Not only is Illinois' overall population in deep decline, the number of people in prime working age also is going down in the state, a Chicago-based Conservative think tank said in a recent report.
Three colleges in Chicago had the highest default rates among private colleges in Illinois for borrowers who started repaying student loans in 2014 and defaulted on those loans by the end of 2016, according to a Higher Education Tribune analysis.
If you want to understand Illinois’ corrupt budget making process, take the example of how the legislature just “cleaned up” some of its unaccounted-for budget deficits.
Among Illinois counties, Piatt, Moultrie and Monroe had the highest percentage of property owners with mortgages who have at least 50 percent equity in their homes, according to an analysis by ATTOM Data Solutions looking at home equity at the end of the first quarter.
Among Illinois counties, Boone, Montgomery and Bond had the highest percentage of property owners with mortgages who owe at least 25 percent more on their loans than their property is worth, according to an analysis by ATTOM Data Solutions looking at home equity at the end of the first quarter.
Rent control initiatives in Springfield were stranded when the 2018 regular legislative session ended on May 31, but landlords and property managers in Illinois anticipate a more aggressive push when the General Assembly convenes in January 2019.
A former economics professor who is an adviser to the Heartland Institute believes the best way to overcome Illinois’ unsustainable debt is to do what no state has done since the 1930s: declare bankruptcy.
More than six-tenths of 1 percent of the governor's 2019 capital budget request would fund Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs projects, according to a state analysis.
Gov. Bruce Rauner recently made a claim, among others questionable statements, that the Legionnaire's outbreak were due to massive.flood. BetterGov investigates the validity of that claim.