Illinois State Rifle Association
Recent News About Illinois State Rifle Association
Supreme Court upholds Biden-era rule on ghost guns amid dissension
The Supreme Court has upheld a regulation from the Biden administration concerning ghost guns.
Ninth Circuit judge creates dissent video opposing magazine ban
Judge Lawrence VanDyke of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has taken an unconventional approach in expressing his dissenting opinion on a recent court decision.
Illinois gun rights case advances in appellate court
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) has submitted a brief to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals concerning the consolidated cases of Schoenthal et al v. Raoul and Schoenthal et al v. Eileen O’Neil Burke.
ISRA opens board of directors application process for 2025
The International Security Research Association (ISRA) has announced that applications for its Board of Directors are now open.
Trump issues executive order to protect Second Amendment rights
President Donald J. Trump has issued an Executive Order aimed at protecting Americans' Second Amendment rights.
Illinois court rules FOID card requirement unconstitutional again
Today, the 2nd Judicial Circuit Court ruled against the requirement of possessing a FOID card at home, declaring it unconstitutional in the case of People of the State of Illinois vs. Vivian Claudine Brown.
Illinois State Rifle Association backs Todd Vandermyde for NRA Board
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) is endorsing Todd Vandermyde in his campaign for the NRA Board of Directors.
Illinois gun ban remains as court extends stay
Earlier today, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals extended the stay on Judge McGlynn’s decision that declared the Illinois Gun Ban unconstitutional.
Illinois gun ban faces opposition as plaintiffs file against state’s injunction request
The lawsuit Harrel v. Raoul has been consolidated with other legal actions challenging the Protecting Illinois Communities Act (PICA).
Court declares Protect Illinois Communities Act unconstitutional
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) and its partners celebrated a significant legal victory in the Harrel v. Raoul case on November 8th.
Judge rules Illinois firearm ban unconstitutional
Federal District Judge Stephen McGlynn has ruled that the Illinois ban on commonly owned firearms and accessories, known as "PICA," is unconstitutional.
Illinois State Rifle Association offers training after Missouri shooting incident
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) has offered free firearm safety and training lessons to U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce and former Congressman Adam Kinzinger. This offer follows an incident in Missouri where TV reporter Ryan Gamboa was accidentally shot during a campaign event. The ISRA attributes the incident to Kunce and Kinzinger's violation of firearm safety rules by firing at steel targets with an AR-15 at close range using inappropriate ammunition.
Illinois State Rifle Association Legal Assistance Committee: ‘This week we had not one but TWO favorable rulings on ISRA supported cases’
The Illinois State Rifle Association Legal Assistance Committee is celebrating two recent cases.
Pearson: ‘This law is clearly unconstitutional’
The Illinois State Rifle Association has submitted a response brief in the legal challenge against Illinois' "assault weapons" ban.
ISRA: ’In a few days our pro-gun attorneys will file our briefs’
The Illinois State Rifle Association is celebrating the return of lobbyist Chris Cox as the organization prepares to take its challenge to higher courts and possibly the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pearson on AR-15s: ‘They are the best firearm for self-defense. They are the best firearm for competitions’
In the ongoing Harrel/Barnett et al v Raoul et al lawsuits are being heard by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
ISRA: ‘We have said from day one that this law is unconstitutional and infringes on the rights of legal firearm owners in our state’
The Illinois State Rifle Association expects, despite a judge’s ruling overturning the state’s sweeping gun ban, the case will end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.
ISRA: 'Biden and his cronies will stop at nothing to destroy the Second Amendment'
The Illinois State Rifle Association is calling on the state’s gun owners to get active in presidential politics in the wake of President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will seek a second term.
ISRA: March 29 is ‘Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day’
The Illinois State Rifle Association is holding its annual Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD) on Wednesday, March 29.
Pearson: ‘The real problem is that there are existing gun laws that do not work because they are not enforced’
Litigation has been filed in federal court to overturn Illinois House Bill 5471, also known as the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which bans over 170 commonly owned firearms.