Marc D. Smith, Director | Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Marc D. Smith, Director | Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services African American Advisory Council met Dec. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Carmen Walker
Keith Smith
Patrushka Sampeur Thigpen
Kara Hamilton
Jere Murray
Lakayia White
James Bracey (Late)
Lynette Berry-Weston
Felicia Jackson
Candance Chavers
Samantha Sanders
Fayette Coleman-Gill
Veronica Mattison
Tracy Marshall
Robin Albritton
Shirley Davis-Barsh
*Attendance validated by chat sign-in and verbal roll call/confirmation from attendees.
There being a quorum present, the December 19, 2024 meeting of the African-American Advisory Council was officially called to order by Chairperson, Tracy Marshall at 10:07 A.M.
AGENDA: The agenda was provided and accepted without modifications.
The August 15, 2024 minutes were received and read with no corrections or modifications. Tracy asked for a motion to accept by those who attended the August 15, 2024 meeting only. Motion to accept the minutes by Jere Murray. Seconded by Patrushka. Motion carried one abstained – Fayette.
Chairperson Tracy thanked the council for their commitment. Tracy stated that member Keith Smith is retiring. The committee sadly acknowledge and commended Keith for his service and dedication to AAAC. Keith addressed the council stating that it has been a blessing to serve on one of the strongest council within DCFS. The December 19, 2024 meeting will be Keith’s last meeting.
Tracy made an executive decision to extend nominations. Tracy spoke on the need for a historian to go back and look at our accolades – to leave a legacy so that people know what AAAC stands for. Tracy requested if Keith could return in the historian role next year.
Tracy spoke on the importance of going back to meeting in-person and requested that in-person meetings resume. Tracy recommended meeting in the Harvey location for the January 2025 meeting and process meeting locations.
Tracy recommended seeking mentees and will talk to the council about selecting mentees for AAAC and those in positions will mentor oncoming members for that position.
Tracy spoke on committee reports. Tracy stated the need for committee chairs to submit reports to the council for review and updates. Tracy stated she would like the submission of committee reports to be consistent in 2025.
Tracy commented that Robin, Fayette, and herself need to meet. Per Tracy, future meetings will occur starting in January 2025 twice a month. Tracy stated that tentative times for a conference is either the first or second Thursday in June. The committee will process presenters.
African American Services
Tracy mentioned she received an email that new members have joined the committee. Tracy mentioned a conversation with James about how new worker training is conducted. James stated that he met some new workers but did not have the opportunity to present on the council.
Shirley commented that Nila is doing well in school and is on target for her graduation in May. She will graduate with a 4.0 and enter the master’s program in sports management. Nila travels with the basketball team during the holidays. Shirley reported that she will meet with Nila during the break – as she has not met with her – but hopeful Nila will make time to meet to have a face-to-face. Overall, she is doing well. It is the plan to provide Nila with her Christmas token in-person. Shirley will check on the donations received from the council. Shirley mentioned that she will pass the baton as the Host Family chair to Lakayia for 2025.
Tracy requested that Shirley take a picture and provide to the council. Per Tracy, names will be solicited for a new student to support.
Robin shared that there are four outstanding candidates that need to be interviewed and stated that attempts will be made to have the candidates interviewed prior to the end of December 2024. Per Robin, recruitment advances continue and currently there are 16 council members – was 17, now 16 with Keith’s retirement. Robin proposed to the council to actively recruit members. Per Robin, members are needed from each region. Tracy commented that a directory of council members as to the Region, sub-Region location, offices – and personal e-mails is needed. Jere composed a list prior and could have a format. Follow-up needed.
Tabled. Pat commented that the next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2025.
Felicia spoke that the newsletter committee met on December 12, 2024, and reviewed the recommended newsletter for corrections. The corrected newsletter will then be shared with the chair for review and approval. After the chair review and approval, the newsletter will be shared with Communications for editing and posting.
Tracy mentioned that she will check with Robin to make sure all names are spelled correct and forward back for submission. Pat mentioned that the newsletter will meet on January 2, 2025 to discuss Black History Month.
Black History Month – Pat commented that the newsletter committee will meet about offering a segment highlighting black history month but not a program. A committee updated is needed. Pat, Carmen, James, Candance, and LaKayia, agreed to meet on January 9, 2025 at 2:00 pm to process a program for Black History Month.
Kara Hamilton - Tracy will share an e-mail received from Kara that she will share with the council about OMA certificate information.
Birthdays/Acknowledgement – Shirley shared that she is a new grandmother.
Previous Minutes: The November 21, 2024 meeting minutes were read and motioned by James to accept the minutes as written with no corrections or modifications. The motion carried with Carmen, Robin, and Shirley abstaining due to not being present during the meeting.
Needed Follow-Up
⮚ Update on conference itinerary.
⮚ Tracy requested that Shirley share a picture of Nila.
⮚ Committee reports – were these provided?
⮚ Nominations and election updates needed.
⮚ Robin requested that council members assist with recruitment. Updates on council meeting recruitment attempts. Were there any?
⮚ Updates on council member directory. Was format obtained? Who will update directory?
⮚ Tracy will share OMA e-mail – was this done?
⮚ Legislative committee met on January 10, 2025 – updates needed.
⮚ Newsletter committee met on January 2, 2025 – updates needed – specifically on Black History Month.
⮚ Updates needed as to where is the last newsletter. Has it been submitted to communications?
⮚ Black History committee met on January 9, 2025 – updates needed.
⮚ In-person council meetings locations need to be processed and scheduled.
⮚ AAAC Mentee discussion – how will this process look? Need discussion and development.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am