. Jason Helfer provided an update on the Teacher Performance Assessment Task Force, which began meeting at the end of January of this year.

Dr. Helfer said that the purpose of the task force was to consider a teacher performance assessment (TPA) as a required part of licensure for the purposes of a thoughtful and well-rounded licensure system in the state of Illinois.

Dr. Helfer provided context to the performance assessment. He said that many, if not all SEPLB members, are aware that due to the pandemic and other realities the edTPA was paused through Aug. 30, 2025.

Dr. Helfer said that it was a wonderful task force. Members were from institutions of higher education faculties, teachers, unions, advocates, legislators, executive directors from organizations that support districts. They met every two weeks to discuss not only the current state of TPAs nationally but also what options are available to Illinois. The recommendation was for a state-developed teacher performance assessment. The performance assessment would include sections on instructional planning, instructional delivery, assessment of student work, collaboration aligned with CRTL Standards, and Illinois professional educator standards and what is codified in 24A of the Administrative Code, which appertains to teacher evaluation. In the state-developed TPA, there also will be a section for the development of a professional learning plan. The professional learning plan is a kind of catalyst or transition between the work that occurs as a teacher candidate and those assets and interests and areas of growth.

Dr. Helfer emphasized that to produce a recommendation for a state-developed teacher performance assessment, the committee heard from many different panels and experts outlined in the report and looked at work from the field and other states. The recommendation also included some suggested next steps as well. However, these are recommendations, so there is nothing finalized yet. He shared that if recommendations moved forward, the next steps would include the development of a committee, statutorily identified committee with a draft name of the Teacher Performance Assessment Advisory Committee.

Dr. Helfer said that the vote was close -- 11 members for it, 10 members not for it. He encouraged the members to read the report and highlighted a major point of contention was tied to the notion of another evaluator or a third evaluator. He concluded that this is what is currently being done at ISBE and what those next steps could look like considering the 104th General Assembly, which will begin meeting soon.

Dr. Helfer also mentioned that there is a relationship that the task force felt important between whatever this advisory committee might be and this board in terms of using the data from the TPA to inform some of the decision-making.

Dr. Helfer allowed questions. There was a question about if the new language would outline a timeline. Dr. Helfer stated that if the recommendation moved forward, it would. No one requested to speak.

Items for Immediate Action

Ms. Fox transitioned back to items for immediate action.

Rules Related to Licensure

Ms. Fox provided an overview of how ISBE updates rules related to licensure and spoke about the Part 25 (Educator Licensure) updates that were included in the folder. Ms. Fox said that today the board is voting on whether to move the Rules forward. The next step is for them to go to the State Board later this month before being released for public comment. Ms. Fox asked for questions. No one requested to speak.

Danny Kim moved that the Licensure Board recommend to the State Superintendent that all the proposed amendments to Parts 25 (Educator Licensure), as presented, be allowed to proceed to the public comment phase. Dr. Philion seconded.

Jacob Carlson - yes

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - yes

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Item(s) for Discussion

Ms. Fox transitioned to Items for Discussion. She introduced Delaney Workman from the ISBE Educator Effectiveness Department to lead discussion on the Professional Educator Licensure Review Committee (PELRC) recommendations that were introduced at the last meeting. Ms. Workman introduced Dr. Jill Donnel from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who was joining virtually to help with discussion.

Dr. Donnel stated that University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign have developed some materials that might be helpful to the committee. A PowerPoint presentation was shared to give a brief overview and was provided to members in the shared folder. She said that she and Dr. Burdick have been implementing the trauma-informed education piece at UIUC. Dr. Burdick developed a particular framework that could be helpful, and Dr. Donnel created a crosswalk to what is currently implemented in Illinois. She hoped this would help the SEPLB in its work based on the PELRC recommendations.

Ms. Workman opened the floor after the presentation to discussion regarding the report, the guiding questions, the role of SEPLB in the report, and any of the shared resources. She reviewed the recommendation form the PELRC.

Dr. Senteno mentioned ISBE creating a matrix to show alignment to the framework in legislation. Dr. Donnel provided insight into their work aligned to the notion of a matrix. Dr. Kendrick-Weikle appreciated the approach being taken.

Dr. Philion also mentioned the connection to the performance assessment discussion and aligning to competencies being evaluated in student teaching. Dr. Donnel agreed.

Ms. Workman asked for final thoughts and emphasized that this would be part of the next meeting agenda as well.

Items for Immediate Action

Ms. Fox transitioned back to items for immediate action. Ms. Fox provided information about the documentation added as well as directed members to the electronic version being presented.

New Program Proposal Recommendation(s)

Ms. Fox asked for the representatives from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Mathematics (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program to step up again to continue discussion of the program.

Dr. Stacy answered more questions about the coursework, including the action research project class that is a master’s degree requirement and not a licensure requirement course. The course is not a licensure requirement, so discussion was held on whether it needs to be on the proposal.

Dr. Hooser asked about ensuring that potential educators of different content areas have experience with specialized populations. Due to the program plan and implementation, she was not sure if each content area would get information on the specialized populations that aligns with the needs of the potential educator. Dr. Stacy provided more information.

Ms. Fox asked for more questions and discussions. Members identified what additional documentation is needed from SIUE.

Dr. Philion moved that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Mathematics (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and said approval is conditioned upon the submission of the following information to the Secretary of the Licensure Board Emily Fox.

Detailed description of the block sequences.

Removal of course CEI 548, due to not a licensure requirement.

Ms. Rojas seconded.

Jacob Carlson - abstain

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas- yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - absent

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for the representatives from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, English Language Arts (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program to present.

Dr. Stacy provided information about the program model and coursework. This program is also being piloted with a district partner. She spoke on how English language standards are being focused on in the program.

Dr. Philion moved that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, English Language Arts (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and said approval is conditioned upon the submission of the following information to the Secretary of the Licensure Board Emily Fox.

Detailed description of the block sequences.

Removal of course CEI 548, due to not a licensure requirement.

Ms. Juarez seconded.

Jacob Carlson - abstain

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - absent

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for the representatives from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Science-Biology (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and Science-Chemistry (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency program to present. She stated that, since there are two science programs, they could be presented together.

Representatives presented on the Science-Biology (9-12) program as well as the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Science-Chemistry (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program. Dr. Stacy highlighted key points. The residency programs follow similar formats.

The board decided to vote on the programs together.

Bridget Lahart moved that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Science-Biology (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Science-Chemistry (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and said approval is conditioned upon the submission of the following information to the Secretary of the Licensure Board Emily Fox.

Detailed description of the block of instruction.

Removal of course CEI 548, due to not a licensure requirement.

Mr. Kim seconded.

Jacob Carlson - abstain

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas- yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - absent

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

Ms. Fox asked for the representatives from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science-History (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program, Social Science-Political Science (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program, and Social Science-Geography (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program to present. She stated that, since there are three social science programs, they could be presented together.

Representatives presented on the Social Science-History (9-12) program as well as:

• Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science-Political Science (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program.

• Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science-Geography (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program. Dr. Stacy highlighted key points. The residency programs follow similar formats.

The board decided to vote on the programs together.

Rachel Juarez moved that the Licensure Board recommend that the State Superintendent approve Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science-History, Graduate, Blended, Residency Program; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science Political Science (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program; and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Social Science Geography (9-12), Graduate, Blended, Residency Program and said approval is conditioned upon the submission of the following information to the Secretary of the Licensure Board Emily Fox.

Detailed description of the block of instruction.

Removal of course CEI 548, due to not a licensure requirement.

Mr. Kim seconded.

Jacob Carlson - abstain

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas- yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - absent

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.


Ms. Fox asked for announcements. No one requested to speak.


Dr. Kendrick-Weikle motioned for adjournment. Ms. Gas seconded.

Jacob Carlson - yes

Dr. Tom Philion - yes

Nicole Gas - yes

Monica Rojas - yes

Dr. Christy Hooser - yes

Kristen Ryan - absent

Rachel Juarez - yes

Dr. Arturo B. Senteno - yes

Danny Kim - yes

Chris Tennyson - yes

Bridget Lahart - yes

Dr. Kristen Kendrick-Weikle - yes

The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
